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guards often gathered from the military. These will not prove to be a good setting, however, and will become the worst

hell for those expecting to be protected and live well behind locked doors. Thus, Martial Law will become a reality

only for those rich enclaves, where the strongest and most ruthless will rule.

Note: below written during the Mar 29, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

There has been speculation that the Iraq war was begun to remove US troops from their homeland, to lessen the

likelihood of a coup during the coming times. There is truth to this, but to only a small degree. Securing the oil

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ZetaTalk: Martial Law

interested is prime, and the expectation that the troops would simply move to take over the Saudi fields after wining in Iraq. The troops are deemed an enforcement mechanism, thereafter, an occupation, despite empty words that they

would be resident only until democracy could be installed. These empty words are coming from an administration that

is busy removing liberty from its own people, as fast as the people will allow. There are many agendas among the elite, and where a plan can mesh several agendas, it gets faster approval. Thus, the invasion of Iraq, allowing reserves less aggressive to be the defenders of the homeland, suited more of the power mongering elite than not.

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ZetaTalk: Bunker Goverment

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ZetaTalk: Bunker Government

Note: written during the Feb 23, 2002 IRC Session, and added to during the Jul 13, 2002 IRC Session.

Underground bunkers where the US government expect to proceed as a carry-on government have long been in the

news. Mt. Weather was a shock and an expose when first discovered, as it was so well outfitted and financed that the

issues was more how such a facility could escape notice, not only physically but financially within the budget, rather than any other implication. Since its discovery, and exposure, Mt. Weather has not been the location of choice. This is, obviously, because it is well known, and in times of trouble the public would crowd the entry and lay there, dying and

stinking, complicating life at this facility. Instead, other facilities not exposed, and supposedly secret, have been

promoted. This includes, as is well know by their neighbors, a spot in Indiana, the prime location now. Near Kokomo,

Indiana, in the hills surrounding this small town, burrowing goes on as the shift approaches. Other facilities are know in the mountains of New Mexico, adjoining to facilities above ground in Utah and Colorado. Less well known are

facilities in Houston, which will be much under water but were placed there to satisfy the Bush family, who were not

into listening to our warnings about Earth changes and flooding. These in fact received the greater amount of funding,

and are stymied now as to what to do - move or stay and risk drowning? Facilities to house the elite are also fairly

well know, in North Carolina and Wyoming, prize locations of the ultra right.

In other countries, such as the Urals in Russia, there are known locations. Britain is planning to leave their island and head elsewhere, most likely Australia. This is little publicized, but the rules about immigration in Australia reflect this mindset. Canada has become a mass of public opinion the Brits do not welcome, and Australia has pockets of the ultra-right well in hand for many decades, which the Brits feel they can count upon. The Australian elite are planning,

surprisingly, on being inland, the very places where flooding will occur. They reason that they will be safest where least expected to be found, in deserts where little life except the peaceful aborigines exist. Thus, they are setting up, like the NASA elite in Houston, in the worst place, flooded for sure. However, we expect them to change these plans at the last minute, and thus they will be obvious as to where they are headed. Just follow the truck loads of supplies!

Africa, where expected to be above the waves, is considered a cesspool of infection, Ebola not the only issue of

concern. Muslim countries are expected to remain, the ruling class sitting tight, as they have no confidence in their

ability to move and still be on top of the pile.

Note: below written during the Sep 7, 2002 IRC Session.

In the past, the elite in the US planned to go underground in facilities such as Mt Weather. Mt. Weather, like

Greenbriar, got revealed and of course this ruined their ability to house the elite out of the reach of the maddening

mob. Many, many other facilties were constructed, as rumored, with the idea that the pole shift would ruin the

atmosphere but not cause extensive quakes and shifting of the crust. In those days, the CIA, who was dominant in MJ12 in the early years, listened to the Service-to-Self aliens who impressed them with technology, and talked their

language, frankly, one Service-to-Self group to another. The Service-to-Self aliens spoke of saving the few, the elite, and leaving the masses to their lot. This resonated with the CIA, who were composed at the start with recruits from the Nazi SS.

What the CIA did not understand was that these Service-to-Self aliens were not into truth telling, and cared not for the CIA one wit. The goal is to harvest Service-to-Self souls, and the more hardened the better, so despair and a sense of

being abandoned and abused were the emotions and setting they hoped to achieve. Thus, they lulled the CIA into

believing they would survive, even encouraging the Sr. Bush to institute underground facilities in Houston, which will

be under water well before the shift. During the past few years, while the truth of these Service-to-Self aliens vs the truth of ZetaTalk have emerged, some hysteria has emerged among the elite. The orginal underground facilities, which

were in areas subject to flooding or mountain building, were abandoned in the plans, and new facilities such as

Kokomo begun. The problem with these new facilities is that the construction has revealed them, and thus they too are http://www.zetatalk2.com/govmt/g140.htm[2/5/2012 11:18:37 AM]

ZetaTalk: Bunker Goverment

no longer suitable. Thus, at this time, all plans are up in the air, though any and all facilities may in fact be used by the desperate. They will be entombed, or drowned, or attacked by angry mobs gaining entry, and thus in the true light of

Karma get what they deserve.

Note: below added during the Dec 21, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

The US with their Mt Weather is not alone in their expectation that underground facilities would be the best bet in the event of a possible pole shift. Human scientists present, in their limited view, the nuclear winter scenario, where all life above ground would die. Humans tend to put a few facts into the mix, ignoring a massive amount of other facts,

and thus come up with wrong conclusions. This is done for several reasons,