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‘While hoping you don’t obliterate the very skills that make these networks more useful than the dumb translator software that gets created the same way?’

Nasim replied, ‘Well, yes. We can only try it and see how it pans out. What else should we do?’

Caplan said, ‘Have you ever heard of side-loading?’

‘No,’ Nasim confessed.

Caplan smiled slightly. ‘You didn’t research me very thoroughly, did you? Just checked that I still had a pulse and a bank balance.’

Nasim felt herself flush slightly, but took some comfort in the fact that her icon wouldn’t betray her response. She said, ‘I’m sorry if I didn’t dig deeply enough. I think I got distracted when I discovered that you owned an island in Cyber-Jahan.’

‘Doesn’t everyone? They’re so cheap.’ Caplan dismissed the matter with a wave of his hand. ‘Anyway… ten years ago I acquired a Swiss company called Eikonometrics.’ He slid a document across the table. Nasim glanced down; it was a report on the company’s research over the last fiscal year. A soft blue glow at the edges flagged it as a file Caplan had put into their shared dataspace, rather than a physical stack of paper.

‘They started out in subliminal image classification,’ Caplan explained. ‘They had a plan to harvest the brain-power of internet users by flashing up flowers and puppy dogs and road crash scenes just long enough to get a distinctive EEG signature. It was a very silly idea; some aspects of artificial vision might still be inferior to the equivalent human skills, but software caught up with the kind of results you could get on the cheap like that a long time ago.’

‘So why did you buy them?’

‘Their business plan sucked,’ Caplan said, ‘but they’d gained some genuine insight into neural information processing, and they’d started branching out into EBLD – Evidence-Based Lie Detection. Polygraphs are about as reliable as witch-dunking, so it’s not a huge boast to say that twenty-first century brain-scanning techniques have the potential to out-perform them. You stick a witness in a PET scanner or MRI machine and see what parts of their brain light up when they discuss their testimony or view certain images. There was a fad for that in the teens, and Eikonometrics got some grants and did some interesting research. But then it became clear that in any practical context there were too many problems interpreting the responses – and most jurisdictions started ruling it out on privacy as well as technical grounds. That’s when Eikonometrics shares hit rock-bottom, and I would have been crazy not to snap them up.’

‘Okay.’ Nasim was starting to get an inkling of where this was heading. ‘And side-loading…?’

‘Side-loading,’ Caplan replied, ‘is the process of training a neural network to mimic a particular organic brain, based on a rich set of non-intrusive scans of the brain in action. It’s midway between the extremes: in classic uploading, you look at the brain’s anatomy in microscopic detail and try to reproduce everything from that, whereas in classic neural-network training, what’s available to you is just stimulus and response: sensory input and visible behaviour, with the brain as a black box.

‘In side-loading, you get to peer inside the box, even if you don’t get to take it apart. You don’t have the resolution you’d get by peeling the brain with an ATLUM, but you have the advantage that you can expose the living brain to all kinds of stimuli – words, images, sounds, tastes, smells – and see how they bounce around inside the skull. And it doesn’t really matter how little external behaviour is evoked if you can watch the pattern of internal changes rippling out from every stone you toss in.’

Nasim said, ‘That all sounds fine in principle. But how far has it actually taken you?’

Caplan gestured at the Eikonometrics report. ‘Six months ago, we took a rat that had been trained to solve a particular maze. By observing its brain’s responses to a barrage of random sensory cues, we managed to modify an initially unrelated virtual rat to run the same maze.’

‘Observing its brain how? Do you mean micro-electrodes snuggling up to ten thousand neurons?’

Caplan shook his head. ‘Not at all. Purely non-invasive methods: multi-mode MRI and surface electrodes.’

Nasim was impressed now; this was more than she’d expected. ‘And with humans?’

‘With humans,’ Caplan said, ‘the problem is that we don’t really have a good generic virtual brain to use as a starting point. When the HCP published their results we started trying to construct one, but it looks as if you’re doing a much better job at that than we are so far.’

Nasim mulled over this frank assessment, sting included. The algorithm she’d used on the finch brains was public knowledge, but it wasn’t so cut and dried that someone coming in cold could apply it to the HCP scans and expect to crank out a good result. So she had a head-start on the path towards something Caplan wanted, badly – but it would be a mistake to overplay her hand and imagine that this made her indispensable.

‘So you think Eikonometrics can find a way to side-load languages into my Proxy modules?’ she asked.

‘I think it’s worth trying,’ Caplan said. ‘I think it’s your best chance. And there might be some other useful skills you could endow them with, the same way.’ He smiled. ‘Since I got your email, I’ve been giving that some thought. Suppose you could side-load motor skills from a few celebrity athletes: sign up the right soccer players and the Middle East is yours again. Add the right cricket players and Cyber-Jahan is history.’

Nasim was speechless. Motor skills were probably the simplest case imaginable – certainly less challenging than side-loading a second language. And Caplan was right: millions of people would vote with their credit cards to ‘play beside’ their sporting heroes, captured with an authenticity that no celebrity-endorsed console game could ever come close to achieving.

The most she’d been expecting from Caplan was a modest cash injection, giving her a chance to pursue her research far enough to see if it could be commercialised. Instead, he’d just offered Zendegi a plausible route to market domination.

Nasim forced herself to reply coolly, ‘It seems we both have something the other could use.’

Caplan inclined his head in agreement.

She said, ‘I’m going to have to discuss this with my superiors.’ If the Eikonometrics research was as promising as Caplan made it sound, Nasim was sure she could hook them on the sporting angle alone. ‘And there’ll be a complex joint venture agreement to be thrashed out-’

Caplan said, ‘I understand. Bring on the lawyers! But don’t run away and hide this time. Don’t forget, you’re at the heart of the deal.’

Nasim laughed, but she regarded his bland, youthful icon with unease. Caplan would emerge with a substantial stake in the company, but this wasn’t just about the cash flow that a synergistic marriage of their technologies could yield.

By setting up this meeting, she’d probably saved her job, her employer, her career… but no amount of commercial success with the Proxies would be enough for Caplan. She knew what the only worthwhile endpoint was for him – and she’d just agreed to harness herself to his cause.


Martin ran two kilometres on the treadmill. It took him fifteen minutes, and by the time he’d finished he was drenched in sweat – but then, that was the whole point of the exercise.

He grabbed a mat from a pile in the corner of the gym, put his towel over it and knelt down. He wiped the sweat from his eyes, then slipped on the goggles that were linked to the Physiotherapy Department’s computers. When he looked down, his clothes had vanished from sight, along with much of his body: skin, fat, blood vessels, genitals, viscera. All that remained of him was muscle, bones and tendons. The towel beneath him was gone as well; he appeared to be kneeling on a transparent cushion that was supporting him over a mirrored surface that had replaced part of the gym’s carpeted floor.