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any heed to the so called government? Any attempt to continue federal or state level government will in all likelihood

be short lived. On the local level, there may be some continuance, according to the competence of the local

government. Leadership will have to be earned.

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ZetaTalk: Devastation

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ZetaTalk: Devastaton

Note: added during the Dec 14, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Those fearing a takeover by the elite, military units used to commandeer control, need not fear. Bridges and rail lines will be broken, so trains or cars will not be moving about. Planes need runways to lift off, and runways to land, and if one is in place, the other will not be. Communications will be utterly disrupted, no satellites working, phone lines broken, and none but local communications possible. Fuel supplies will explode and burn, equipment break and be

unfixable, and personnel distracted or insane of absent. It is simply not going to be a mechanism that the elite can use, outside of their immediate area!

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ZetaTalk: Carry-On Goverment

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ZetaTalk: Carry-On Goverment

Note: written on Dec 15, 1997

Increasingly as the year 2003 approaches [Note: see 2003 Date explanation], there will be sculpting of reserves in the US for not only the military but also what is termed a carry-on government. Those whose lives have been in government

service cannot imagine life otherwise. As the population would be likely to swarm onto military bases, demanding to

be fed, those bases that will be set aside for a government recoup will be made undesirable to the public - the storage of biological warfare components, nuclear war-heads, or armaments likely to explode during massive earthquakes.

There is no way for the public to determine which report of storage of undesirables is true or untrue, and we are not

advising that this be done. In truth, all such locales, whether the story was true or not, will be undesirable.

Any survivors close to such a military depot or processing center for biological weapons disposal or nuclear weapons

reserves will find themselves equally distressed. If the stories are true, then they are living if living at all steeped in poison during the Aftertime. If the stories are not true, then they are living close to former government workers and

military who want to re-establish a government. The rationale is that the populace will be better off with this

governance, so they are doing a service. In truth, there is nothing such a tattered remnant of a federal government could do for the populace that they could not do better for themselves. Naturally, the first thing these former

government workers will be looking to do is impose taxes, and without a money base, this will be in the form of food

and supplies.

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ZetaTalk: Martial Law

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ZetaTalk: Martial Law

Note: written on Dec 15, 2001

Martial Law is a device that cuts both ways, so will not be used lightly by those in power, and only if they feel they

have no other recourse. The threat of Martial Law is tossed about a great deal, as it seems an obvious trend given the

nervousness of governments and the power they hold in wielding their military. But this conclusion assumes the status

quo to be continuing. In other words, adequate food for the troops, and stability elsewhere. Martial Law can be quickly wielded to quell a riot, or quarantine disease, and is accepted by the populace. In these cases, the troops consider that their own families are being protected by these acts, and go along with the orders. The riot is being prevented from spreading to family and friends, or at least the soldier comforts himself that should such a riot spring up in his

neighborhood, the same means of quelling it would be used.

What would the attitude of the soldier be, if starvation were rampant, news of this coming from home, and the soldier

asked to protect the rich and powerful from demands from the starving? The willingness of the soldier to go along with

this erodes, rapidly. Especially if it is apparent that the government, the elite, have not been open and honest about what is besetting mankind. Desertions would occur, erosion of the troops such that the generals soon find they have

left their posts, leaving the defenses vulnerable. The military knows this, discusses this, endlessly. They have great

history to examine. The common phrase that an army marches on its stomach is a clue. This is known. One cannot

fight an effective battle unless the troops are heartened, and feel that there is a general advantage to continuing. Only groups of thugs operate solely for themselves, and these are not what the military accepts in its ranks.

Martial Law will be utilized only as a last resort, often dropped as soon as possible thereafter, and we anticipate only in those countries where the rich strong-arm the poor today. In those countries, this will be no change from their status quo, in essence no Martial Law being enforced. Martial Law is in effect today in some countries, for instance China

and Indonesia, though they would not call it such. Human rights are nonexistent, and the government uses the military

to support itself. To the extent that governments use these techniques today, they will continue up into the time of the shift. To the extent that these techniques would be a new imposition, they will not, we predict, be deployed. This is, of course, in the hands of man, something we do not control, and therefore could change. Britain and Canada likewise are

exploring their limits. These also are countries with a strong history of human rights and law. Like the US, we expect

they will conclude that such measures are counter-productive. The repressive will get more so, the democratic or socialistic remain so, with the coming changes not addressed in the media.

Countries are striving, at this time, to do the least that will disturb their populace, already uneasy due to weather and crop changes and a world-wide depression not yet called that openly. Thus, they will not rock the boat, but will to the extent they can impose Martial Law techniques without fuss from the populace, do so. Thus, the US has the Bin Laden

crowd not on US soil, and are not calling them prisoner's of war, so they can torture them freely without challenge.

Even this has not passed without challenge, and they have taken note of this. Thus, Martial Law in the US is not

expected. We anticipate, rather than a Martial Law setup, that troops will be sent home just ahead of the shift, to be

with their families. In this way, they will be disbanded, less of a threat, and more likely to assist their families than run as gangs. We anticipate that the rich and powerful will go into enclaves, with immense stores of goods, with armed