[2/5/2012 1:27:52 PM]
ZetaTalk: Star Seeded
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ZetaTalk: Star Seeded
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Mankind arose from a combination of sources, and the earth was one. As there is tremendous variation on the
environments found through the Universe, in any genetic engineering project the engineers find it most profitable to
use, as a base, a species native to the planet. The species in this case was a form of ape no longer in existence on
Earth. Anthropologists searching for this missing link have not found it, as this ape was chosen not for its wide range
but for its suitability.
Having a suitable base, several experiments were tried. Through genetic engineering, the intelligence and dexterity of
this ape was increased. The bi-pedal stance was encouraged. When we say experiments, we are speaking of the stage
where the product was re-introduced to the Earth, having been residing in labs. The product of genetic engineering
then either survived and flourished or died out for some reason. More often than not, the product expired. Some of the
aggression and violence we now seek to diminish, for 4th Density existence, were necessary for the product to survive
on Earth at that time. This step was repeated many times, on different places on Earth, and this formed the basis for the various races of mankind you see today.
When mankind was genetically engineered, this was under the direction of the Council of Worlds at all times, and at
no time was the intent for mankind to be slaves of another intelligent life form. Of course, having created mankind,
various groups had as their agenda to do just that. We are saying that the mission was not slavery, but some who knew
of the product came back to Earth to attempt to muscle in on new territory. This has occurred here and there, with one
group or the other, but all were fleeting occurrences and all were stopped shortly after the campaign developed.
Both the Koran and Bible attempted to explain this among other things to mankind, most of which was misunderstood.
Therefore, dwell not on the Koran or the Bible when looking for the true history of mankind's birth.
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ZetaTalk: Meditation
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ZetaTalk: Meditation
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
The Hindus are a very mystical people, in touch with their spiritual side, and trying all the time to move more in that
direction. They study and practice methods to improved communications with the spirit world. Concentration, diet that
will improve the ability of the body to concentrate and not be distracted, positions of the body that are helpful, and the right mental attitudes. All this effort brings them little, however, as the ability to communicate with spirits is strictly related to the desire to do so. A human following all the recommended practices religiously may be nowhere, another doing everything wrong, according to the recommended practices, is speaking regularly to the dead or spirits in higher
dimensions. However, as would be the case with any group of people, some Hindus who follow the recommendations
also have desire, and so connect. There is then a great flurry of enthusiasm for the practices, which had nothing to do
with the success.
The Hindu speak of a state, the goal of living, called Nirvana. They attempt to reach this via meditation, and correct living, during many incarnations. They attempt to reach high levels of communication with others, as an adjunct to this
state. What they are seeking is termed living in light form, or the spirit only, not requiring incarnations. Incarnations are a learning experience, but spirits grow beyond the need for this, in both the Service-to-Others and Service-to-Self
orientations. Incarnations are then used as a learning experience, or a tool, for these spirits.
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ZetaTalk: Shamanism
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ZetaTalk: Shamanism
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
All cultures have shamans, who go by different names. A shaman must be able to convince those he lives amongst that
his experiences are real, and his guidance valid, or his stature quickly falls. Therefore, shamans in the main are having real experiences that are somewhat familiar, if only in part, to other humans. There are seldom fake shamans, and then
not for long. What is a shaman? A shaman is a human who refuses to deny what his intuition is telling him, and thus
communicates with entities he cannot see or hear or capture for exhibition, as in a cage. He communicates with the
world of spirits, the dead, higher level entities that no longer need incarnate bodies, and as frequently as possible, he is having Out-Of-Body experiences. He may attempt to incarnate, briefly, into other humans, or animals of various types,
but he seldom gets permission to do any of this. Imagination plays a great part in shamanism, but is bolstered by real
experiences so the shaman's stories can be very compelling.
Many who claim to be speaking to the wind, or animals, or rocks, and genuinely believe this is so, are simply giving a
spirit they cannot see a name and source. Humans sensing a spirit in the vicinity are often at a loss to explain what they are sensing. They refer to vibes, or a presence, or an intensity. Nothing can be captured on camera, or grabbed
and put in a box for later examination. Spirits communicating with a group, such as an Indian tribe, will often go with
the flow, and allow whomever is communicating to assume this presence. It is possible to influence the direction a bird flies, easily, as the reason for flying in this or that direction are few and can be staged for the benefit of the bird. Thus, a Shaman who thinks the bird has a spirit, and finds it flying in patterns that would indicate that, is none the wiser.
All humans have the capacity to be shamans, but in the main lack the faith. They stop themselves. They feel insecure,
not being grounded. They prefer to be a spectator. But the family of man, hearing the shaman weaving his spell,
remember their tentative experiences along the same lines, and believe. A shaman's followers have gone to the edge
with the shaman, and when he describes what was beyond, they recall what they caught a glint of.
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ZetaTalk: Carlos Castaneda
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ZetaTalk: Carlos Castaneda
Note: written on Jul 15, 1997
A widely misunderstood means of connecting to the reality known to the incarnated spirit involves forcing the human
body to take a back seat so that the mind can communicate more fully with the spirit, the incarnating entity.