ZetaTalk: Getting High
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ZetaTalk: Getting High
Note: written on Feb 15, 1996
The desire to forget one's troubles, experience more intense sexual pleasure, or boost one's sense of confidence, via
recreational or even prescription drugs, is not unique to the human animal. Such urges are intrinsic to all life, as why
would they not be? Does not the turtle, feeling the warmth of the Sun's rays, linger longer in that spot? Does not the amoebae, feeling the burn of a caustic, shrink back? Does not the Beta female in a wolf pack, having an opportunity to
break away and become the Alpha female of her own pack, take this opportunity in preference to being in second
The fuss over recreational drugs and alcoholic excesses is not the desire to use, it's the lack of control. Were everyone to stop at two drinks a day, AA would not exist. Were everyone smoking dope to be of age and not returning to work
or driving or operating dangerous machinery or lecturing school children afterwards, who would care? Were cocaine
not addictive and intensely destructive to unborn fetuses and even fatal, during an overdose, why would anyone be
concerned? Does society cast rules regulating how many calories can be consumed, even when obesity kills and might
be considered to be giving children the wrong message? Why is overeating exempt, and smoking dope not? The crux
of the matter is control, as society does not care if its members are miserable or quietly killing themselves, as long as they don't make a fuss or a mess. Getting high makes a mess. The drunk drives on the wrong side of the road and picks
fights with strangers. The pot head fails school and ignores his responsibilities. The crack user breaks and enters in
order to afford his habit, and if he is a she, delivers terribly damaged babies to be cared for by the state. Messy.
We, the Service-to-Other Zetas, in line with our 4th Density lessons, routinely avoid mind altering substances, as this
avoids, rather than addresses, the issue. If one is in pain, the individual is not alone in seeking relief, as all are concerned that this be so. If one lacks confidence, they are given encouragement and offers of assistance. Avoiding
problems does not resolve them. Humans, in their 3rd Density existence, find many of their problems intractable, and
to be borne in silent agony. It is this that is the driver behind excesses of drug and alcohol use, and this is what should be addressed as a solution.
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ZetaTalk: Junk Food
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ZetaTalk: Junk Food
Note: written on Feb 15, 1996
Humans often dream about what they like to call a perfect world - no need to work, sleep until noon, anything they
want to eat or drink, limitless sex, and no rules regarding indulgences of any kind. They strive toward this, reducing
their work time and increasing their play time, and moving the menu in the direction of the fun foods, desert first. A
lack of exercise, which at first feels good because one feels rested rather than weary, can result in a very unhealthy body. Likewise, fun foods, a.k.a. junk food, can be just as destructive. Junk food is just too much of a good thing.
Cave men lingered longer at the berry patch because the berries were sweet, and thus got their dose of vitamin C. They
ate fat laden foods with gusto, and thus stocked up on calories before the lean times set in. And they ate anything salty they could get their hands on, because they were always on the edge of being depleted, especially when inland rather than along the shore.
But cave men were kept in check by their harrowing existence. Overindulgence was the least of their worries.
Civilization has in essence allowed man to follow his appetite, unchecked. If sweets taste good, then indulge into
diabetes or hypoglycemia. If fat foods taste better than lean, then indulge into obesity and cardiovascular disease. If
salt puts zing into food, then apply the shaker until your blood pressure sky rockets. Only when health is shattered do
most humans take notice. For those who have more than occasional access to junk foods, or even sweet, rich, or salty
staples, common sense should be given at least equal billing. Think of how awful you'll feel if fat, apoplectic, and in
the grip of blood sugar swings. Drink too much and you have a quick lesson in the comeuppance that a hangover
provides. Junk food has a longer curve, but the comeuppance can plunge your life into the grip of misery which won't
be cured in a day.
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ZetaTalk: Pets
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ZetaTalk: Pets
Note: written on Oct 15, 1996
Humans keep pets for multiple reasons, but primarily as substitutes for human contact. Pets are more predictable, more
easily controlled, and beyond any natural bond of affection that develops between pet owner and pet, they can be
trained to react in what can be interpreted to be a warm and friendly response. They invariably prove to be good
listeners. Humans have kept pets for as long as they have been able to sustain an imaginative thought, as pet owners
are certainly imaginative in what they ascribe to their pets. It has been said that pet owners take on the appearance of
their pets as time passes. In fact, the opposite is the case - the pet owner chooses the pet as its persona matches the would be pet owner. Humans identify with their pets, so as to have a companion that they presume will relate to them.
Ah, there's another me, they say, someone who will understand. Along those lines:
Dog owners desire more assertive activity in their life, want to be able to assert themselves in human society
more than they do, and vicariously enjoy it when their pets snatch food off the table, pee where and upon
whatever they wish, and openly defy orders from strangers with a dumb look on their face. Owners of aggressive
attack dogs are making the statement - don't mess with me. Owners of pampered poodles or tiny Chihuahuas are
making the statement - I wish to be taken care of and can't be expected to go out into the rough and tumble
Cat owners are essentially aloof and tightly control their lives. They may be outgoing in appearance, but close
examination reveals that they do so as a well orchestrated act. In fact, they distrust life and what it presents, and
don't want other humans to presume that they can simply march into the cat owner's life. Owners of single cats
are less secure in human society than owners of cat herds, as although they maintain tight control over their
private world, they want some other warm blooded creature to be forced to share this with them, the cat owner
being the only social interaction available to the cat. Owners of cat herds have ambitions to manage other
humans, but are practicing with their cats.