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After the cataclysms new rules will spring up, depending on the desperation of the community and whether a Service-

to-Self or Service-to-Other orientation prevails. In Service-to-Self groups the strong will prey upon or ignore the weak until a homeostasis is established. What this means is that injured or frail humans will be ignored, not fed or assisted, and they will die. If they refuse to go quietly they will be killed, and if food is short they will be killed and eaten in any case. Eventually the group reaches a point where there are no young, old, or injured and the pecking order among

the remainder is well established. In Service-to-Other groups, those hopelessly maimed or chronically in pain will be

allowed to choose suicide, and birth control will be used to limit the demands on scarce resources, if need be. All who wish to live will be fed and cared for, sharing equally among all. In crisis mode, when overwhelmed by large numbers

of injured members in great pain, Service-to-Other groups usually end up prioritizing care in the following manner:

Where the injury is clearly life threatening and the outcome inevitable, making the injured comfortable is the

only treatment given. This should be explained firmly and kindly to the injured, as a choice between treating

those who could benefit or wasting effort on one who could not benefit. If the injured is in pain, this means pain

medication to the point of stupor or, if no medication exists and the pain is extreme, assisted suicide. Contrary to

what humans may have been led to believe, individuals in severe, chronic, and hopelessly painful situations

invariably request to be allowed to die. They beg for this, in fact.

Where the injured still outnumber the capacity of the caregivers, quality of life next enters the equation. Will a

life be saved only to live in pain or in a diminished capacity, or will a life be saved and restored to full

faculties? In this determination full faculties does not mean the blind or amputee should be neglected. Full

faculties means reasonable mental faculties, the ability to eat and eliminate without humiliation, the ability to

live without being perpetually hooked up to machines, in short, a life one could tolerate rather than a life one

would dread. Here again the decision should be explained to the injured, who may exhort the caregivers to

reconsider if they don't agree with the decision. Be firm, as vacillation only tortures the injured who should be

allowed to come to terms with the situation. Remind the injured of the others who also cry for help.

If the injured still overwhelm the caregiver's capacities, choices fall along lines familiar to humans. Treatment

quickly given, such as a tourniquet to prevent the injured from bleeding to death, is chosen over treatments that

would take more time, such as surgery to stop internal bleeding. Lavage of poisons eating at skin takes

precedence over removing a splinter piercing an eye or a limb. Preventing shock takes precedence over setting a

broken bone. The caregivers should be firm and committed during such a process, and not expend precious time

arguing with those in pain and frantic with anxiety over their injuries.

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ZetaTalk: Beg to Die

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ZetaTalk: Beg to Die

Note: written Dec, 2002

Contrary to what the religious elite conveys, death is not resisted by those in great and intractable pain, who know they will not recover. In fact, at this point, humans invariably beg to be allowed to die. They sense their family and the

medical profession, hovering about the bed, are wanting them to stay on, to be with them, not to leave, perhaps

reluctant to allow the passage as they will miss the one begging for death, cannot imagine life without that beloved

person, hope for a miracle recovery, or simply cannot admit defeat. But in these matters, the decision to end ones life or the timing of this should be in the hands of the individual, not family or medical profession and certainly not in the hands of the religious elite who assume they can control sex, birth and death, and independent thinking as part and

parcel of their power trip. Whose life is it, anyway? We, the Service-to-Other Zetas, do not believe in being dictatorial to one another, but rather in empowering each other with knowledge. Regardless of the obvious outcome, we struggle

endlessly to assist the individual who wants to live to survive. Likewise, if an individual has determined to end their existence, we do not thwart their efforts.

In times past, or in primitive countries where the miracle of modern medicine whereby a body can be sustained in

horrific pain long past the point where nature intended, death is not a mystery. Severe pain does not exist except after an injury, and where too great causes a mental blackout. Women suffer the pain of childbirth, which is as great a pain

as can be sustained without passing out, and this is not considered a dire problem by the establishment. Severe pain

from injury results in the body passing out, going into shock, and dying if not treated. This is nature's answer to the situation. An injury that is minor results in pain when the affected part is moved, nature's way of forcing the injured to rest until healed. Internal injuries or those resulting in infection likewise proceed, in nature, to loss of consciousness from internal bleeding or going septic, both resulting in death. Depression, in those who must live with being maimed

or who cannot accept their situation, naturally results in death as the depressed person simply stops eating and

drinking, a painless and quiet end of allowed to proceed.

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ZetaTalk: Starvation

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ZetaTalk: Starvation

Note: written Dec, 2002

In many parts of the world, diet is restricted to what the community can grow for themselves, or catch, or kill in the

forests or grasslands. There may be berries in the summer, but not in winter, fresh vegetables in the summer, in season, but only dried roots in the winter, essentially dehydrated for preservation. Meat may arrive only occasionally, after a successful hunt, and be cause for celebration. Where the community is close to fishing, rivers or lakes or perhaps the

seashore, a steady diet of fish can be expected in some manner. Modern man has grown accustomed to the super

market, where fresh produce from around the world is in abundance, available. If not fresh, he has come to expect

frozen foods of great variety, or dried, so that his diet is without seasons and can span the world. Bored with simply

doing away with the seasons, modern man experiments with recipes from different cultures - Mexican, Chinese,

Italian, Indian. What will this modern man find he has to EAT, after the shift, when the super markets are looted and

no new distributions on the way? We will address this by population type, as the results vary:

Those in the cities, who have lost of never had experience with gardening and herdskeeping, or fishing in the

wild which requires skill, will have the rudest shock. First, they will be isolated in their cities by the destruction