on another section of the video, the pilots said they grew nervous when the objects, still invisible,
turned back during a chase and surrounded the plane.’
[Note: see also Sign #813, the Iran UFO blitz on Apr 28, apparently a worldwide blitz occuring at
this time!]
Signs of the Times #829
UFO in Scotland [May 12] ‘Several people reported
seeing a huge silver object in the area as they drove
past at around 8.45am last Wednesday. Silver in
appearance and looked like the dishes you see on the
side of television transmitters. Colleagues in
Cumbernauld had seen a similar object around half an
hour previously, and alerted their South Lanarkshire
counterparts that it appeared to be heading in their
direction. Lee Close, of the Anglo-Scottish UFO
Research Agency, has been investigating last week's
events in tandem with the local UFO club.’
[and from another]
Callers Report Strange Lights In Central Fla. Sky
[May 13]
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ZetaTalk: UFO's on Film
http://www.local6.com/news/3301170/detail.html ‘Several people in Central Florida said they
spotted a series of mysterious lights in the sky Tuesday night.. One resident filmed the lights in Polk
County, Fla. Officials at Avon Park Air Force Station in Polk County were conducting regular
exercises in the area the same night the lights were spotted. The strange lights may have been flares
from the operations but officials would not release details of the operation.’
[and from another]
UFOs Reported Over South Texas Skies: Man Captures UFOs On Video [May 15] NBC5i.com ‘A
Texas man claims he captured the images of an unidentified flying object on his camcorder. The
man from Mission, Texas, doesn´t want to be identified but did say he was alerted to the object by
his dogs in the middle of the night. The man said the dogs woke him up by barking and he saw the
light when he went outside to investigate.’
[and from another]
Glowing UFO Photographed In Poland [May 12] http://ufo.internauci.pl/ ‘The photo [at right] was
taken by J. Puszkarewicz over the city of Rzeszów, Poland May 4th or 5th. Enlargement with high
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ZetaTalk: UFO's in the News
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ZetaTalk: UFO's in the News
written Jan 6, 2007
Would the Zetas care to comment on the recent report from Chicago's O'Hare Airport of UFO sightings?
Was it actually an ET spaceship or just swamp gas? Also, any comments on France's space agency
planning to put UFO reports on-line? Are they really going to come clean on this or just try to mislead the
These matters of disclosure and honesty in the media are not pressed forward so much by honest politicians and editors
as by ourselves and our brethren, Service-to-Other extraterrestrials. We mentioned in 1995, at the start of ZetaTalk,
that sightings would be on the increase, held back only by the anxiety of man. As acceptance increased, sightings would increase. Moving from individual or family sightings to mass sightings. Moving from a lack of any documented
evidence to un-refutable evidence. In the past, the establishment wanted to deny the alien presence for their own
security and stature. Politicians and the Church wanted mankind to cling to them as power figures, to look up to and
fear them, and were concerned about a loss of stature if the truth about the alien presence were known. Project Blue
Book in the US, harassment of contactees, and suppression in the media followed. But this campaign has not worked.
The public embraces the alien presence, eagerly. What will happen to those in the establishment long suppressing the
truth if undeniable sightings, and perhaps landings with waving smiling aliens, occurs? Worse than a lose of stature, as
the public will be certain that the establishment knew about the alien presence and attempted to keep this information
to themselves. The supposed leadership the elite assumes they have over the common man will plummet. Thus, seeing
they are being bypassed and the visitors are going directly to the people, with great success, such incidents will be in
the news, so the establishment can try to claim they too have only recently become aware of it. Dragged along in the
dust, as the thundering crowd rushes to embrace the alien presence!
Signs of the Times #1658
In the sky! A bird? A plane? A UFO? [Jan 1] http://www.chicagotribune.com/ A flying saucerlike
object hovered low over O'Hare International Airport for several minutes before bolting through
thick clouds with such intense energy that it left an eerie hole in overcast skies, said some United
Airlines employees who observed the phenomenon. Officials at United professed no knowledge of
the Nov. 7 event - which was reported to the airline by as many as a dozen of its own workers -
when the Tribune started asking questions recently. [and from another] FAA blames UFO report on
weird weather [Jan 2] http://www.cnn.com/ Federal officials say it was probably just some weird
weather phenomenon, but a group of United Airlines employees swear they saw a mysterious,
saucer-shaped craft hovering over O'Hare Airport in November. [and from another] This then was
mentioned on CNN, prime time. [and from another] People claim seeing a UFO in Istanbul [Jan 5]
http://english.sabah.com.tr/ Mysterious lights seen in Istanbul skies have baffled people. Witnesses
have claimed that the lights were coming from a UFO. People have called news agencies on
Wednesday night and reported unidentified white lights flying in the sky. According to the eye
witnesses, the flying object was revolving around itself and blazing. [and from another] Online
Archive of UFO Sightings [Jan 2] http://www.techtree.com/ Reportedly, the French space agency
has decided to publish its archive of UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) sightings and other
phenomena online.
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