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ZetaTalk: UFO's in the News

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ZetaTalk: Phoenix Lights

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ZetaTalk: Phoenix Lights

written Feb 10, 2007

Mysterious Lights Spotted Over Phoenix, Again [Feb 7]

Nearly a decade after the highly publicized 'Phoenix Light

Phenomenon', more strange lights have appeared in the

night sky over downtown Phoenix. Mysterious lights lit up

the western skies over Phoenix and soon after, phones

began ringing off the hook at radio, television and police

stations from witnesses wondering what the lights were.

Back in March of 1997, a huge object was spotted over

parts of Arizona that many witnesses believed to be an

extraterrestrial spacecraft that was drifting slowly and

silently over the region. [and from another]

http://godlikeproductions.com/ Flares hang in the same

place for 4 minutes? The military is lighting up targets

over a populated area to target? Did anyone hear

explosions? One flare at least that moves from right to left. Something does not add up here.[and from

another] These videos show a similarity to the Feb 7, 1997 Phoenix Lights phenomena when compared to

the recent, Mar 13, 1997, event.

There have been UFO blitzes, that hit the news, in Chicago O'Hare Jan 1, Istanbul Jan 5, Arkansas Jan 15, N Carolina

Jan 25, Hawaii Jan 27, London Feb 2, and Phoenix Feb 7 lately. Note the location of these mass sightings, and then

note our warnings about what parts of the globe are likely to experience disasters due to the stretch zones pulling apart

and related domino quakes as adjustments occur in other areas affected.

The St. Lawrence Seaway is stretching, a fact noted by Nancy for months lately as the Black Hills have been

wobbly on the live seismographs. On days when the rest of the world is quiet, the Black Hills stands alone

showing its wobble, occurring in 12 hours intervals in accordance with the tugging on the highly magnetized

Atlantic Rift by Planet X, which wants this surface magnet to stay in alignment with itself. The yawing Seaway

rumples the land in the Black Hills, which is why this land looks like it was thrown in the air, recently, as it was

during the last pole shift and in pole shifts prior. Is Chicago exempt from the stretch? Where cities on either side

of the Seaway will find they are merely riding along, it is where the stretch is ripping land anew that violence

will occur. Lake Michigan is a clue. Why do you supposed the Wisconsin Peninsula formed? Its land was

secured to the West, the weak point ripping the land under Lake Michigan, and this rip ending at the Chicago


We have stated that Africa is turning in place, its base at S Africa firmly nailed and unable to move, the top

rolling to the East as the Atlantic yaws open. This action is what is causing the African Rift to spread so rapidly,

in the Afar Triangle, where huge crevasses appear before astonished eyes and the land is dropping hundreds of

feet. The Mediterranean will be destabilized. The African plate is a straight line across the top, and when it turns

it will create a YAW in the Mediterranean, causing volcanoes in the area to become active as lava is exposed to

the surface, and certainly destabilizing countries just to the north of the fault line dissecting the Mediterranean

from East to West. The Mediterranean, in the past, was a swamp, but now is a sea. What caused the land to

drop? The Black Sea participated in this drop, being inundated where formerly land above water. Istanbul lies at

the center of the area that will first be affected when a serious roll of Africa occurs.

We have stated that the great Pacific is not one plate, as assumed, but numerous, uncharted by man who cannot

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ZetaTalk: Phoenix Lights

plumb its depths. We have stated that Hawaii will rise during the coming shift, as the plate it is on is pushed up

while others subduct, thus giving Hawaii added protection from volcanic explosions, as their volcanoes will

ooze, not explode. But Hawaii will be subject to tsunami, aplenty, devastating its coastlines. Thus, UFO

sightings there, among those frolicking in the surf, are a warning.

London also is in the stretch zone, as its many derailing tube trains attest. Any significant adjustment of the

yawing Atlantic will result in further land pulls under London, and suddenly so.

We have stated that the New Madrid is under stress, pulling apart not only from East to West but pulling the N

American continent in a diagonal, the New England states moving in a NE direction while Mexico is pulled to

the SW. This will do more than rip every fault line from Mexico to Ontario, it will reduce the support under land

to the West of the Mississippi, dropping this land in elevation and flooding it. Arkansas, in the Ozarks, will find

itself suddenly land that many seek, in their panic.

The Carolinas were affected by the New Madrid quake, buildings needing to be stabilized, even though the

rocky Appalachian Mountains were not so affected. Why is this? There is a fault line running from the Gulf up

along the Eastern seaboard, and this will certainly participate in any New Madrid adjustment.

And why the anniversary blitz of Phoenix lights? Is not the flat dry desert of Arizona expected to remain relatively

undisturbed, during the coming pole shift? When the New Madrid adjusts, Mexico will be too far to the West for the

current comfort of the West Coast, which will bow in the Southern California and Arizona region. The fault line that

runs along Mexico's West coast runs just under the Arizona border, then on up along the West Coast of California.

Before the West Coast of the US starts adjusting to the new position of Mexico, with slip-slide adjustments, there will

be a bending of the Arizona desert area that will fracture the dry soil, create a breach in the great Colorado River dam,

and allow magma to rise in the calderas in the US - Mammoth Lake in California and Yellowstone. If the Hoover dam

breaks, whither the city of Phoenix, which lies on flat land and near farm land irrigated by the waters of the Colorado?


FAA blames UFO report on weird weather [Jan 2] Federal officials say it was probably just some

weird weather phenomenon, but a group of United Airlines employees swear they saw a mysterious,

saucer-shaped craft hovering over O'Hare Airport in November. The workers, some of them pilots,

said the object didn't have lights and hovered over an airport terminal before shooting up through

the clouds.


People claim seeing a UFO in Istanbul [Jan 5] Mysterious lights seen in Istanbul skies have baffled