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X and its two major moon swirls is known to be, the Winged Globe of lore. Planet X is turning in place during

its 270° roll, pointing its N Pole outward toward Earth, and it is this action that penetrates the magnetic

defenses of Earth. This turn is implied in the increasing size of Planet X in the April 23 crop circle. As it

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ZetaTalk: 2007 Crop Circles

approaches and draws near to Earth, Earth backs away, trying to escape, temporarily changing the angle of

these moon swirls as viewed from Earth. But still Planet X draws nigh, and the Earth begins to lean to the left,

its N Pole trying to escape the hose of magnetic particles coming from the N Pole of Planet X. We have

mentioned recently that Planet X was approximately 150° along in its roll, but the point when the Earth's

defenses were penetrated is already past, come earlier, as noted on the July 1 crop circle. This point occurred

when the lurch, the temporary lean to the right, occurred.

Germany, Jul 2, 2007

Planet X does not leave the solar system in a straight line away from the Sun, it leaves

at an angle. It comes in from the direction of Orion, at an 11° angle, then assumes a

32° angle during its approach to the Sun while piercing the Ecliptic, and then takes off

at yet another angle. It is not by accident that the Earth is tilted at a 23° angle. During

the last passage, when Planet X suddenly took off and jerked the Earth during its exit,

this exit left its mark on the tilt the Earth assumed. We have stated that we anticipate the tilt of the Earth to be less than 23° during this passage, as Planet X will make a more gradual exit than the last time, thus, not jerking

the Earth during this exit.

Switzerland, Jul 2, 2007

For mankind, the message in the May 20 crop circle is

of a wave, a wave building, about to overwhelm. The

globe inside the circle, trying to evade this wave, is

Earth. We have described the Earth's struggle to escape

the flood of magnetic particles hosing out from the N

Pole of Planet X, which is larger than Earth and thus

has a larger magnetic particle flow in its field. For the

Earth, it is no contest, as this is a flood Earth cannot

oppose and cannot escape! This crop circle also implies

a rapid buildup, a sudden wave. The Swiss think of themselves as immune to tsunami, but this is a tsunami they

cannot escape. The July 2 crop circle returns to this concept, as these circling waves are all encompassing.

Eastfield Jul 7, 2007

We have hinted that high drama will

occur during the passage, not yet

detailed by ourselves and thus a

surprise to the establishment. We

hope for the establishment to be

discombobulated, so that the cover-

up shatters and the truth is blurted

out by the media. The approach and

exit of Planet X is often depicted in

crop circles as increasing and then

decreasing circles, the size of Planet

X as viewed from Earth. At first, as

infinitesimal as a dim star, but at

passage as large as the Sun due to its

dust cloud and writhing moon swirls.

We have stated that Planet X pierces the Ecliptic at approximately the halfway point between the Earth and the

Sun, 45 million miles or so. At this point, it stands upright and draws the Earth close to it, for a distance of 14

million miles. At this point, the slowing of Earth's rotation to a stop occurs. This would all seem to imply that a

single approach of Planet X to the Earth occurs, as then, after the pole shift, Planet X zooms on out of the solar

system. The Eastfiield crop circle implies that Planet X draws near, then retreats, then draws near again during

a severe wobble where it seems to be in two places at once in the sky, then draws the Earth close during the

rotation stoppage, then takes off again. At present, Planet X lies close to the Sun in the line of view, so close as

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ZetaTalk: 2007 Crop Circles

to be lost in the glare. Planet X is closing the gap, coming ever closer and will come near enough to be visible

to many on Earth. But as we have explained, the Point of Passage places Planet X further from the Earth, as

shown by the angles of the ZetaTalk Triangle which appeared in two Wisconsin crop circles on July 4, 2003. As Planet X swings its N Pole toward Earth, there is a clash, the N Pole of Planet X wanting to evade the N Pole of

Earth, and vice versa. Thus, Earth pushes back in her orbit as far as possible, creating this distance, so that

Planet X will diminish in size. Nevertheless, Planet X is still coming closer, closing the gap, more distance from

the Sun, less distance from Earth, even though offset to the right. How will the establishment explain a

temporary appearance of Planet X in the sky, followed by a diminished size offset to the right of the Sun, then a

reappearance of Planet X in the sky along with a severe wobble? A dancing asteroid? A permanent solar flare

that dances around the Sun? And what of the wobble?

Haileywood, July 16, 2007

This beautiful design is in the formation of a butterfly as all of

humankind is familiar with their fluttering wings, which point

skyward together when at rest, or out to the side, while sunning

and airing. Yet regardless of position, the wings always touch at

the top of the butterfly's body, the pivot point. We have stated

that Planet X is coming toward the Earth in a retrograde orbit,

now slightly to the right of the Sun as the Earth scuttles back in

her orbit to avoid the pressure of magnetic particles coming from

Planet X, which is increasingly pointing its N Pole toward Earth.

We have mentioned that as Planet X turns in place and the Earth

is forced into an extreme wobble by the repulsion of their

respective N Poles, that Planet X will seem to move to the right

of the Sun, into the ZetaTalk Triangle position, becoming more

visible in the skies as it does, so as it can now reflect sunlight at a proper angle for Earth viewing. Does this

changed position mean less stress on the Earth, as the N Pole of Planet X will be temporarily pushed away? No,

as with the butterfly wings, there is some point where the magnetic fields will touch, and this clash point cannot

be evaded.

Hintondowns, July 16, 2007

This crop circle bubbles out of a spot in the field where cultivation is not

possible, due to rocks in the ground or some other such problem. The

cultivated food crop circles surrounds this problem spot. Is the problem

spot then part of the design? Yes, as the message this crop circle at

Hintondowns is relaying is chaos during a rapid adjustment. Volcanic

activity will occur worldwide, along the edges of plates and in stretch

zones such as the African Rift Valley. The roiling magma will be pressed

in all directions during the hour of the shift, when the crust breaks lose and

slides over the magma. What will occur on the plate boundaries? Some

may find the magma with less pressure, as we have stated will occur in