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predicted the current weather changes, the current increase in volcanism and earthquakes, the current economic and

crop shortage problems, to say nothing of the location of the inbound planet - ZetaTalk stands out as a source of certainty, or so it is hoped.

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ZetaTalk: Answers

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ZetaTalk: Answers

Note: written during the April 20, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Thus, when seeking certainty, the anxious hammer at Nancy, as the only source listening and responding. Can she

provide more certainty than she is doing today? No, as the factors in place from the beginning of ZetaTalk are still

there today.

1. We, as the source of this information, can only respond to questions considered to be The Call, and cannot for

instance give warnings of coming storms or quakes, though we can address in general the likely earth changes.

To do otherwise, as we have explained, is to interfere with the free will of man, which the Rule of Non-

Interference limits. The pole shift, and all change leading up to it, are considered a normal terrestrial occurrence

not unlike tornadoes or cancer or droughts. You, as mankind, are to help each other, learn how to do so, during

these tribulations.

2. We, and Nancy, cannot force the governments of the world to issue forth information, or force those thinking

just of themselves to suddenly become caring. If you don't like the current level of truthfulness from your

governments or scientists, then address your frustration to them, not ourselves or Nancy.

3. Nancy is working to the extent she can as an aging woman, of retirement age and with many health problems

not even considered by her audience, without funds, without physical assistance, and simply cannot become

mama to the anxious world! Few of those hammering on her for certainty, or to do more, would deal with her

situation for an instant. Beyond the unreasonableness of their demands, there is the physical impossibility of her

doing more.

Thus, the issue falls to the audience, what they must do for themselves. Anxious people do not carefully read what has been written, then are primed by the biological imperative that flight or fight is designed to meet to act. Thus, when faced by the actual possibility of a pole shift, tidal waves, crumbled cities, lack of food, and no help from the

government, they panic. Given that ZetaTalk has proven to be the only source of solid and well considered

information on what to do, and in this we are including the Troubled Times network of solution sets and the nonprofit which seeks to provide this information to mankind, their action drives like a spear against ZetaTalk and Troubled

Times. Nancy finds she lately has been grateful for the foresight that developed Troubled Times and the hip-pocket

booklet that the nonprofit has developed. The over 100 Troubled Times TOPICs and TEAMs that have developed

allow the anxious to be pointed to reading material specific to their concerns. Thus, they have something they can do, and the adrenaline that flight or fight has dictated is dissipated into purposeful activity.

Will this trend diminish, or change, going into the shift? It will only increase, until e-mail queues sorting out the real questions from those seeking information readily available, if only one would take a web site click or two, may be

necessary. In time, Internet service will become disrupted to the point where mail is not necessarily delivered and

bounced only because of delays, and web sites are inaccessible to many due to satellite down time. Thus, an important

support step for those wanting to help is to create mirror sites, of that information the ZetaTalk and Troubled Times

sites offer. Many mirror sites already exist, in point of fact, for instance where translated material has been made

available within countries speaking the language. But it is a bit late, when the satellites start malfunctioning, to seek to set this up! In that acting as a traffic cop, directing the anxious to this or that information, could be done by many individuals, we also recommend that this be structured before the flood.

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ZetaTalk: The Insecure

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ZetaTalk: The Insecure

written Dec 5, 2004

Debunkers, under the guise of presenting truth seem to really fear Nancy, given all the time and energy

they spend on her and her ideas be they flawed or nay. Is it the message, or her perceived insanity they

fear? A logical person knows if a person is a crackpot and posting on the internet, you ignore them and

they go away. When you fight, piss and moan, all you do is give them more credence in the eyes of those

who believe and in the eyes of many on the fence.

Beyond the professional debunker, whose full or part time job is to haunt message boards or web sites in search of

people discussing what the establishment wants to deny at present, there are those so in the grip of fear and insecurity that they attack the message for no other reason. The message is, in short, unthinkable. Life, for humans on Earth, is

highly insecure in the best of times. Even with the best that modern medicine can provide, most illness is not curable and palliative measure only provided. Lightning can strike anytime, any place, and neither prayers or bribes make a

difference. Meteors and fireballs from the sky are erratic, and despite man’s best efforts at prediction earthquakes

strike without warning, dropping buildings and bridges. Then there are all the reassurances from employers and

governments and insurers that pension funds, savings, home ownership and assets, all are solidly there and will be replaced should any event remove them. Yet employers go bankrupt, governments go bankrupt and change their rules

or default on their promises, and insurance companies default. Loyalty from friends and family also cannot be relied

upon solidly, as the divorce rate and domestic violence statistics show. Friends are supportive only while this

friendship aligns with their life circumstances, and the friendship dropped when it becomes inconvenient. Thus, despite

man’s best efforts to make himself secure, he is, in essence, standing naked in the cold rain, alone.

Enter Planet X and the ZetaTalk message that the world will turn upside down, experience earthquakes that will shatter

cities everywhere, roll flood tides inland for hundreds of miles along coastlines everywhere, explode industrial

complexes into a cesspool of chemical pollution, destroy the communication and transportation networks so that travel