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“If I can gain access to the control room computer, I can do two things. First, I can reverse the exothermic mode to become endothermic in nature. That means reversing the EM potential without interrupting the timed pulses. In effect, this would create an ambient vacuum potential in the magma chamber and cause a massive cooling effect. The superheated energy would be extracted from the chamber and dispersed in the drain fields at Bishamon. It could be enough to stop the heat expansion and limit the eruption on La Palma, which will most likely happen now, no matter what we do. It could possibly keep the mega-slide from occurring by reducing or eliminating the source of the massive heat. That’s if we are able to get there in time.”

“And the second thing you can do?” Turner asked, still trying to comprehend the scope of what was being unleashed on the world by these lunatics.

“Well, after a brief cooling period in endothermic mode, I can start backing off the standing waves and hope that I do it at a rate that the fields can withstand. If I back it down too quickly….”

“Yeah,” Samuel said. “We all go for one big ride.”

“I believe it can be done, but we must get there as soon as possible. The longer we wait, the less chance of success,” Yashiro said.

“Our odds of gaining access to the facility are a little better now that we have Pencor as our trump card,” Turner said. “Better, but it’s still going to be tough. We’ll have to coordinate our assaults with you, Captain, starting with your landing at the helipad below. Once the fun begins, it should draw most of the opposition away from the main gate. Then we’ll make our move with Pencor seated next to me and Samuel covering him from the back. Once inside using Pencor’s swipe card, we’ll head for the control room where Yashiro can do his neat tricks. Let’s just hope we’re not too late already.”

“I know,” Captain Saune said. “We heard on the police band that the volcano on Cumbre Vieja is beginning to erupt.”

“That’s to be expected,” Yashiro said. “It must go through its natural pre-eruption phase even with the aid of the Scalar weapon. We're seeing the precursor to the final EM burst programmed at the Bishamon facility.”

The Global Star phone in Turner’s cargo pants pocket began to ring, startling everyone present. He quickly pulled the phone out and answered it.

“Turner,” he said

“Mr. Turner,” said a voice on the other end, “we’ve been trying to get through to you for quite a while. This is Jim Robertson from the U.S. State Department. I’m here with President Clark and the directors of FEMA and Homeland Security.”

“Well, Mr. Robertson, we’ve been a little preoccupied here with people trying to kill us all day,” he said sarcastically, rubbing his aching jaw. “I am glad to hear from you at last. So, have you looked into the situation my father explained to you earlier today?”

“Indeed we have, Mr. Turner. I need to tell you that a few of us were a bit skeptical about the scenario laid out by your father, but recent events on La Palma and verification by the U.S. Geological Survey have precluded any doubt as to the threat posed to our country. Let me put you on speaker so we all can hear,” he said as Turner heard the faint click and subsequent feedback of the speaker phone.

“Mr. Turner, this is Alan Clark. I was hoping that you could shed a little more light for us on the situation there.”

“Well, Mr. President,” Turner said, holding back a laugh as Samuel gave him a Queen Anne salute. “As far as we can tell, we’ve only a few hours at best to prevent this slide from happening.” We have been pursued by the island authorities on false charges by this Osama character, which may have bought him the precious time needed to complete his dirty work on La Palma. Fortunately, we’ve avoided capture thus far and—”

“Mr. Turner, this is Stephen Boyle of FEMA,” his voice interrupted. “Who is this Osama?”

“All you need to know is that he one of the leaders of the Japanese Mafia; the Yakuza to be exact. He and his goons have infiltrated the entire island’s government in this plot, so we can trust no one at this point. That is why we must act on our own,” Turner replied. “We did manage to capture the other conspirator; a guy named Robert Pencor.”

“Pencor!” Boyle said incredulously. “How in God’s name is he involved in this affair?”

“Listen, Mr. Boyle, it’s all about power, money, and, most importantly for him, vengeance against the U.S. for ‘causing the collapse of his industrial empire, as he so eloquently put it. He wants to cripple the economy of the United States with this massive tsunami, and then he plans to flood the world’s markets with his new free energy device called a Zero Point Generator. It will make him the savior of mankind in the eyes of many poorer nations,” Turner said, pausing for a second. “He will reap the praise, profits, and power, controlling most of the world’s energy supply by rendering oil refinery and production obsolete. Those who resist, in the wealthy oil-driven countries, will find it more and more difficult to procure oil as more and more nations go online with his ZPGs. Eventually, they will have to succumb to his demands as oil suppliers dry up. It will wreak havoc on the world’s economy for years.”

“I still can’t believe that he would threaten the lives of millions with so much profit at stake,” Boyle said. “Why wouldn’t he just go about it in a legitimate fashion? I’m sure he could be reasoned with and—”

“You’re not listening to what I’m saying, Mr. Boyle,” Turner interrupted angrily, his patience running thin. “Pencor and his Yakuza associates are mad, cold-blooded killers, hell-bent on power and destruction. His goal is vengeance, pure and simple, and you are not going to be able to reason with him. Any sense of morality within his twisted mind is long gone. So, unless you plan on providing us with some help now, we have got to act before all hell breaks loose on La Palma,” Turner said, his head starting to ache from pain and a mounting fatigue.

“But, Turner,” the FEMA man persisted, “Pencor has to know that the world opinion will turn against him when it is discovered that he is responsible.”

“Look, Boyle,” a frustrated Turner finally exploded on the phone, “you bureaucrats absolutely astound me with your arrogance. Do you actually believe that most of the world’s countries would give a damn about the United States if a catastrophe were to occur on its soil? Don’t delude yourself, mister. Whether it be from hatred, envy, or just plain economic posturing, the majority of the world’s leaders would wag their fingers at Pencor saying, ‘gee, that wasn’t a very nice thing to do.’ Meanwhile, behind closed doors they fall over themselves as they rejoice in our downfall and welcome Pencor as their energy savior. A person like Pencor doesn’t give a damn about world opinion. So, if you are planning to help us stop these lunatics, you need to let us know now because you’re wasting valuable time,” he concluded, clenching his left hand in a fist as anger welled within him.

“Mr. Turner. Believe me, I want as much as you to put an end to their plans,” President Clark interjected in a calm demeanor. “As we speak, a United States Naval vessel is en route to assist in your attempt to thwart Pencor’s plans. I will be in contact with its commanding officer within the hour, and will make it absolutely clear to him that all of his resources are completely at your disposal. Mr. Turner, we appreciate the sacrifices you and your friends are making in an effort to defend our country, and we will do everything in our efforts to help you. Once I’ve spoken to the ship’s commander, I’ll have him contact you on your satellite phone. Please be sure to keep it with you.”

“Thank you, Mr. President. I don’t need to tell you that we are all pretty tired here, but we will do the best we can. We have a small combat unit from the Tenerife National Guard who are willing to risk their lives in an effort to help, and we’re preparing to move out as soon as we finish speaking with you.”