the pathetic explanations of the NASA peons told to go forth and work miracles amid the public.
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ZetaTalk: ZetaTalk
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ZetaTalk: ZetaTalk
Note: recorded during the June 22, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Has the cat been let out of the bag, no longer to be put back, out there yowling about declaring a pole shift in the
offing and a massive long running cover-up in place? Yes, simply stated, after 20 million listeners have heard Nancy
speaking, and caught her web site address, and visited, in the main, this web site address, the cat is loose! All other
guests, bar none, have been tentative, basing their statements on human measurements, or rumor. None have the
prediction track record of ZetaTalk, even including Scallion who is indeed a connected and legitimate channel. Where
is this likely to go, and what are the options? Can they stuff Nancy back into the bag, declaring her insane or
mustering various countering information or explanations? Not likely to be believed, and those who would
contemplate such an effort understand that this would more than likely backfire, making her renown increase.
Art Bell of course screens his callers as to their likely questions and personalities and has many on the line so he can
pick and chose as the show goes along. He clued the public in to his lead-in for the Open Lines that followed Nancy’s
interview, by stating during Nancy's interview that it would be a Mad Max world. Of course, this is what the lead-in
callers were talking about! View this as a test, which Bell was requested to host, to see how the public would react.
Those closely watching this did not want long whining and hand holding and talking about spirituality on the increase.
They wanted to cut to the chase, to find out what gangs would do, who would have guns and how they would use
them, and how the public would react to their government in bunkers while they were left outside. The result was that
solid citizens, with children, jobs, and responsibilities in general, would consider moving to safety rather than making
loud demands on the government. The talk of gangs, and rapes, and becoming a king were almost exclusively from the
immature, and taken that way by the audience in general, who discounted this talk as bragado.
Thus, the common man impressed their government, the elite who have been keeping them in the dark, with their
maturity and calm. It is for this reason that more outlets for Nancy of this sort should be anticipated. All those solution
sets on Troubled Times, so long labored over and web wrapped. All those contacts willing to answer email. Soon to be
called upon, thrust onto the stage, to address the masses with their questions.
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ZetaTalk: MUFON
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ZetaTalk: MUFON
Note: written on Jan 15, 1997
As one of the first UFO organizations, and one of the most influential, MUFON was early on seen by the secret
government as a threat. Thus, they ensured that MUFON would move in sync with the interests of MJ12, by one
means or another, and this control exists to this day. Where in early days MUFON was prevented from publicizing
some of its more striking discoveries, they are now being pressed to reopen the past and get noisy about it. Expect a
number of startling announcements from the scientists who form the core of MUFON, backed up with hard evidence.
In that the core of MUFON held fast to the truth through the hard times, it seems only fair that they should now have
an opportunity to be the vehicle by which the truth emerges.
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ZetaTalk: Leaks
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ZetaTalk: Leaks
Note: written during the Nov 30, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Long withheld British Files on real sightings experienced by their military are suddenly forthcoming. Why? The Brits, in alliance with the US, are very busy these days, Blair trying to be a good buddy while taking intense heat from his
lawmakers and public. Bush trying to find reason for a war with Iraq, so their oil can be well in hand and Israel put in
charge of Iraq and Saudi oil prior to the shift, as planned. Where publicly waving and smiling, they are anything but happy behind the scenes, and they and their staff and increasingly ignoring relatively minor matters. Like children
who sneak out and raid the refrigerator when the parents are holding a party on the patio, one drink too many and loud
conversation and music, those in their governments long wanting to reveal these matters to the public see their chance.
Look behind these slips, the lack of oversight, to what must be going on in the smoke filled rooms of power! What
would be so engrossing that they would overlook what was in such tight control just years ago?
All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:38:44 AM]
ZetaTalk: Element of Doubt
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ZetaTalk: Element of Doubt
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Indeed it is true that on occasion a video or still photo produces what can arguably be one of our ships, but the point is
still hotly contested. In the minds of the populace at large, who cannot discern fraud from fact, the point is still open.
In the minds of experts, who on occasion are fooled, even a fraction of a percentage point puts the issue into the
category of arguable. We do indeed allow some shots to develop, and others not. Reports from disappointed humans,
who took a shot that didn't turn out, tends to strengthen skepticism, and we want some of that for the modulating
effect. Were there to be a flood of shots challenging the experts, from humans without the capacity to produce high
quality fraud, the level of anxiety would raise too rapidly. An occasional shot, even from a hick incapable of
producing a high quality fraud, is arguable. Perhaps the hick had accomplices in a fraud. It's arguable.
The rule is, and will be for the near future, we keep the issue constantly before the populace, with a steadily increasing
level of discussion, but always, always, with an element of doubt.
This element of doubt is necessary during the Awakening so your populace does not become unduly alarmed. A faint,