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ZetaTalk: Aftertime MJ12

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ZetaTalk: Aftertime MJ12

Note: Written during Dec 8, 2001 Live ZetaTalk IRC session.

The new MJ12 will be the least devastated during the coming shift, in terms of communications capabilities and travel

and a safe and secure place to live. These individuals who formed the new MJ12 are with us, being to a one highly

Service-to-Other. They are living on the surface of Earth, in 3rd Density, with a group of Zetas who do likewise in

order to live with those humans who have teamed with us as a result of prior association with MJ12 and the necessity

of our being present, so to speak, at all times. Just where these living quarters are is not something we care to

announce. They are, to facilitate travel and pickup, of course wearing implants. None of these folks, nor we, have any

time to lose. Their travel is via the means offered to the old MJ12, with our space ships and the cloaking they can

effect, so they are invisible. Their agenda has changed little since we announced the formation of this group.

Their communications are highly telepathic, as there are a number of telepaths employed formerly by the old MJ12

among them. We boost this capability so this communication means by these humans is enhanced. The old MJ12 had

40 members on 2 boards, but no females. Due to the nature of the old MJ12, there are few females in the new MJ12.

But there are a few. This group is likely to grow, over time, after the shift, as conscious awareness of the alien

presence is all that qualifies for initiation. That, and a strongly Service-to-Other orientation, of course. The count today of the new MJ12 member is 57, but this in no way compares to the old MJ12 which had approximately 2,000 member,

of which President George W. Bush was one, and Cheney.

How will matters change for this group, who have left human society in the main, after the shift? They will find

humans more open to their message, having suffered the shift as ZetaTalk has predicted. They will be busy helping

Service-to-Other communities become aware of the wider world and universe, no small deed in that introduction to

alien lifeforms may indeed be made with the new MJ12 being ambassadors. They will be busy continuing their agenda, which is to block and frustrate Service-to-Self human groups from having their way on the new Earth. Thus, they will

be busier than ever, as will Nancy and some of her human acquaintances.

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ZetaTalk: Live ZetaTalk

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ZetaTalk: Live ZetaTalk

Note: written Feb 15, 2002

With all of ZetaTalk we jointly decide matters. Nancy suffers from various health problems, is not a young person,

works extraordinarily hard, and is carrying a huge workload. Thus, we must consider her needs [re the Live ZetaTalk

IRC Sessions]. As a team, we were also looking for a time when the world as a whole could participate. Nancy posted

suggestions, and this time was not objected to much, so is currently the time [for the sessions]. It is possible to have more, other times, but for now this seems to be sufficing. We are not allowed to warn of Earth changes other than the

broad message of the coming shift, for instance, in response to the Call. To alert that there is a likely quake due in this or that part of the world is considered interference, parenting, and not allowed. To step in and attempt a warning would send us packing! So, we hold our breath and say nothing.

As with all of ZetaTalk, teams are assembled based on the expected questions. We indeed know who will be attending,

who plans to ask what, and sense new questions arising before they are voiced. In that we are highly telepathic and can assemble a team in an instant, this is not problem to change the participant mixture. We have a broader range of

specialties than humans imagine, as we come from many different worlds, and have lived more lifetimes, in a more

technological society. We are multi-faceted, but as most humans have discovered, they can contribute more with some specializing. Are we physically present? No, we stay at our tasks, perhaps taking a break in part to participate.

Telepathic brain waves go long distances, are highly tuned as to frequency, and we are all participating as though

picking up a phone! Thus, we are ahead of you, at all times.

Will Live ZetaTalk continue after the shift? Where will Nancy be? Will she be connected via the Internet? Short wave,

as we have mentioned, is the best means of humans to contact one another. For those Service-to-Other communities that will setup with this means, inability to link due to a hilltop missing an antenna will not be a problem. They will find this network intact! Angels at work. We mentioned during a prior chat that Nancy has been invited to live with us, in hybrid communities. Those humans invited into these communities know who they are, and have either declined or

quietly accepted. This is not necessarily an easy life, as we bustle. There is not an idle moment, in spite of fatigue, and no quarter given to weakness such as the need for a good cry or a distraction. Thus, as hard as Nancy works, she can

expect to work harder, experience more grief, in her old age. The means of communication is being deliberately

withheld at this moment, for obvious reasons. The self centered, the power hungry, the elite desperate to continue their grip, are trying to position for the future. More as the hour of the shift approaches.

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ZetaTalk: Internet

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ZetaTalk: Internet

Note: written prior to July 15, 1995

The months before the cataclysms, satellite failure will be sporadic, but enough to impact technology as it support

lifestyles today. Land lines will be reliable, but cell phones will not. This will be most disconcerting to the power

brokers among the elite, who will find business floundering, stocks which have fallen almost to the ground unable to

be salvaged, and the reliance of the military on communications creating choas among those expected to protect the

elite. These groups will be screeching at each other, making shrill demands where no fix can be made. The little man,

the common man, will fare better, especially if they are using short wave technology. They will rely on this

increasingly, and it will be old hand and familiar by the time it is needed solely, for communication at a distance from the site.

Computer networks will remain in place following the cataclysms in accordance with their structure. Any electrical

appliance protected from damage will operate after the cataclysms as before, provided a source of electricity is

available. Networks are another matter, as there are many parts to the whole, and in the main any breakage will disable the whole - the weak link theory in action. Networks relying on wires run over the Earth cannot be expected to be

operational. Likewise, networks operating by satellite bounce will find themselves with a problem when the satellites