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ponder what will happen as humanity considers the nearing comet. Should one continue to save, regularly, for a rainy

day? For retirement? Or should one cash in one's savings and enjoy it while one may? Many people need little excuse

to have a party as it is. This philosophy can be applied to the resources of the Earth, its rain forests and wet lands, where the seeds of rebirth lie. These lands belong to someone. They are, so to speak, cash in the bank. Beyond the

desire to party, there is the desire to meet everyday needs. The earth will experience weather disruption, where

torrential rainstorms and drought will increase. Crop failure will be rampant, especially coming into the year of the

comet. What government, seeing the starving populace, would not be tempted to throw all ecological concerns to the


What would be the repercussions of this? One has but to look at history, the lost Mastodon, for instance. This great

and healthy animal roved many continents, in great numbers, but was wiped out during a single cataclysm. It takes but

a single mating pair to renew the herd, yet they are lost. During every cataclysm numerous species are lost, forever. It is not a matter of sacrificing ecology for humanity, as they are not in a contest. They in fact are brethren in the desire to survive. Mankind cannot live without a healthy Earth. It is the bed which mankind lies in. There is no benefit to

destroying the rain forests to

feed humanity. Cropland freed from rain forests will not produce during the months and years preceding the cataclysm.

Neither will filled wetlands. And what possible benefit can come from pouring poisons into the rivers and over the

land, in the form of pollution?

Those saved by ignoring ecological concerns are not the humanity in need. Those saved by ignoring ecological

concerns are the powerful and comfortable, who will be the last to starve when food is short. Efforts at pollution

control, the Green movement, is at present a holding action. The Earth will renew itself from the enclaves of life

protected at this time. These are seed stores, not only of plant seeds but the seed of various animals - fish and bird and reptile and mammal. Between now and the time of the cataclysm, the Earth's stores of the seeds of its life will be

threatened, and it is this that efforts at pollution control are protecting.

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ZetaTalk: Human Health

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ZetaTalk: Human Health

Note: written Dec, 2002

The effects of the shift on human illness will not be outside of what is experienced today, while traveling to foreign

lands or moving to a different climate. The admonition not to drink the local water, or to eat the local fruit without

washing it well, is an example. The human immune system adjusts, developing antibodies against new germs, so

illness is a temporary, if unpleasant, situation. The shift will find germs, as well as animals and humans and plants,

migrating after the shift, and this situation has started in the years leading up to the shift. Thus, even if one remains in the home land, new germs will arrive, uninvited. The roiling core, which is increasing in activity in the years leading up to the shift, has little effect on animal and human life, despite the increase in albinism like the White Buffalo. The core, after all, roils all the time, under normal circumstances, so is nothing new. Those surviving the shift will find themselves experiencing more illness due to:

1. new germs being brought into the area

2. reduced immune systems due to depression

3. poor nutrition

In any case, the answer is to have a positive outlook, as this raises the immune system; eat a diet balanced in vitamins and minerals even if a high calorie diet is not possible; exercise by taking action to improve the life of all in the

community as taking action against problems and doing for others raising the morale, overall; and allowing the body to

adjust to new germs by developing antibodies, a process that often requires the body to be sick for a period of time, but he fever and weakness are a normal part of the process. In time, this passes, so should be looked up on as temporary.

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ZetaTalk: Shock

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ZetaTalk: Shock

Note: written Dec, 2002

Shock, from a situation unexpected, exists in human society today. An individual in a car wreck, walking away from

the car where other family members lie bloodied and dead, has suddenly been thrown into an unexpected horror. A

town, where a tornado has descended with little warning, tossing not only neighbors and family about like litter but

destroying a way of life, memories, and the continuation of a livelihood. A visit to the doctor results in the grim-faced announcement that a terminal illness has been discovered, perhaps more tests or a treatment can alter the prognosis,

but one should prepare themselves and family for a possible untimely end. A spouse announces an intention to divorce,

an employer the decision to close the business and relocate elsewhere - all can descent upon one without notice and are a shock from the unexpected and devastating. Nothing new, in human society.

The pole shift will bring about such shock, in great numbers, but with a difference. none will be spared, and all will be facing the same situation. Money will not put one into security, nor will hoarding goods change the odds, as the

Aftertime will be a great leveler and goods will be shared by force, if not by free will. The recovery from shock takes two routes, depending upon the nature and resolve of the person affected, and this cannot be changed by others as it is a personal decision.

If the individual, after surveying the situation, determines that life should go on and the devastation not

overwhelming, they seem to shake of their disbelieve and start talking about changes. This may be gone but that

remains. They had been hoping to simplify their life, and now circumstances have arranged this. At least now

they will be getting their exercise regularly, and that diet will not be resisted but assisted by circumstances. A

sense of humor about the situation emerges, and they start sorting through rubble and organizing activities.

If the individual, mentally computing the pros and cons of the situation while sitting in shock, determines that

life after the shift will be too awful to contemplate, they will continue in shock. This is a clue to others about them that they have made a decision. Their creature comforts are gone, and not likely to be seen again. Their

high social status is gone, others with greater talents and energy now commanding attention, and life as an

underling simply not conceivable. For whatever reason, the person continuing in shock, has decided not to make an adjustment, and attempting to force this will not bring satisfaction.

Those who have dependents, children or the injured or oldsters, but remain in shock and refuse to adjust or take