ZetaTalk: Aftertime Living
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The Zetas talk about how there will be Government Collapse due to the Devastation and plans for a Carry-On
Government or Martial Law or a Bunker Government will be thwarted; what the future form of Government will be; why in the US a New MJ12 emerged and an Aftertime MJ12 will exist; that Live ZetaTalk will likely continue and even the Internet will be functional; and why ZetaTalk on Coast to Coast radio will be explosive. The Zetas talk about how worldwide there will be Devastated Cities with even the Machine Age halted; that stocks and paper money will be
Worthless Money, and how what are considered Precious Possessions will by necessity change and the Barter system
will rule. The Zetas talk about how offers of Safe Havens and Individual Preparations and Personal Decisions and
Rescue Expectations prevail going into the shift; how there will be Survivors despite the Death Rate; whether
Magnetic Pulse during the shift will affect humans; how to deal with Preexisting Health problems and Unhealthy
Environs; the composition of Survival Groups and if Group Policy can force cooperation, and why Small Groups are
best. The Zetas talk about how some humans are operating in Service to Others already, Guided in this, a Mainstay for
Others; how mankind will change for the better After the Cataclysms and there will be Great Opportunities; how the orientations differ in dealing with the pending Pole Shift and the Aftertime; whether an Orientation Test can be given and how Actions are a guide; when Sharing Supplies is advised; how Anxieties will be reflected in Aftertime Religions
and if and how the game Survivor and being Self Sufficient are related. The Zetas talk about who will end up in High
Tech communities, their determining Characteristics, and the Sorting Out process; how Spontaneous Groups will form and Survivor Allegiance tested, and where the Elite Enclaves will be found; why many will be Led by Children after
the shift and find What the Heart Seeks and why contactee Coordination increasingly occurs; how communities will have help in Aftertime Raids from Prison Gangs; how many will even share Hybrid Homes and the Cataclysm Link to the hybrid program, and what the Time Frame is; why isolated Hybrid Colonies will develop and how Intermarriage
with humans the hybrids consider their Team Mates will eventually occur; and how aliens will Walk Openly among us in the Aftertime.
The Zetas talk about how Quake Swarms and Pre-Shift Quakes and Meteor Showers and Imploding Cities and
Exploding Factories will occur during the Months Before the shift and especially during the week Rotation Stops; how
Dark Side Clues that the shift is eminent and the Scripted Drama about to begin; the Hour After the shift and how
Rotation Returns within a day; how there will be a New Geography and a Sharper Axis and Climate Changes resulting
in a New Climate and fewer Deserts and how Some Countries will fare; how the Prevailing Winds will re-establish themselves and being Downwind from ash avoided; how a Return to Normalcy may take several decades and why
Exploding Toads relates; how there will be inundations due to Melting Ice Caps with Rising Seas; how long the rise in
Sea Level and Atmosphere Loss will last; how a Nuclear Winter will not occur but volcanic Gloom and Drizzle will
descent; how there will be renewal of Natural Resources and a Rebirth as the Seeds of Rebirth are in the wilderness refuges. The Zetas talk how Human Health will be impacted and many will be in Shock and there will be Rotting
Bodies and Starvation; how to address Social Services and deal with those who Beg to Die; how Starvation will be rampant and how to achieve the Best Nutrition; how the Seasons Shift and how to Forcast Seasons for your locale; when to Restart Gardens and that Crop Adjustments will be necessary; how Flocks and Herds will fare during the shift; how life will be on the rebound with oxygen from the Ocean Life and Inland Lakes will often prosper. The Zeta talk about why Generating Electricity or Storing Fuel will be difficult and hopes for New Sources futile, but for some a
Perpetual Power Pack will appear; how hopes for a return of Civilization will be different this time, but Short Wave
communication will prevail and Magnetic Pulse damage minimal. The Zetas talk about how not all water will be Safe
Water but Pollutants outside of Industrial Areas will have dissipated; that Ruined Worlds can undergo a Cleanup; how the eventual Earth Switch to 4th Density will occur and what will be Left Behind.
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ZetaTalk: Government Collapse
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ZetaTalk: Government Collapse
Note: written prior to July 15, 1995
Consider what constitutes the government of the United States, which we will use as an example, as it is indeed the
strongest government, and the first and foremost democracy. This government, by and for the people, is founded by
elections. Elections even in the best of times are difficult to pull off. Turnout is frequently low. Counts must be
checked and rechecked for accuracy, and computers and the ready hands of volunteers assist in this process. And then
there is the pre-election publication of candidates and their views, debates and other such enlightening affairs.
How would all this take place in a world having undergone a cataclysm such as we describe? The existence of
electricity will be spotty. Communications will in the main return to what it was in the previous century, by letter or carrier. The concept of legislature even at the county level would be difficult to maintain, much less at the state or
federal level. Add into this the fact that the geography will change. Some lands will disappear, others rise from the
seas. The poles will align in different parts of the world. What is north? What is south? Maps previously drawn up will be useless. How can the polls be sure who is to vote when the survivors will wander, in search more of others living
than anything else.
We are not describing a world where the established government is likely to continue as it was. We are describing a
world where new forms of governing will emerge. The type will depend on the nature of the group of people. As we
have detailed, there will be an increasing separation of Service-to-Other from Service-to-Self. Those groups oriented
to Service-to-Other will not require the same controls that are required today. Rather than the problem of citizens
stealing from each other, held in check only by the enforcement of law, these new communities will share.
Consideration will be the rule, rather than the rule of law. For those groups oriented increasingly to Service-to-Self, no laws or corps of police would hold the self-serving actions in check. There, the rule of law is supplanted by the rule of the strong.
How will the governments take being so supplanted? Will they attempt to collect taxes, order cooperation, or demand
allegiance? Some lone individuals will attempt to do so, perhaps in small bands, but where there is no food, and the
citizenry is essentially homeless, these attempts will turn about on the so-called representatives of the people. Where is the government assistance? What does the government anticipate doing for its citizenry? Why, when the government
was assuring the populace that they should not be alarmed by the approaching comet, should the populace now give