governments not as a threat but as a friend. Guards are let down and eyes are turned toward the horizon for the long
range view. It is our sincere hope that the recent surge in strength and prestige given to the United Nations will
continue unabated and increase steadily.
Many see the United Nations as interfering, and many see too little interference. Several factors are at play here. Those who long for the world of the future, where all consider the needs of the other and artificial barriers such as country or race or religions are ignored, wish for the United Nations to grow in influence and breadth. But those who would exert
supreme control over peoples and lands under their dominion see the United Nations as a threat to their powers. These
opposing forces play off against each other, with various rouses as excuses. Money given to the United Nations is
squandered or unfairly spent. Tasks undertaken are not equally shouldered. Whatever. Support may be promised and
then suddenly withdrawn, or crucial votes withheld for trivial reasons. All these are ploys to weaken what individual
power mongers consider a threat. Consequently the actions of the United Nations should be viewed not from their
actions alone, but by the many countervailing actions designed to weaken and destroy the United Nations.
Those who would see the United Nations reach its potential should support it regardless of any individual actions
taken. This is a body pulled in many directions, and those who would see it pulled in the right directions should not
stop pulling.
All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 1:28:07 PM]
ZetaTalk: Capitalism
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ZetaTalk: Capitalism
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Regarding capitalism, with its arguments that the whole benefits from the avarice and greed of the few. Proponents
point to the United States or other western civilizations as proof of the theory. Where in truth there are the wealthy, as there always are in every civilization, nevertheless poverty still reigns for the masses. Is your United States any
different, in truth? How many citizens are starving on the streets, in increasing numbers? How many tiny school
children sit with hollow eyes because their bellies are cramping in an insistent demand for the breakfast they never
seem to get? How many families try to make moldy, bug ridden quarters cheerful, with not much more than a plucked
dandelion or two. Children playing in the mud because this is their only toy. This is Capitalism's outcome. In point of
fact, these statistics would be a thousand times worse if Capitalism were allowed to run full course. It is held in check by your laws.
All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 1:28:08 PM]
ZetaTalk: Scientific Theories
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ZetaTalk: Scientific Theories
Note: written on Feb 15, 1996
Humans like to believe that they do not give credence to any theory that cannot be verified in the labs or in some other
manner. This is just not true. Children are taught that evolution developed man, but what is called the missing link has
never been discovered. Astronomers work on the premise that a Big Bang started things going, but most certainly have
never viewed this or reproduced this in their labs. The wonders of electricity are extensively utilized in human society, as are the wonders of magnetism, radio waves, and light, but the theories guiding these wonders are plastic and forever
under adjustment by humans. Humans in fact use their theories as guidelines, during their search for a more perfect
explanation. A pleasant pastime, both in publications and when meeting each other socially or at conventions, is to
debate scientific theories.
Where do humans go wrong, in their search? Where are they on target and where off? How can they better direct their
energies? A key fault in the debates that humans conduct is allowing the debate to address a limited scope. This is
done many times to allow any discussion at all to progress, but when pertinent aspects of the subject under discussion
are excluded, then the results will invariably be twisted in some manner. Human scientists are so used to limitation
being the rule that they become furious when the scope is broadened. Since humans, intellectually, are not really
capable of dealing with many factors at once, it is best to admit where human explanations falter. In this way, at least, one is not led astray or time spent arguing absurdities.
All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 1:28:09 PM]
ZetaTalk: Human Infallibility
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ZetaTalk: Human Infallibility
Note: written on Jan 15, 2002
In any discussion about human science there is more than discussion about facts, assumptions, and theories. There is also posturing and the need for comfort. Postulating a theory becomes, too often, a matter of ownership and pride. The
theory thereafter cannot be wrong, or the owner is somehow discredited and falls in stature. Then there is the structure
built around a theory - published books, lectures and curriculums, clubs meeting regularly and discussing the matter.
All this is like a web, holding the theory up, and any attempt to change the theory brings howls of distress from the web which must likewise change. Thus, in human society, one has the Catholic Church apologizing only recently for
dismembering and burning alive those who pronounced the Earth round, not flat, and the Flat Earth Society still in
existence today.
How are the sciences, in human society, treated any differently today? Einstein’s works, when first presented, were not
only pronounced wrong, but were shouted down. They were treated by those whose posture required the existing
theories to continue as a threat, which Einstein’s work was. The worst garbage could be calmly discussed, but
Einstein’s lectures were disrupted by shouting sessions and physical assaults. This was, one was to assume, because
Einstein was wrong, but in fact the heat of the debate was the opposite, because he was, compared to the existing
theories of the day, correct. But Newton is still taught in the schools, to the young, along with Einstein’s theories, and when they contradict the students are expected not to notice. This is because the professors require a posture of being
all-knowing and infallible, and any student implying otherwise suffers at their hand.
Then there is the comfort factor, the need to feel that sudden calamity will not descend, as the facts are known and thus the future somewhat predictable. Lighting strikes, and strokes fell strong and stout humans like a lightning bolt, but the factors surrounding lightning and strokes can be analyzed and thus the likelihood of occurrence somewhat predictable.