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not say more to explain why those of the Service-to-Self orientation are eagerly awaiting the despair and abandonment

many will feel during the coming times. They are seeking new recruits! Thus, for the Service-to-Self, an opportunity to

incarnate as a walk-in is an opportunity to influence human affairs.

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ZetaTalk: Annunaki

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ZetaTalk: Annunaki

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The Annunaki are the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet, spoken of in many names in the legends of man as is their

planet - Marduk, Wormwood, the 12th Planet, and lately the inbound Planet X discovered by NASA in 1983. These

giants were approximately 50% larger than man, as their home planet is more dense and massive and the gravity on

the surface that much stronger. Larger bones are needed to support life there. These giants came to Earth during the

passages of their home planet, which traverses the solar system every 3,657 years, as the ancient Sumerians recorded.

They mined for gold, a mineral rare on their wandering planet which spent much of it’s orbit hovering between the two

binary suns it orbits - the Sun and it’s dark twin some 18.74 Sun-Pluto distances from the Sun. Much ZetaTalk exists

on this matter in the Worlds and Science and Rules section of ZetaTalk, so we will not be redundant on this matter.

However, until recently, there was a Service-to-Self scam ongoing by aliens and humans in contact with these aliens

regarding terrifying humanity with warnings about a return of these giants to Earth. They are quarantined, kept at a

distance in the solar system from mankind on Earth, though allowed to continue mining operations on a moon of Mars.

Due to the Rules of Engagment between ourselves and these Service-to-Self aliens we could not discuss this scam

without engaging them, and our efforts were needed elsewhere, so we declined the engagement. Since the scam has

been dropped, we can now discussion this. There will be no return of these giants, who claimed erroneously in their

past literature that they had genetically engineered mankind. They did not do so, are not the creators of man, and man stands in fact as their full equal as 3rd Density hominoids. Earth, in fact, is undergoing a transformation ahead of the

home of these giant hominoids, so could in many respects be considered more progressive.

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ZetaTalk: Ashtar

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ZetaTalk: Ashtar

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Entities go by many names, and in some cases they falsely represent themselves. One must bear in mind that entities in

higher densities are not pure, without self focus or ego, nor are they without failure and the resultant guilt. Service-to-

Others is not a purity of service, where the entity thinks only of others. This is not realistic, as the entity must watch

out for the self, less the self be destroyed or placed in a position where the incarnation is abortively ended. Service-to-

Others is represented by those entities who, in the overall, think of others as often as they concern themselves with the

self. There is also some competition between Service-to-Others groups, as competition is not something that ends in

the 3rd Density. The Earth is particularly prone, in the Zeta experience, to competition from various Service- to-Others

groups. This is because of its history, where various groups involved themselves in guiding Earthlings at various times.

The genetics of Earthlings is a soup pot from ourselves, the Zetas, and several other genetically similar hominoids. It is

unimportant just which group participated at what point in time, just as it is unimportant which group is affecting the

salvation of mankind during the coming Transformation.

Ashtar is an entity group that at one time made contact with humans with the best of intentions. As they were not

particularly forceful by nature, they did not defend themselves well when disinformation schemes were ployed against

them, and have since left the Earth in disgust. This left a void, a perfectly good alien entity name, unused. The CIA

and other groups associated with them snapped up this name, and built upon the legacy. Of course, the message

changed from one of hope to one of deception and control. There are now many religious overtones to the new Ashtar

message, including a promise that a Jesus Sananda will return to lift the righteous to safety during the coming

cataclysms, but look closely and you will not see a message of love. Nor does the new Ashtar message encourage free

thought or independence. The new Ashtar message has all the hallmarks of the Service-to-Self, which is not surprising

seeing what lies at its base.

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ZetaTalk: Confederation

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ZetaTalk: Confederation

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The Confederation does not exist. The name itself implies voluntary membership, and this has been part of the ruse.

Were this an ongoing ruse, we would not be able to explain this to you due to the Rules of Engagement. Your

government, early on, wished to give the impression that alliances with aliens were possible, and likewise that some

alien groups could be shut out. Under no circumstances did they wish for the populace to have the impression that they

were being overrun by the alien presence or that they had no control over this matter. Of course, they do not have

control, as control of contact is in the hands of each individual contactee or human who wishes to become a contactee.

Nevertheless, talk of the Confederation is still being bandied about, and if one takes note, marks the speaker as one

reluctant to accept the true nature of the alien presence.

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ZetaTalk: Council of Nine

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ZetaTalk: Council of Nine

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Regarding the Council of Nine. There is no such entity, except in the minds of some. This was a fraud perpetrated by

humans very skilled at deception, and doing so for profit. This fraud succeeded in meeting their expectations.

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ZetaTalk: Ma-Di or DOMA