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ZetaTalk: Ma-Di or DOMA

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Ma-Di or the DOMA are not at all what they are purported to be, as they are assuming a religious front in order to get

past the guard that humans put up against an alien message. Religious messages, particularly when directed at those

who have been raised in rigidly religious environments, are accepted without question when they come packaged in

familiar wrapping. Catholics are numerous, forming the bulk of the religious in many countries such as those in South

America, and do not differentiate themselves by their dress or talk as strict Hindus or Muslims do. Thus, an

indoctrinated Catholic can spread the word without being suspect. What word does the Ma-Di or DOMA wish to

spread? That humans should give themselves over as property to higher powers who will watch over them, an

extension of the message they received during their childhood religious training - don't think, trust, follow directions.

This is not a message those in the Service-to-Others would disseminate, but is a common message from the Service-

to-Self, who are dictatorial and can best encroach where free thought is suppressed.

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ZetaTalk: Ummo

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ZetaTalk: Ummo

Note: written on Jun 15, 1997

Early in the cover-up on the alien presence were a few well orchestrated hoaxes, the Ummo case among them. As with

most hoaxes, publicity and the resultant personal attention were the prime motivators, but when a hoax is elaborate

and long lasting, other motivators are usually present. There are few opportunities for instant fame in human society -

winning the lottery, making a breakthrough scientific discovery, rescuing children from a burning building, etc. The

average human, even those with status by virtue of their position among the wealthy or due to being professionally

accomplished, live quiet lives. Outside of the family, the circle of friends, and the immediate coworkers, no one is

aware of them. For those individuals with a secret longing to be the center of attention, participation in a hoax can be

it's own reward. Thus, when those who planned the Ummo hoax were looking for cooperatives, they did not have to

look far!

When professional individuals participate in a hoax, for personal reasons, they do so because they are given a rational,

an excuse for the hoax, that allows them to explain what they are doing in a face-saving manner. It’s for the public

safety, to help the government learn of scientists who might be contactees and thus traitors to the human race, or

perhaps so the government can learn of real technology gifts given to real contactees, and thus share these gifts with the rest of mankind. Of course, the motive on the part of establishment perpetrators is greed and the desire to be in

control, to retain their power positions, but this is not the way the rationale for the hoax is put forth.

Thus, the Ummo case was a grand scheme to poll the scientific community and locate those scientists who seem to be

genuine contactees. What resulted, to the great disappointment of the perpetrators, was contact with yet more

individuals desiring to be the center of attention, not genuine contactees receiving technology from aliens.

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ZetaTalk: White Brotherhood

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ZetaTalk: White Brotherhood

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The White Brotherhood is not from another world, but is a group of psychics supported by various governments of the

world, covertly. The White Brotherhood, as it is currently, adopted a name that already had name recognition. This has

been a long running fraud, whose purpose is to influence the populace of the world into believing matters that are not

true. It is a disinformation campaign, claiming connection with Ashtar though Ashtar had nothing to do with it.

It is a well known fact that telepathy exists between human beings, outside of any influence from aliens from outer

space. All life, even plants, share this ability to some degree, as it is related to the flow of communications between

living cells. Where there is life, there is the potential to receive a flow of communications from another, and to

sympathize with another's flow, and to therefore get inside another, so to speak. When humans are in telepathic

communication with each other the communication flow between the brain cells of the one create a pulsing aura of

sorts, which expands outward for many hundreds of miles. Getting in tune with this communication aura so as to be in

a telepathic conversation involves tuning one's own communication aura to be in sync with the other. Once done, their

minds can travel down parallel paths, the listener in parallel with the one listened to. This also has a reverse

mechanism, as once this parallel communication is in place, the listener can interject.

It is by this means that the White Brotherhood operates. They are assisted in this with information given to them by the

governments they work for. They are even moved physically close to their target human, to maximize the potential for

contact. They are given personal information about their target, so as to line their thinking up with what might be in

the thoughts of that person. When they have made contact, so to speak, and verified this to their satisfaction by

receiving information from the target that confirms they are thinking in parallel with the target, they set to work. First

the White Brotherhood interjects a thought, in conversational mode. For maximum effect, the thought is surrounded by

visual imagery and emotion, so the thought will impact much of the target's brain and get the target's attention. Then

they listen. If the target indicates, by thoughts, that it has received the message and is aware of this, then the White

Brotherhood sends another message, and on it goes.

The message the White Brotherhood wishes to extend is that the aliens are not to be trusted. They do not differentiate,

but spread suspicion about all aliens. They do this by themselves asserting they are aliens, and making the target

human uneasy. What it takes to make the target human uneasy varies, as each person is different. Since they have

information on the target, are close physically to the target for easy listening, and can get inside the target's head for

endless hours of snooping, they soon figure out what it will take to make the target nervous. They send a very

personalized message. The message will be packaged differently for each target, and thus the understanding one target

receives may not coincide with what another target receives. If the concepts being relayed are not personally

distressing to the target, they will refer to the White Brotherhood as a pleasant experience. If, however, the target

resents the concepts being relayed, a battle of wills may result and the experience reported as unpleasant.