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with a task that will consume your entire lifetime. We are not only volunteers, we are extremely dedicated volunteers,

as we all went in with our eyes open.

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ZetaTalk: Zeta History

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ZetaTalk: Zeta History

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Our Awakening was not comparable to yours. Our world collapsed before we were contacted by others in the galaxy.

We were in shambles. We were in hiding, deep within the ground. We were ashamed. We were not available. We

were contacted telepathically, and asked to come out of our underground homes, asked to emerge. Only the

venturesome among us did so. In many cases they were slaughtered. Our shame was so great, that the aspect of

exposing ourselves to others who could see our shame was intolerable. We slaughtered the messengers, those among

us who were venturesome. This held for some time as the mode, then suddenly changed. It was like a wash of

compassion came over us, and we had compassion for ourselves. Then everything was different. We were curious and

exploratory. We could not wait for contact, and being venturesome was the norm, it seemed. This was due to a

combination of factors. In part, each one of us had to forgive our own selves, before we could have forgiveness for

each other.

We destroyed our world, much as you are about to do, are in the process of doing. Our world was as beautiful as

yours, and will never be the same. The Zeta history is not a pretty one. We watch in horror at some developments on

Earth, as there is a parallel. These developments are also not uncommon during 3rd Density throughout the Universe.

Harnessing the atom. Creating poisons that last for generations, eons. We did this and more. We created biological

elements, what you call biological warfare, to wipe out the supporters of the other side without ruining the territory

desired. Too late we realized that the supporters of the other side were us. We are all one, and when we ruin the planet

that is our home, we ruin it for all. Our Awakening took 37 years. You must remember that we had a confined society,

where escape from a new occurrence was not possible. Our reaction was compressed. Our desire for contact was also

mixed in with a desire to expiate our shame. Our desire to change our ways drove the situation, and drives us today, to

some extent. Our technology had been focused on instruments of war.

After we had made our world unlivable, we focused on changing ourselves, on genetic engineering to remove those

parts of us we deemed responsible for the destruction. So we were advanced in this respect. We were shy, and guests

of those who had contacted us. After awhile we saw a role for ourselves which would allow us to feel better about

ourselves. Now we are less shy, but compared to other galactic species we are not considered bold. We are known as

those-who-mourn. We are hesitant to share this, as no one wants to remember pain. Pain is translated to passion when

action can be taken. However, our role here on your world at this time is as a bystander. We cannot interfere, and can

only watch you repeat some of our same steps.

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ZetaTalk: ZetaTalk Predictions

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ZetaTalk: ZetaTalk Predictions

Note: written on Jan 15, 2002

Many works talk of the passage, but ZetaTalk is the first and only to speak to 2003 [Note: see 2003 Date explanation]. We are know for our bluntness, often complained about, for one. Additionally, many groups are reluctant to cause human

pain, as the reality that they and their loved ones will die, often painfully, and their lives as lived today hollow, their

leadership lying to them, is painful. Thus, they blunt the truth, and clothe it in reassurances of better times to come.

We have courage, and are working with our emissary Nancy as we are because of her courage.

Comparisons to ZetaTalk are constantly being made. As we have pointed out, at least half of all claimed messages

from higher or other sources are false. The perpetrators know this, are consciously aware they are writing a fiction, and enjoying the attention they are getting or the money they are getting if they are a disinformation artist for hire. Beyond

the deliberate falsehoods perpetrated, there are the valid or semi-valid messages. Of these, the contactee is often

mixing in their own fear or prejudices, coloring the message. Of these, the aliens communicating with the contactee or

channel may have their own reluctance to announce the truth, as the coming Earth changes will be horrific for most of

mankind. Then there are those valid messages relayed, which are confused as to context. As with Cayce, who describe

Earth changes the week of the rotation stoppage, or during the hour of the shift, not after the shift itself. Why would he do this? Cayce and those communicating with him felt that mankind would be most aware, and relating Cayce's

message to their situation, during those times. So those comparing ZetaTalk to Cayce find differences, not

understanding this.

Our general advice to mankind it to evaluate other communications in accordance with their proven validity. Nancy has been stating much, lately, that ZetaTalk has a track record. Scallion too, and Cayce. If a site is not to be assumed

to be just so much hot air, and worthless, then it must have predicted, regularly, and be found valid! Of not, then

please don't bother asking us for a comparison to garbage!

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ZetaTalk: Disincarnate Opportunists

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ZetaTalk: Disincarnate Opportunists

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Where on a mass level the battle has been won, on individual levels the battle is not over until the soul leaves its

Earthly domain. We are speaking here not only of souls residing inside a human body, but of the vast majority of souls

who are still, as it were, hanging around waiting for their next opportunity. At this stage of your spiritual development,

you develop most rapidly while incarnated. During the tumultuous times ahead, there will be opportunities. There will

be spirits who cannot tolerate the distress, and beg to leave their body. This decision is voluntary, within the bounds of

what the individual soul can arrange. Therefore, disembodied souls can take charge of a human body, and continue

their learning experience, under these circumstances.

Those of the Service-to-Self orientation seek new recruits. The Service-to-Self orientation is very hierarchical and

structured. The pecking order is precise. As with any such group, new recruits invariably start at the bottom. We need