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1. the limited human IQ,

2. the desire to arrive at a conclusion and thus limiting the options,

3. limited human knowledge in the first place.

Thus, given the projection that a nuclear winter, caused by volcanic eruption, could and perhaps has in the past as in the case of the presumed dinosaur extinction, the elite planned to go underground and live several decades thus.

In fact, as we have stated and any thorough analysis of the facts will present, dinosaur extinction was not caused by a nuclear winter, as not all forms were so affected, thus it was species selective, not global. It was a virus, not a nuclear winter. But given that military personnel are not know for their deep thinking, are brusque and bossy, they grabbed at

the projections and plotted their course. Given the size of the quakes, Richter 9 force worldwide, with mountain

building and renting of continental rifts, these underground facilities will hardly be a safe place. It takes little to trap an outlet, torque an elevator such that it cannot rise or fall, and create panic in the tomb. Air circulation will not work, slowly smothering those trapped inside. Water will find its way into underground pockets, drowning those trapped.

Electrical equipment will falter, plunging those into darkness. A fitting end of the elite who have, in their greed for power and wealth, sent the poor into mines and such circumstances.

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ZetaTalk: Government

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ZetaTalk: Government

Note: written during the October 19, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

The Aftertime will find most of mankind in a dearth of government directives. Even small towns, governed by mayors

well known on the city streets to all, and traveling bands governed by chieftains, will feel the lack. Insanity, depression, loss of life and confusion will remove the firm hand so familiar from governing. Families will look to their elders, the family man, the religious leader, and find them all staring, shaking their heads, and unable to speak. In these situations, leadership arises from the needy, natural leaders emerging. Often they are children, to whom most of life is startling and strange, the unfamiliar presented almost daily. To the child, this is more an adventure, an opportunity to act

without constant parental admonitions. They will make suggestions, and be allowed to proceed, and often lead their

dazed and depressed parents and elders about like rag dolls.

Beyond the children, who will be inventive and energetic in the main, women will assume command by doing daily

chores. It is often said that men, who have single tasks in society, suffer when retiring, but women, who had the many

tasks keeping the household going, are without retirement. Thus, women see what to do with their time, and proceed, and being useful live longer and in greater health. In like manner, after the shift, women will wash and clean, gather

and cook a meal, and thus be looked upon as someone who can direct activities. When the depression clears, and

survivors begin looking about them, determining if they should seek out a government rep or make a report, perhaps

seek help from their government, a different conclusion will arise. Each initiating, others observing and offering to

help, and sharing, has taken place. This is the Service-to-Other society of your future, and once established by

survivor groups, should not be supplanted by ego driven directive by the power hungry. Tell them to sit back down and fall silent, as you did so much better before they found their tongue.

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ZetaTalk: New MJ12

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ZetaTalk: New MJ12

Note: written on Jan 15, 2001

The members of MJ12 who formed the new group have in almost all cases physically disappeared so that you could

not find them in the phone book or locate them. The government cannot hack at them. They don’t have relatives or

children so they cannot be harmed in that way. They are free agents. The new MJ12 group has determined an agenda

and course of action.

To prevent disinformation and misinformation from ruling.

Not that it cannot be spread, but it cannot prevail as the only message the people receive. They want

the public to receive the truth. They will arrange to have cover-ups exploded and leaks to occur and

countering information to come up from unusual sources.

To maintain the democratic ideal.

They do not want to see democracy completely bite the dust and martial law imposed so that people

become literally serfs of the wealthy or powerful at gunpoint of the military. This new group is not

restricted in the same way the old group of MJ12 was, in that the old MJ12 had rules. There was a

need-to-know basis between the various intel organizations and arms they utilized, the CIA and

FBI. In many cases these agencies had no idea they were doing an MJ12 service. So MJ12 had full

access to the government bureaucracy and agents, but they had many rules, such as not assassinating

somebody who was in the public eye. Therefore, someone in the public eye could get away with

maneuvers and thumb their nose, so to speak, at MJ12, knowing they were a public figure and

therefore could not be taken out. This group does not have such restrictions.

To retaliate against the initiator, not the agents.

They are carrying forward an earlier MJ12 routine, which was to attack the instigator of an action,

rather than any agent. In other words, if a high level executive of a corporation desired to have

something blown up or someone killed, when this was against MJ12’s rules, they would punish the

person setting off the bomb or person carrying the gun. These people would be stopped, but the

person to be retaliated against would be the person setting this in motion, in this case the executive,

who would be tortured in front of his compatriots or killed. This stopped a lot of nonsense in that

those who would create chaos tend to live in fear of having this come right back at them in their

front door, like a type of karma. So this new group is continuing this and going right to the top to

the person who has perpetrated the crime, rather than to punish the agents and it is remarkable how

effective this is.

This new group is very effective and has been functioning for some weeks at the time of this writing. The group has no

name. You can call it the new MJ12 if you wish, and if and when they decide on a name they will announce

themselves through ZetaTalk. In such a group as ours, a close-knit group, working effectively together, where there

are human telepaths who communicate with us as Nancy does, pretty effectively, names are not necessary.

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