quickly apparent. There are clues in the settings, the time gaps and leaps, and the frequent intimate moments which
newscasters are not generally privy to. Thus, had War of the Worlds been presented on TV at that time, rather than as
a radio drama, the reaction would not have been the same.
This test, which the establishment knew would be taken for a real broadcast by many, was to determine not how the
public would react to a threat but rather to determine if they believed in the alien presence. They did, and thus they
reacted, and the strength of the reaction told an establishment which had been congratulating themselves on having
suppressed belief in aliens that they had not succeeded as they thought.
Subsequently suppression continued but got meaner, with mistreatment of contactees becoming more abusive and
physical. Since the establishment at that time was in the main under the impression that aliens were only interested in a
takeover, having made contact with Service-to-Self aliens first, and being unaware of the separation of orientations
that takes place after 3rd Density, they felt that the panic that ensued after the Orson Wells radio drama was inevitable.
They thought of themselves as holding back a flood, putting their fingers in holes in the dike, and looking out for
mankind's welfare. The few suicides that the broadcast caused, and the potential heart attacks, were not a concern to
the establishment at that time, as they considered themselves to be essentially at war and the nation in essence under
martial law. All rules of human conduct go out the window when the leadership is themselves in a panic.
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ZetaTalk: Air Force One
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ZetaTalk: Air Force One
Note: written on Jun 15, 1998
Of course the disappearance of Air Force One from radar screens, a situation which happened several times during
1998, was not just a technical problem. Why does this only happen to Air Force One? Planes do not disappear from
radar unless they are removed from the scope's range. And this is what occurred. How better to announce that we are
in communication with the US government? This is an awakening ploy, one approved by MJ12 as without their
approval we could not approach or affect such person as the President or his Secret Service guard. This does not mean
that anyone on board the plane was aware of their temporary removal from the air space, as they were awake only in
their subconscious during this time, or otherwise unaware.
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ZetaTalk: Staged Invasion
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ZetaTalk: Staged Invasion
Note: recorded during the June 22, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
This rumor, spread by Greer, of a pending alien invasion, staged by the government, is unlikely to occur but as it is in
the hands of man, anything could happen. The problems facing such an attempt to get the public well behind an all out
Star Wars funding and effort would be to declare an invasion from space. The thought, also, would be to bring many
countries behind the US in this. Russia, of course, would not buy into that, being privy to the alien presence all along.
The primary problem with this plan is threefold.
1. they would have to stage an invasion that would equal in technological skill what much of the world has already
come to understand, or has personally seen, in alien technology - sudden disappearances, right angle turns at
high speeds, gravity control, etc. Thus, a poorly staged "invasion" would actually come back on the perpetrators,
a horror they contemplate continuously.
2. to announce an alien invasion would be to admit to the alien presence. Leaks around the edges of this story
would surely occur. Those reporting would forget what they were supposed to just have learned and start talking
about what they already know. The public would see past this, realize they had been lied to all along, and once
again, the perpetrators have shot themselves in the foot.
3. we, and our brethren, realizing we are to be used in this manner, could foil the staged invasion by a real display
of our technology, highlighting the difference in a manner no one could miss, and by our presence creating
blunders in the execution of the staged invasion so the truth would be out without question.
Thus, we predict, albeit with the caveat that this is in the hands of man and could change as their free will rules in this matter, that no such invasion will be stated.
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ZetaTalk: Alien Encounters
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ZetaTalk: Alien Encounters
Note: written on Feb 15, 1997
During the Awakening, sightings of alien ships will much precede sightings of actual aliens for a number of reasons.
Recall that a key concern during the Awakening is to guard against raising the anxiety level of the humans on Earth,
which would incline them toward the Service-to-Self orientation due to the self concern that is engendered during
threatening situations.
The Outcome: Any sightings of alien life forms must be in a setting where the anxiety is slight, and is balanced
overall by a sense of relief that alien encounters have been experienced with a reasonable outcome. The experiencer is
not harmed, has not been intimidated, and finds they can communicate with the alien reasonably well.
The Experiencer: Where sightings of alien life forms will be forthcoming during the Awakening, they will occur only where the humans involved are considered strong enough to arrive at logical conclusions rather than panic-driven
conclusions. These individuals are few and far between.
The Locale: Beyond the experiencer him or herself, there is the issue of how the humans in the immediate locale will react. The overall result must be a positive view of the alien presence. If an individual here or there will have a fearful
reaction, this in and of itself will not prevent the sighting if their reaction is balanced out by receptive reactions in
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ZetaTalk: Next Phase
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ZetaTalk: Next Phase
Note: written on Feb 15, 1998
The Awakening is not on a linear climb to some point in the future when it becomes obvious to the vast mass of the