New Zealand when the Indo-Australian plate lifts. Some may find the
pressure greatly increased, which is likely to be the case in the Philippines,
for instance. But in general, one cannot predict with certainty which
volcanoes will bear the brunt and which will have light eruptions. The magma, like the bubbles emerging from
the problem spot in the field, will seek the path of least resistance during the chaotic hour of the shift.
Germany, July 25 and 28, 2007
We have stated that as Planet X proceeds in its
270° roll, pointing its N Pole increasingly toward
Earth, that the Earth will put distance between
itself and Planet X, as much as possible. This[2/5/2012 11:39:41 AM]
ZetaTalk: 2007 Crop Circles
will push the Earth to the left, with its N Pole
leaning to the left, to escape the hose of
magnetic particles coming from the N Pole of
Planet X. Eventually, this distance will place the
planets in the arrangement we have described as
the ZetaTalk Triangle. What is the relative
strength of the magnetic fields involves, as this
point is approached. At present, the Earth is the lesser influence. Planet X is at least twice as strong a magnetic
field, at its current distance. And the Sun is the dominant influence, by far, over both planets.
Stanton, August 12, 2007
This crop circle has been interpreted as
implying the Mayan symbol for 6, and the
swirls in the inner circle the 13 months of 20
days each in the 260 day Mayan ceremonial
calendar. The pattern implies neither of
these, but those clinging closely to the
notion that the End Times will come on Dec
31, 2012 will see these patterns as
confirmation that 2012 is the date. Why
would aliens from around the Universe
communicate with mankind in a dead
language, dead symbolism, especially when mankind has struck the wrong date when trying to line up the
Mayan and Gregorian calendars? We have explained the mistakes made by those who assume 2012 to be the
end date, what missteps they took, and how this was essentially a guess, albeit an educated guess. We have
stated that 2012 is not the date, that the pole shift will occur before that year. That said, what is the meaning of this crop circle? Due to the number of elaborate hoaxes this year, 2007, the makers decided to be ultra
simplistic, while at the same time building in an intricacy that could not easily be hoaxed. The 12 swirls around
a central swirl in the inner circle, against a backdrop of smoothly laid crop and while swirling in different
directions, would be impossible to do with the machines man is using to effect hoaxes. Thus, this is a genuine
circle. The swirls in the inner circle are going in different directions, the central swirl counterclockwise, the
direction of the solar system from the rotation of the Sun and Earth to the direction of the orbits in the planets
in the solar system. Planet X is of course retrograde, assuming a retrograde or clockwise orbit past the Sun as
well as a retrograde rotation. Thus, it clashes with the Earth during the passage, and this clash is a factor in the
Earth stopping its rotation for almost a week prior to the hour of the pole shift. The 12 outer swirls in the inner
circle are swirling in a clockwise direction, the retrograde direction of Planet X. Where the overall influence of
Planet X is less than the influence of the Sun, it nonetheless overwhelms the Earth due to its pervasive presence,
represented by the surrounding nature of the swirls. The Earth is trapped in the cup, the eddy flows of particles
coming round the backside of Planet X from the Sun, and roiling in front of Planet X on their way out toward
the outer reaches of the solar system. We have mentioned that the Earth at first leans to the right, in temporary
alignment with Planet X during the strongest magnetic trimester (May-August), but will return to the Earth
wobble and lurch when this trimester expires to begin a lean to the left. At the extreme, going into the 3 days of
darkness, the Earth will be attempting to get as far to the left as possible from Planet X, causing Planet X to
appear dramatically to the right of the Sun in line of view. This is the symbolism of the bar, a back and forth
effort to escape or placate Planet X, all the while trapped within the larger circle which indicates the cup of
eddy flow Earth is caught within.[2/5/2012 11:39:41 AM]
ZetaTalk: 2007 Crop Circles[2/5/2012 11:39:41 AM]
ZetaTalk: Why They Care
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ZetaTalk: Why They Care
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
People are where it's at, here on Earth. Issues of the coming pole shift, of the ecology, of nuclear disarmament or how
many years the Sun has until it burns itself out - all these are meaningless unless one considers mankind. Pole shifts
and ecological disasters and nuclear disasters and dying suns occur often in this Universe, and no one notices because
it affects no one. Why do we care, other than because we are living in your Solar System today and tomorrow, and
because our hybrids are both your cousins and ours, and because your souls will be our future neighbors in the world
we are both building? We care because we empathize with your situation, having been there ourselves, and have the
rare opportunity, because of your call to us, to become directly involved with you - with the people of Earth.
We, the Zetas, cannot go back, as there have been adjustments to our physiology that would kill us if we returned. We
are referring to what happens to physical bodies when their environment changes. You have some sense of this
because of reports from your astronauts. After a brief space sojourn, they find their bones decalcified. Imagine what
happens after decades away from the pull of a heavier gravity. Another point of comparison is what happens to deep
sea divers when they return to the surface. If rising too quickly, after only a few hours at most, they get the bends and
die horrible deaths. The body adapts, and must be given its allowance if the return trip is to be made. For us, the return
trip is virtually impossible. It is much easier to lighten up than to strengthen. In many cases, to strengthen is
impossible. As an example, some oldsters may wish to get into physical fitness, but find the changes they wish to
impose on their bodies are no longer possible. Some journeys, undertaken, do not have a return route. For us, this was
understood at the beginning.
We are all volunteers here on your Earth, as operating in the Service-to-Others mode we are not commanded. All work
is voluntary. Do we miss our home planet? Of course we do, as you might imagine. Imagine yourselves, on another
planet, in another galaxy, not ever seeing the flora and fauna familiar to you, not ever seeing the regular rising and
setting of your beloved Sun and Moon, not hearing the chirping and singing of birds, the rustle of the leaves in the
trees, or the taste of good wine and fresh fruit. Imagine living off rations, sleeping in cramped quarters with no view,