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Oldenburg, S. S., The Last Tsar: Nicholas II, His Reign and His Russia.4 vols. Hattiesburg, Miss., Academic International Press, 1975.

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Troyat, Henry, Devided Souclass="underline" The Life of Gogol. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1973.

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Воспоминания современников

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Baedeker, Karl, Russia: A Handbook for Travellers. Leipzig, 1914. Facsimile ed., Random House, 1971.

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Haxthausen, Baron Augustus von, The Russian Empire and Its People, Institutions and Resources.3 vols. Hanover, 1847–1852.

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Hodgetts, E. A. Brayley, The Court of Russia in the 19th Century, vols. 1, 2. London, Methuen & Co., 1908.

Kohl, J. G., Esq., Russia and the Russians in 1842. Vol. 2: London, Henry Colburn, 1843. Vol. 1: Petersburg, 1842.

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