Рис: Карта подземных баз и туннелей США (западная часть).
Глава VIII. История размещения и современная дислокация баз цивилизации Дзета Сети на Земле.
Поскольку "было согласовано, что будут построены подземные базы для их использования расой пришельцев" (Купер), зеты развернули не менее масштабное подземное и подводное строительство своих баз на Земле. Благодаря информации, полученной посредством ясновидения (remote viewing) и выложенной на (несуществующем уже) сайте www.carinya.com, мы знаем, что сегодня на Земле насчитывается не менее 158 баз разумной расы цивилизации Дзета Сети (зетов, Серых). Эти базы располагаются в труднодоступных, малонаселенных, ненаселенных или совсем недоступных для человека местах - в горах, пустынях, джунглях, тундре, Арктике и Антарктике, на дне озер, морей и океанов, а также под землей. Помимо Земли, зеты имеют базы на Луне и на Марсе:
Moon and Mars Mars: Three (3) Alien Bases, Moon: Five (5) Alien Bases: Location: Just around left side of Moon as seen from Earth where there is some light.
Soviet Union:
Ten (10) Bases 1) Cape Farvel, 2) Tundra - Peninsula of Kola, 3) Island of Novoja Zemla, 4) Sibera - Chatanga where the rivers of Kotuja and Cheta meet, 5) Russia - just under the Artic Circle town of Egveknot.
Two (2) Bases 1) Brooks Range, Central part, Latitude approx.148 degrees area Philip Smith Mtns.
2) Schwatka Mtns., town of Ambler.
Three (3) Bases Mount Greenough, Richardson Mtns., Mount Hare.
Three (3) Bases Jokulsaarglifur National Park, Center of the island.
Four (4) bases Finmark area Rastegai'sa, Troms north of Ovre Dividal Nasjonal Park between the rivers Lainbalven and Korkamaalven, Nordland area Ballangen amp; Storsteinsfjellet.
Three (3) Bases Norbottens Lan area Kebnekaise and Resjon, Norbottens Lan Abisko National Park, Norbottens Lan area Kvilskjokk about 100 Km from the Norway border.
Finland Utsjoki Finmark practically on the border to Norway.
Six (6) Bases Mt. Allott near Lake Gillen Gibson Desert, Great Artesian Basin Hoods Range, near Murra-Mura, Near Collerina NSW, Strzecki Desert, Cordillo Downs area. An underground base at Alice Springs is also considered - this is a US base.
45 Bases Sierra Madre Oriental - area of Neueva Rosita, Charcos de Risa, Sierra de la Fragua,Casas Grandes, Ojo del Carrizo, San Jose de la Popa, Palo Blanco, Cerro Carrizal, Baja California - San Felipe, Durango - San Bernado, El Salto, El Troncon, Zacatecas - Antontonilco, Apizollaya, San Luis Potosi - Sierra de Catorce, between Ciudad Valles and Rayon, Guanajuato - Mtns. of Dolores Hidalgo, Ciudad Dr.H. Alvarez, Santa Cruz de Juventino Rosas and Irapuato, Queretaro area Jalpan, Michoacan West of Penjamo, Queretaro - Amealco, between Jalpan and Tamazunchale, southern part of Sierra Gorda, Hidalgo - Coacuilco, Progresso, Metztitlan District, Michoacan - Maravatio de Ocampo, Coalcoman de Matamoros, Estado de Mexico 0 Atlacomulco, Tejupilco de Hidalgo, Sierra Madre del Sur - Sierra Campo Morado - Chilpancingo and Filo del Caballo, El Limon, Tlappa de Comonfort, Puebla - Izucar de Matamoros, San Juan Izcaquixtla, Xicotepec de Juarez and Filomeno, Tlaxcala - Zitaltepec, Oaxaca - San Augustin Loxicha, Tlahuitoltepec, Sierra Juarez Chiquihuitlan, Sierra de Miahuatlan, Chiapas - Cerro los Bolones, and Canyon del Sumidero.
Bermuda Triangle:
12 Bases Antiqua, Barbuda, Santa Lucia, Bahamas Eluthera, Acklins, and Little Inagua.
35 Bases Nevada - Division Peak Black Rock Desert, Ruby Mtns. between Sherman Mt. and Jiggs, Florida - underwater base between Jackonville and Palatka, Colorado - Gore Range near lake, Warden Valley, Oklahoma - Lake Cherokees, between Danway and Delaware, Oregon - The Dalles Mt. Hood, Washington - Barron, Colville Calispel Peak, Indiana - Fort Wayne Churubusco, Terre Haute, Rockville - Greencastle, New Mexico - Las Vegas area Baldy Peak, Gallinas Mt., Grants area - Paguate, Mt. Taylor, Tajique - Laguna del Perro area, Dulce, Alabama - New Marrket, L M Smith Reservoir, Falkville, Iowa - Mt. Pleasant Wapello, Massachusetts - Mt. Everet, Maine - Eagle Lake, North Dakota - Bismark, Aberdeen, Napoleon, Michigan - underwater base near Big Sable Pt., Montana Livingstone area, Piney Buttes, Utah - near Noamy Pk, Logan city, Arizona - Baldy Pk., Kenndrick Pk, Flagstaff, Red Lake, Wisconsin - fond du Lac, Elkhorn - William Bay, Center City Turtle Lake, Nebraska - North Platte Seneca and Ringgold, Kentucky amp; Virginia - Evarts Harlan (underground city), New York - North of the state, Montana - Southwest from Big Timber (underground base headquarters for the planet.)
2 Bases Admirality Mtns. Mt. Levick on top of the ice, Sor Rondame mountains
Uruguay Minas de Corrales border with Brazil
31 Bases Cordoba - Villa de Maria, San Juan - Cerro las Tortolas (2 bases), north of Maipo volcano, Aero Cerro Aconcaqua, Cruz Del Eje - Cruz del Eje, Rio Negro near Piedra de Aguila, Twin Bases - area around El Bolson and Norquinco, Neuquen - Loncopue', Junin' de los Andes, Chubut - near Corcovado, area Lago futalauquen, Rio Pico, Rio Mayo, Santa Cruz - Cerro O'Higgins, between Tres Lagos and Monte Fitzroy, Cerro Mesa, between Lago Moreno and Lago Nansen, La Rioja - Cerro Bonete Chico, Sierra de Famatina, eastern part of Sierra de la Punilla, Mendoza - Cerro Aconcagua, Cerro Sosneado, Catamarca between Fambala and Santa rosa, north west of Hualfin, Santa Maria, area Sierra de Catamarca (a very important base), Salta - Cafayate, near lake Laguna de Gayatayoc