How, beyond the comfort of sameness that a posturing professor or scientist requires, are current scientific theories
tied to the human comfort factor? If the theories on how lightning is produced were to change, then this implies that those smug in their assumptions about the likelihood of a strike might be wrong, and thus vulnerable. If the theories on the cause of stroke were to change, then this likewise implies that those smug in their assumption that they are
immune might be wrong. Thus, discomfort with change causes resistance to change, and theories often develop
solidity for no other reason than this.
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ZetaTalk: Independent Thinking
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ZetaTalk: Independent Thinking
Note: written on Jan 15, 1997
Students who think for themselves are on the right track, when they grope into areas that are not discussed or presented
in school as they sense that they are only being given part of the picture, when they reject rigid explanations they have been given of how things work, or explanations that were based on only part of the puzzle and not the whole. This can
never be wrong, but they are treated otherwise. The student is expected to accept the rigid explanation and toss away
any new pieces of the puzzle they discover because it upsets the rigid explanation. Thus the anger of professors when
they are asked questions that seem to counter or contradict the going theory. In truth, more bright students, the thinking type, leave school than stay in, and those that stay in are in pain.
Where most humans like to think of themselves as intelligent creatures, and even the only such creature so gifted in God's creation, they are more often willing to accept the conclusions of others than to think for themselves. This is
because emotionally they are children. Look to the discussion on why the planets continue to revolve as an example.
It's Newton's law. Once motion starts it continues unless stopped. When there is obvious contradiction to this so-called
law, which in fact is not law but only describes behavior, the children are discombobulated. It is not that Newton
cannot be challenged, it's that the children cannot think for themselves.
Look about you, at how small children deal with the complexities of life. They ask their parents to explain, and
whatever reason is given out becomes the answer, is repeated to other children, and is angrily defended. The child
needs the parent there to explain matters, and the emotional overtone of desperation overrides any capacity for logical thought the child may possess. Having been raised to the level of gods, the parents can do no wrong, until adolescence
arrives and new gods are clung to with the same desperation - gang leaders, movie stars, athletes. Most adult humans,
grownup on the outside only, are still children on the inside, clinging to whomever acts like a self-proclaimed god by
either claiming to take care of the adult child or claiming to have the answers.
Scientific principles, once stated by such a god, are not allowed to be challenged unless this is done by another god.
No matter how illogical the scientific principle becomes, the precepts of the religion are repeated mindlessly, and any
challenge to this devotion meets hostility. How dare you challenge the god's laws! This tendency to behave as a
mindless child is most dramatized in scientific communities, where logic and the ability to think matters through is
assumed. In stark contrast to what humans expect from their scientists, the adult child prates the laws of their gods and refuses to put obvious contradictions alongside of these laws. They look the other way. They throw insults. They walk
off in a huff. Anything but be forced to grow up and think for themselves!
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ZetaTalk: Context
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ZetaTalk: Context
Note: writen during the May 25, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session
When the giant comet positions itself exactly between the Earth and its Sun, things change. The Earth then
has its greatest advocate for its previous alignment, the Sun and its magnetic alignment, negated. The
Earth hears only the magnetic voice of the giant comet, so to speak, which stands between the Earth and
its former magnetic commander, the Sun.
ZetaTalk: Pole Shift
When approaching the point of passage, the shift suddenly happens, and this is before the point when ...
Planet X is actually between the Earth and Sun. After the passage, Planet X exits as quickly as it
ZetaTalk: Stop Rotation (May 18, 2002 Addition)
The sticking point is the use of the word exactly in the Pole Shift write-up, in 1995, when more detail given that same year explains the angle and position and distance such that exactly between the Earth and Sun do not seem appropriate.
The one write-up was an overview, focusing on what occurs on earth during the shift, and why it happens (magnetic alignment) and the others were focusing on positions between the planets and Sun. If one goes to the store, for
groceries, and Mother says "Father will be right back, he went shopping", and then Father does not come back for an hour as he also gassed up the car and chatted with a neighbor, does this make Mother a liar? Her point was, he will be
back, soon, and she felt no need to explain all possible diversions he might make. If Mother is approached by a cop, explaining that her husband is in danger of being shot as a kook with a gun has issued a death threat, her answer would
not be in that context. She would then state that he went shopping and give the address of the grocery. She would also list all possible side trips or activities he might make. She would provide addresses, phone numbers, details on what he
was wearing, the license plate number, and color of car. Is there a difference in the context, the focus, in these two settings? Yes!
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ZetaTalk: Event Timing
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ZetaTalk: Event Timing
Note: writen during the May 25, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session
On a live radio show with New York this past year, there were questions about the missing Congressmans
girlfriend, the one who was going to return to California but went missing. The Zetas said she was
amnesiac, not dead, and was in Mexico, and would likely not ever be found. Of course I hold my breath,