to the shape of the package.
Take, for instance, the lessons relayed in the fictional series Star Wars. Does not Yoda, grumpy and disheveled and
living in humble quarters, not exemplify many characteristics of a Service-to-Other individual? He has quirks, is
reluctant, and people can relate. He also has a key role in a crucial battle between Good and Evil, and ultimately has
this satisfaction. So it is often, in the Service-to-Other orientation. How could real life have stated this more
effectively? The essential battle that takes place in 3rd Density entities, which is their orientation decision to either
work with others and be empathetic or to go for the self, is very well relayed. The Urantia Book is such a story, very
expertly woven and influenced without a doubt by many entities who wished to see this story told. Read it and
appreciate it, and do not consider it a fabrication but rather an artistic description of the facts.
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ZetaTalk: Akashic Record
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ZetaTalk: Akashic Record
Note: written on Sep 15, 1995
The Akashic Records and the book, Keepers of the Garden, are fiction, incorporating bits of this and that such as
various messages contactees have relayed, science fiction staples, human hopes, and themes from the Bible. All very
entertaining but without any basis in fact whatsoever. Phil, the main character, does not exist, nor does the Council of
Worlds channel through humans as implied in this book, nor is the Council composed of 12 or even any set number,
nor are the Zetas developing a hybrid race to populate a planet other than Earth. Fiction. All of it.
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ZetaTalk: Clare Prophet
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ZetaTalk: Clare Prophet
Note: written on Jun 15, 1996. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
Among the marks left by the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet are myths of their genetic heritage. They used
human females as sex slaves freely, wherever they resided on Earth, and of course at times spawned offspring. Unless
the woman had broad hips, she was highly likely to die in childbirth or during pregnancy. The visitors from the 12th
Planet knew this, and almost routinely gave their sex slaves an abortive medicine to prevent those messy deaths.
However, at times a sex slave escaped or a casual encounter resulted in a pregnancy, and a living child resulted. All
genetics tend to blend, so this resulted only in somewhat larger humans, a trait which has lost its meaning as all human
races have increased in stature over time due to selective breeding. Elizabeth Clare Prophet thought the Jews a select
race bearing more of these genetics than others, a claim based not on fact but on her respect for the accomplishments
of the Jews.
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ZetaTalk: Baird Spalding
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ZetaTalk: Baird Spalding
Note: written on Mar 15, 2002
Baird Spalding like many strongly in the Service-to-Other orientation has developed a reputation. This is not so much
due to acts or predictions, but the simple impact that a strongly Service-to-Other lifestyle and entity can have. Like
Jesus, who left all who heard him speak or watched him in action impressed deeply, Spalding speaks not so much
through words as by actions, the true test of orientation. Spalding like many who wished a message to remain with
those who heard it took liberties. The Star Wars series is fiction, but speaks greatly to the true interaction between
Service-to-Self and Service-to-Other, and the contests mankind finds himself in almost daily. The Urantia Book
likewise is fiction, but beloved by many for the picture it paints. Fiction, or pseudo-fiction, often has an impact greater
than the truth, and is not considered a sin in higher realms if the mission is accomplished.
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ZetaTalk: Sylvia Browne
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ZetaTalk: Sylvia Browne
Note: written during the Dec 21, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
After for many years denying such a possibility, this week celebrity psychic Sylvia Browne announced on
the Art Bell show that she now sees a worldwide natural cataclysm in the future, and the disappearance of
mankind within 5 years.
Pole Shift Discussion Group
We have mentioned that many aliens channeling, to valid channels, are reluctant to announce the coming cataclysms.
We have explained that this is due to:
1. not wanting to be the bearer of bad tidings,
2. not having a human willing to be the bearer of bad tidings.
Those alien groups pulling back from a full truthful account of what mankind will experience have several reasons for
doing this. First, as with any relaying of discomfiting news, the news bearer is also discomfited. So, the news bearer
would prefer not to experience this discomfit, call it cowardice or pandering to the self or a weakness. Second, there
are those who feel that the news would be delivered to many who could not do anything with the news, could not
move, prepare, and the agony would only be thus prolonged. This is akin to a doctor not telling a patient that they are
dying until the dying day. In this case also, the doctor, the news bearer, is excusing themselves from discomfiting
demands by the patient of family. Can the patient not be cured in some way, has the doctor done all he can, etc. In like
manner, aliens presenting a pole shift scenario are asked, via their channels, endlessly, if all of mankind cannot be
saved, lifted, the shift avoided, etc. Those aliens groups presenting a rosy, or glossed over view, will explain the facts
to those who they deem will be able to take it well, or deem could benefit from such facts.
Both factors, the channel and the human, are at play, so that one must have:
1. an alien information source willing to tell the horrid truth,
2. a human willing to be the bearer of this.
To date, none but Nancy has filled these shoes, but times are changing for several reasons. Where information sources
have alluded to coming changes, they focus on the aftertime as being a better time, not the steps that will occur to get