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ZetaTalk: Art Bell

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ZetaTalk: Art Bell

Note: written on Oct 15, 1998

Few radio commentators have been as successful as Art Bell, who has enjoyed a long-lasting and lively career. This is

in no small part due to Art’s insight into the fascination that mankind has with mysteries and conspiracy theories. He

puts aside anger and focuses on the possibilities, endlessly stringing these out before his rapt audience so that they are

never disappointed. He has them staying up late and losing sleep, fighting to get access to his web site, and even

switching jobs to be able to accommodate this late night schedule. Will Art run out of mysteries and conspiracies? Not

during this era, which has them unfolding like the layers of an onion, each layer revealing yet another with a stronger

odor! The Kennedy assassination, the alien presence, government cover-ups, the millennium cataclysms - all just

beginning to break into the open. Just Art Bell’s cup of tea!

The flap about resigning from the airwaves in late 1998 was intentional, a publicity stunt. There were, however,

several factors that put Art Bell in a nervous position at that time. Being a good citizen, he has listened to those

government agents that have come to him with requests in the past, giving their shills a voice on the airwaves. The

megalith that is the US Government is not of one mind, and this is certainly true of such volatile subjects as the alien

presence and the coming pole shift. Thus, an increasingly intense tug-of-war has begun between the various factions

that wish to influence the outcome. The old CIA dominated crowd is losing out, with their desire to deny, spread

disinformation, and punish infractions. The new MJ12 crowd is wining these days, with their desire to have the truth

out there if only in the form of ZetaTalk and Indian legends with no punishment of those who speak the truth. Thus,

shortly after a serious disinformation attempt, the statement by a remote viewing shill that the Sun has periodic cycles

of 3,633 years, MJ12 called a temporary halt to reset the guidelines.

Below added on June 15, 2006.

Could you ask the Zetas about Art Bell, radio talk show host on Coast to Coast AM. I'm very concerned

about Art Bell and his young Philippina bride of 21 years. Do the Zetas know if she is insincere? Will he

come back to the States?

Art Bell is first and foremost a human being, subject to the same desires and grief that all deal with during an

incarnation. Those who point to his Mason membership and the odd times he has been off-air, rumors on his son being

kidnapped, and thus see in Bell a puppet of the establishment fail to understand that even puppets have their own

personal agendas, and certainly attempt to lead their own lives. Yes, as we have mentioned, Bell listens to the

establishment when they make requests, under the guise of national security. No, this is not the only thing going on in

his life. It was no secret that Bell was deeply attached to his former wife, now dead. It is also no secret that young

women in the Philippines, as in many Third World countries, are desperate for good marriages that will allow them to

escape poverty. Old men seeking young brides is certainly not unknown or a new phenomena. None of this means that

the marriage will not be happy, as it bodes well for bringing both marital partners what they seek.

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ZetaTalk: Hoagland

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ZetaTalk: Hoagland

Note: written during the Sep 14, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

This mishap by NASA, wherein images taken by the Mars Surveyor that could be overlaid to show what NASA has

been determined to hide were posted onto the NASA web site, will not be the last such mishap. The nervous peons at

NASA, increasingly asked to work miracles during a time of rapid change, unexpected events, and unknown factors

they are supposed to take into consideration, are dealing with rage. What causes mishaps? One can be worried,

distracted, and this certainly is the case at NASA. They are headquartered at Houston, clearly subject to flooding and

likely to be underwater early in the shift time, but at the same time they are expected to remain at their posts, loyal and

true! One can be weary, asked to carry too many tasks, asked to keep an eye on too many trends at once, all running in

different directions, and simply make a fatigue blunder. Autocratic bosses seldom consider the underling, who is

barked at, and asked to do more, and told they are failing and incompetent when the boss is under stress. The boss, of

course, can be incompetent, selfish, arrogant, but the underling is supposed to be unaware of that and try harder.

NASA peons are asked to maintain a cover-up of aliens, when their presence is increasing. They are asked to maintain

a cover-up of Planet X, soon to be visible worldwide, due to ZetaTalk fame and coordinates posting, and are hard

pressed as to what to say when. They are damned if they ignore it, damned if they identify it as some other object, and

certainly damned by their bosses when the public does not buy whatever tack is taken. The bosses, however, expect a

miracle, and none can be wrought. So if distraction, worry about getting the self and family to a safer location, and

fatigue at being asked to stretch beyond the human ability and capacity is not enough to cause an error, what is? Rage,

the seething desire to see the hated bosses fry, get caught, lose it on national TV, themselves get caught in the floods,

themselves get caught in a lie they cannot explain, anything but saunter around acting arrogant and untouchable,

sneering at the peons like they are less than worms.

So what happened, to allow Hoagland this perfect example of a cover-up, all pieces of the puzzle in place, marked by

NASA as authentic, and no explanation other than that some normal steps taken on these images were missed? More

than fatigue, more than distraction, but a subconscious leak, allowing these images to get there before a review was

done, as is a standard practice at NASA. Ooops, didn't this get reviewed? It was in that pile, in this queue, one

assumed, one was sure a comment had been made, what happened to that sticker on the monitor saying go ahead with

your days work, etc. This will not be the last such slip, and many will happen because of distraction and fatigue, but

more will occur because the peons are enraged. And what does the Summary Image show, of Mars? Indeed, given the mining operations there, avenues for water washing are clear in the images. The standard construction of hominoids,

on Earth, of geometric shapes, squares, rectangles, avenues straight away, not what nature designs but what many

running vehicles designs. These cities laid out along a bluff, protecting the city from wind, not into or over the bluff, but where the land lies flat. It is quite unmistakable for a human hand design, and none who see it mistake it, despite