using all sunlight, where land based vegetation finds itself decimated periodically, having to start over, etc. Thus, ocean fishing will be best, due to the broad space it covers and the shared nutrient and fishlife resulting, but land lakes will likewise likely do better than the shores!
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ZetaTalk: Inland Lakes
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ZetaTalk: Inland Lakes
Note: written on Jan 15, 2002.
The oceans have resources not available to inland lands, in that the oceans flow around the world. This not only shares nutrients, but dilutes pollution. The oceans are thus able to gain from being positioned under the equator, where kelp
can gain maximum sunlight. To the degree that an inland lake is free from volcanic ash, is not dumped excessively so
that the water becomes poisoned, and to the degree that the land is under intense sunlight, equatorial preferably, it will flourish. Water has advantages that land does not, after a pole shift. Ash settles to the bottom, where on land remains on the surface. Water also traps heat, creating a middle ground where temperatures rise and fall slowly. Thus, life in
the water can survive a winter, where on land would freeze and starve. Water pools often have nutrients that have
drained from the land, during runoff. Where sewage is considered a nuisance by man, it is the basis for much future
growth. From death comes life, in nature. Thus, water pools flourish and is only considered a foreign environment by
man because he is a land animal.
Water based farming should be considered by survival groups at least to the extent that land based gardening is. Fish often cast off heavy metal pollutants such as lead, and can live without light. Thus, this is a fruitful avenue for survival groups to consider. Inland lakes should be examined based on the following:
1. Are they downwind from volcanoes, and if so, can they drain or have enough flow such that the pollutants likely
to accumulate can dilute and flush out.
2. Do they have positive run-off, rich in humus or animal droppings, so that plant life in the lake has something as
a nutrient.
3. Are they deep enough to encourage circulation necessary for complex life forms, not just slime algae in shallow
pools, but crustaceans, etc.
4. What flows in, and through, these lakes, such that the lake can be trusted to remain fertile, and will not be
poisoned by those upstream.
All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:19:34 AM]
ZetaTalk: Gererating Electricity
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ZetaTalk: Generating Electricity
Note: written Dec, 2002
Modern man is much dependent upon electricity, though only having arrived there within the last hundred years or so.
In primitive countries, communities work hard during the day, sleep at dusk, rise at dawn, and have little need of lights except for the occasional lamp or campfire. In pre-industrial days, this was likewise the mode, even the interiors of
castles and palaces lit only by lamps, and then dimly. Modern man expects labor saving devices, entertainment,
communication with the world, all at the press of a button. Modern man will have to do a mega-mindshift after the
shift if he thinks this will continue, as his life will be less than communities a century ago, for the following reasons: 1. Where in the past, sunlight even on gloomy days could be anticipated, after the shift for most parts of the world
the light available will seem like going from dawn to dusk, skipping the mid-daylight entirely.
2. Oils and materials to burn, for light, will be scarce or water soaked, what with continuous drizzle in much of the
world, so fires will be a treasured occurrence from carefully dried materials.
3. Batteries and generators will wear out within months, after continuous use by the desperate, with the shock of
what has descended only coming late to these, not avoided.
4. Petro fuels, or fuels from vegetation such as corn or wood gas, will run out without the means to pump, refine,
or grow in the gloom.
5. The lack of parts for mechanical repair, lack of skills in those isolated, and lack of success with crops, will doom all plans for fuels to be burned in the Aftertime.
6. Skills to build generators collecting power from wind and water will be spotty, and the missing link theory
applied endlessly such that a single link, like battery storage, dooms the plans.
7. Hopes at being rescued, that benign space brothers will arrive, or high tech communities of hybrids, is held close
by those not fully Service-to-Other such that they would not qualify, as the truly Service-to-Other are not
thinking of rescue, but of those needing to be rescued.
In light of all this, what can mankind expect? Nancy has been practicing, walking about her hour for months now, in
the dark such that she must grope to steady herself, and use touch, not sight, as a guide. Lights are used only when absolutely necessary. Practice this, and see how little you need light to walk through your day! Story telling, group singing, eating and washing, enjoying the sounds and smells of the evening, none of this requires more than light enough to make out dim shapes. Those who are used to electric lights, and in groups where the lack of this has
plunged the group into depression, have avenues to generate this. Exercise is one of the great depression lifters, and
racks of old bicycles, with the complainers pumping away, is not only a means of generating lights during the session,
it is a group activity! Group therapy, thus, becomes an exercise session where the 12V batteries are replenished. And
perhaps the children would like to put on a play, practiced in the dark when they are put to bed and should be sleeping, whispered plans to surprise the adults. The bike gen's can provide a flood light for their stage! Thus, it is not so much a loss, as a challenge, an opportunity to be resourceful, as all of life is.
All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:19:35 AM]
ZetaTalk: Storing Fuel
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ZetaTalk: Storing Fuel
Note: added during the Nov 30, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
We have stated that fossil fuels will soon run out, so should not be relied upon by survivors for the long term. We
have also stated that refineries and storage tanks of oil and natural gas and gasoline will be broken and set afire during the shift, creating a holocaust for all nearby. Likewise gasoline stations, fuel pumps, and even tightly sealed tanks may rupture and leak, also a continuing danger for any nearby. Natural gaslines in streets will run fire along the street, setting houses ablaze where they would otherwise not be in such danger. Natural gas in lines under cities will cause