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would force them to break their silence.

They have developed disinformation to bolster the story that it has all been a human generated hoax, and can

come forth with this disinformation should they deem this necessary. Many sightings, particularly of triangular

shaped ships that move in a manner reminiscent of jet planes with hover capability caused by jets turned

downward, are man made. Some contactee visitations are also staged by humans who drug their subjects so they

have spotty memories and conclude they are truly contactees. Should the government get pressed to address the

alien presence, they have this card to play.

They have numerous government sponsored studies, such as project Blue Book, which can give the impression

that they too have been puzzled but unable to come up with any firm answers. Beyond the studies that are known

to the public, there are many that have been prepared but are not yet released. These are held in abeyance, and

updated periodically to stay in step with the level of awareness in the public, and would be released should the

government get pressed to explain the increasing evidence that the Earth is being visited.

They are concerned that the whole story about MJ12 and past government involvement with aliens, much of it

shameful and even unlawful, will unravel and come out. In fact, the worse the past behavior, the more likely that

the cover-up will continue. As evidence of this reverse logic, look to how long after the fact the public learns of

government experiments on human subjects such as deliberate exposure to radiation or past ethical lapses of the

CIA. Decades pass, and at times half a century, before the truth is revealed. The worse the lapse, the longer the

cover-up before revelation.

They are not in control of the visitations and sightings ongoing, and this lack of control is out of keeping with the posture they take in front of the tax payer. All manner of results are feared, from tax payer rebellion to a

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ZetaTalk: Break the News

collapse on Wall Street. Since these issues can be endlessly debated, the debate is never-ending. Thus, there is

no point where a decision has been reached and they move forward to a press release of some sort.

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ZetaTalk: ABC Special

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ZetaTalk: ABC Special

written Feb 27, 2005

The ABC UFO special on Feb 24 ignored the late Dr John Macks life’s work (including his Harvard

tenure) with contactees that brought him to the conclusion that these volunteers and the hybrids with aliens

will re-populate the earth after a great cataclysm. The transcript of him stating this as his belief is available

at pbs.org.

Scarcely anything positive could be said about the much publicized ABC special on UFO’s, as it presented nothing

new and gave equal time to debunking any facts presented, and refused to debunk the debunk. In addition, it gave

prime focus on the triangular shape UFO, which we have stated is nothing more than a human stealth plane intended to

confuse the issue and claim a human origin for the UFO sightings at some point in the future. Was the Peter Jennings

documentary nothing more than an establishment shill? It was certainly sculpted by the establishment, who acted as

editors. Thus, the most profound statements on the subject of the alien presence were not included. The repeated

statement that there was no proof avoided the evidence, such as:

multiple captures on home videos, simultaneously, in Mexico during the 1991 Eclipse, movements showing, in

angle and speed changes, maneuvers not possible by conventional planes;

landing site anomalies, where plants refuse to grow at the site for more than a year in some cases, with no

conventional explanation;

crop circle nodes bent 90° and still growing, not crushed, where the crop yield is increased over crop not

included in the circle arena, and the geometric precision and almost instantaneous creation of huge circle

formations, none of which shows the hand of man but of the alien presence;

implants lately recovered from contactee bodies, simultaneous missing time and visitation reports from complete

strangers corroborating each other, and pregnancies confirmed by doctors suddenly disappearing;

the astonishing number of eye witnesses to the Roswell incident, who were intimidated beyond any weather or

spy balloon incident would have warranted, who saw alien bodies, which were then taken for autopsy, based

against any excuse produced later by the Air Force such as a project Mogul balloon, carefully constructed in the

1990’s to line up with the evidence from 1947.

Does the Air Force lie? They did during Blue Book, but the Roswell lie was taken at face value and not challenged.

Are Harvard professors, debunking away, a credible source? Then why not include the word of John Mack, likewise

an esteemed Harvard professor who had actual data to submit, not just opinions. Hypothetical explanations of the

abduction phenomena were presented, on equal time with contactee reports which are carefully based on hard data.

Why was this ABC special even produced? Why not let sleeping dogs lie? The establishment is aware that mass

sightings are on the increase, valid captures of UFO’s on video on the increase, and the public’s opinions on the matter

leaning in the direction of comfort with the alien presence. They are trying to grab the lead, be the force that is leading

the public perception, but will not succeed in this. Those who have had contact, or are intrigued enough to be seeking

this, know the truth. Those who have or will in the near future have a personal sighting see in such productions as the

ABC special a firm determination to turn the public from the truth, and are having their respect for the authorities

trashed in the process.

The overall effect of this special is, to disgust those who know the truth, to puzzle those new to the subject so they

seek more information, and to ultimately increase the suspicion that the establishment is lying to them. This begs the

question, why is the establishment so determined to keep the public in the dark? Tell a child not to peek in a closet,

and their determination to do so increases. Watch interest in the alien presence explode, and the truth spread around

like water into every crevasse.

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ZetaTalk: Orson Wells

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ZetaTalk: Orson Wells

Note: written on May 15, 1997

The presentation of the radio drama War of the Worlds some decades ago in the United States was, as many have

expected, a test. Given that the alien presence had up until that time been consistently presented as an alien threat, the

public reaction was hardly surprising. Radio dramas are often confused with reality by those tuning in, as there are few

clues that a fiction, rather than a factual scene, is being portrayed. On TV, the fact that one is watching a movie is