of mice where the light is varied, steadily increasing. All else is rigidly structured for sameness. Same food, same
feeding time, same amount of food, same degree of handling by humans, same amount of cage litter - no variance at all
if possible. In an open system experiment few of the factors are tightly controlled, as there are too many variables.
How do two different strains of mice get along with each other, and which survives the competition for resources? Put
all the mice in one large cage, vary the environment with lots of exploratory debris, vary the feeding schedule, subject
the mice to extraneous noise once in awhile, and watch. The Awakening is now in an open system, where formerly
closed, and several trends are already apparent.
Decades ago contactees were visited on an individual or at most family basis. Almost always, a contactee vaguely
aware of this activity kept it to themselves or at most shared it with a trusted confidant. Closed system. Now
contactees are meeting each other, not only in their subconscious during visitations, but in support groups, Internet chat
groups, and while browsing at the book store. Government denial has become an indirect education program, religious
leaders are formulating their explanations, TV and movie producers want to be on the leading edge of a media
opportunity, and politicians are seen gladly accepting alien endorsements. Open system.
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ZetaTalk: Alien Welcome
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ZetaTalk: Alien Welcome
Note: written during the Nov 2, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
On October first of 2002, while vacationing in the Southern Chilean city of Concepcion, a group of family
members found what appeared to be a small humanoid creature. The miniscule being measures about 7.2
centimeters long. It has a relatively large head, two arms with long fingers, and two legs. The discovery
was first reported by Mega News Service, which is the local news channel in the Santiago area.
Jeff Rense Site
The story of EBE, at Roswell, plays like a child's bed time story to mankind, eager to embrace the alien presence they
sense is present, but denied to them by their governments who have a palpable cover-up in place. The Brazilian
Roswell story in recent years shows the eagerness of the populace to embrace the alien presence, children leading the
way by caring for the injured aliens they discovered on their path home. Sightings of lights in the sky, UFO's, are cold
comfort for those who sense that these visitors mean mankind no harm. Thus, at the slightest excuse, all manner of
rumors of sightings are taken as evidence of aliens among the populace. No alien bodies, except those recovered at
Roswell and the Brazilian Roswell, which were deliberate, are in the hands of man. However, soon enough live
visitors will be at their doors, walking in the mist, and delivering help when life seems grim and hope gone. Thus, the
embrace is going two ways, in the heart!
Note: added during the Feb 15, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
As we mentioned at the start of ZetaTalk, in 1995, sightings would be on the increase, mass sightings would then
increase as the population affected became comfortable with such an event, and then sightings of alien lifeforms would
occur. This has occurred, during the intervening years, most often not reported in the news. Now, however, the
incidences have become so widespread, mass sightings, that it is almost common knowledge and thus, gets into the
news almost automatically. The reason for this oversight on the part of the debunkers is that there is so much
discussion that they forget when they are supposed to put on the brakes, or where. If the debunkers here this chatter during their commute, in the cafe, at the bar, in the bedroom, they just shrug and listen, knowing this to be true and
choosing no comment as an avoidance. Then comes the point where a newscaster reports a mass sighting, or a local
piece gets picked up and become national or international via press routes, and the debunker at first shrugs and then
realizes they let it pass! Oops, too late now, and better to ignore it else attention will be called! Thus, you are hearing more about this in the news, where it actually has been occurring all along, in recent months and years.
Often, those who have been witness to a mass sighting, or hear about it, try to establish a reason for the UFO's. If there is any event, like a disaster, as with the Mothman Prophecies, this is assumed to be a warning. Alternatively, there are
those who will assume the UFO's caused the event. None of this is the case. UFO's and mass sightings and mass
visitations of contactees in an area are all part of the plan, to establish a comfort level with the alien presence, so that
the next stage can begin. As Nancy reports in her Lifeform Orientation write-up, she herself was hardly comfortable with the types of lifeforms she was presented with. She reports that BeanBag Man (her term) caused her to faint for the
first time in her life. She reports that recalling the BugMan, standing like a giant cockroach in front of her complete
with waving antenna, was difficult for her to bring forward to her consciousness. Bear in mind that Nancy is hardly a
coward, nor the fainting type, and steps up to the plate no matter what.
So what would the average contactee, or group of contactees, do if presented in their conscious with such sights? To
prevent mass panic, or adverse reactions, they are first presented with the alien lifeform individually, to adjust. If in a
group, a single bad reaction would affect the whole, so individual presentations are done routinely. When the group,
be this a family or a neighborhood or small town or camping trip association, are familiar, then a conscious sighting
might occur. This would be at a distance, as a glance, like the sightings of BigFoot, so no threat exists but lots of
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ZetaTalk: Alien Welcome
discussion occurs afterwards. Thus, increased UFO sightings are part of the plan, newly into the news, and all should
anticipate the next stage, as they may be part of this!
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ZetaTalk: Sightings to Increase
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ZetaTalk: Sightings to Increase
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
The subconscious is the heart of your awareness, and when the subconscious of the majority of your populace is
comfortable with our presence, there will be no need to conceal ourselves from you. Sightings will increase, and will include alien life forms. This will then move to telepathic discussions with these life forms, en-mass with groups of