there would be savage attacks most certainly against those individuals who are contactees. They would be torched,
shot, or stoned as Pat Robertson has suggested, and it would not be a good scene.
Be advised that the rules in place guiding our contact do not allow us to dance in the skies at your command. They do
not allow us to manipulate your reality so that you can claim confirmation of our existence. You need not look far for
proof of these statements. It is common knowledge that photos and videos that would be too staunch in their veracity
simply do not develop. Likewise, the only physical evidence of alien biological existence or technology is in the hands
of your government and other governments in alliance with your government on the alien issue. If this seems to you to
be a double standard, it is. How the Transformation and the Awakening is happening on your Earth has been very
carefully thought through, and there are definite rules to abide by.
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ZetaTalk: Discord
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ZetaTalk: Discord
Note: written on Apr 15, 1996
Human society, like all societies, has microcosms within microcosms - different groups with different viewpoints.
Christians may belong to any one of a dozen or more churches, each of which may have liberal or conservative
sections, and a liberal group in one such sector may not be the same as another liberal group just across town. During
the Transformation, with increasing polarization of groups, these differences will only accentuate. How does the
diversity within a society affect its Awakening? Surprisingly, diversity speeds an Awakening along, as there is less
possibility of a single viewpoint becoming dominant. However, diversity creates discord, and in this respect differing
opinions or stances on becoming a galactic citizen result in just as much discord as differing religious views or
differing political affiliation or the gulf know as the generation gap.
Attitudes toward the Awakening, today, range from total denial to joyous embracing. Denial ranges from refusal to
admit the possibility to educated skepticism. Those embracing the Awakening range from unquestioning acceptance,
come what may, to selective affection and a hesitant handshake. Diversity will only increase, and concurrently discord
will increase, as the Awakening proceeds.
Note: below written during the Jan 11, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
EuroSETI recently announced that it will be publicly screening some extraordinary satellite images
gleaned by a Spanish-based team using two space-based satellites, images that are distinctly 'craft-like' in
appearance, and which defy explanation. EuroSETI reports that NASA initially tried to explain the images
away as pixel faults, passing meteors or asteroids, etc., but when a European-led consortium presented
them with images that clearly were none of the aforementioned, they 'clamped up'.
Shift2003 Chat
As with the Clonaid attention in major media, far outside the usual attention that alien hugging groups get, this is
another example of various parts of the establishment hoping to open up the Transformation to get more assistance
from aliens. There have been several competing and conflicting forces during the past few decades, since Roswell.
The Hug-Humans thrust
which states that aliens are evil, cannot be trusted, are out to colonize the Earth and eat or enslave
mankind, and that only by resisting visitations and hugging your governing bodies, your military,
your church, will you be safe.
The Hug-Aliens thrust
which states that the visitors are benign space brothers, here to help us during hard times, and if the
Earth gets in a crunch such as a pole shift will lift all away to safety and some magical life on
another planet or on a space ship.
The Hug-Reality thrust
which points to past pole shifts or current problems such as starvation and disease that mankind
deals with, no rescue there, and the lack of a mass landing to colonize Earth, as evidence that neither
Hug-Humans or Hug-Aliens above are correct.
Enter the establishment, which is composed of the wealthy, powerful politicians, and church leaders, not all of whom
are logical thinkers. It was known that Reagan, while President, consulted a psychic, and the odd behavior of many
notaries would astonish the populace should the truth be known. Pressed to remain on Earth, no escape to Mars, and
fearing their underground caverns not to be safe during violent earthquakes, the establishment is looking with horror
toward the possibility of a pole shift. Might they have to experience it, like the public they have mislead and used and
had no intention of informing? Since the Earth changes have played out as we predicted, and the inbound planet is[2/5/2012 11:38:38 AM]
ZetaTalk: Discord
approaching in the manner and rate we predicted, many in the establishment are reading our words desperately for a
way to avoid what they were so happy to allow the general public to experience. In other words, how can they escape!
In that we have stated that if 89% of the populace were Service-to-Other, the Transformation to 4th Density physical
could occur even before the shift, allowing an escape from the shift, this is one route. However, how to force the some
50% of the populace to accept this philosophy, when guided by those in the establishment who can't even entertain the
proper concepts? Not feasible. Another, more likely, scenario, is to have the populace accept the alien presence,
embrace it, and thus with aliens walking about on the face of the Earth, ignoring the plight of mankind would be
embarrassing and they'd step in and effect a rescue, or so the logic goes.
Thus, you see groups Hug-Humans, and Hug-Aliens above, clashing. Clonaid gets on CNN, on Crossfire, where aliens
have never been the focus before. Expect more entertainment as the shift approaches, from an increasingly desperate
and shrill establishment. Images of space ships is not new, and NASA has endless images to access. A fight between
tight allies, such as Spain and NASA are, is staged, with the intent that both parties, Hug-Humans and Hug-Aliens,
would be happy.
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ZetaTalk: Disprove the Proposition
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ZetaTalk: Disprove the Proposition
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Disproving the proposition can often be impossible, given the parameters. How many angels are their on the head of a