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for this reason alone. However, the priority is to enjoy life and avoid discomfort.

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ZetaTalk: Status Symbols

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ZetaTalk: Status Symbols

Note: written on Oct 15, 1995

Human society, as most 3rd Density societies, is rift with status symbols - big cars, big houses, titles after the name,

designer clothing, the right neighborhood, membership in elite groups, and name recognition. For many, the status

symbol looms more important that any underlying meaning, because the status symbol represents power.

Those with money have more power than those without, almost invariably, as money can buy cooperation. Thus,

most status symbols denote money. Where it is difficult to put on the facade of big money without the actual

prop, those masquerading as well-to-do manage to do so surprisingly well on occasion by dressing well, acting

arrogant, and getting others to foot the bill. This is usually a short run affair, with the perpetrator remaining on

as a pet of the wealthy only happening in the movies. The perpetrator is almost without exception resented for

crashing the gates and prosecuted.

Those with membership in elite, exclusive groups have more power than those without, as the membership

cooperates with each other, doing favors, and thus each member has a larger reach. Thus, those with such

memberships almost invariably advertise them in any introduction or brief biography they provide. Rarely are

those without actual memberships able to assume this facade. This is not due to any difficulty in making up

counterfeit certificates or cards, but due to the clubby way members communicate with each other. Phone calls

on a first name basis, and introductions from someone known before a stranger is allowed into the midst. This

ploy, claiming membership one does not possess, is not tried often as it is invariably counterproductive.

Those with name recognition have more power than those without, as others are afraid of offending them for fear

of the incident becoming widely known. Thus hotel accommodations or fast and often free service is provided as

everyone suspects the cameras may be running in some manner. Scams where the power hungry assume the

name of someone well known are usually short running, though all humans can have look-alikes and some of the

famous have many. A certain dress, a little make-up, practice the voice and posture, and voile, one can walk

about and pick up the perks at a party or convention. The counterfeit personage, emboldened by success, tends to

use this routine more and more often and linger, thus eventually getting caught and dealing with a lot of disgust

and venom thrown their way, outweighing any benefits gained.

However, the easiest status symbol to attain, and the one most often used by the power hungry, is a title after the

name. Doctor, Judge, CPA, Representative, Director, Manager, Esquire, President, Captain, General - how often

are the titles verified as genuine? Almost never, unless the personage is applying for a job and even then this

type of checking is seldom done if the personage has the proper demeanor. Thus, the power hungry can assume

a title and get away with it in the main, winning deference and rapt attention at a minimum, entry where the

doors were formerly locked, an audience where the message was formerly dismissed, and as any good salesman

knows, getting the foot in the door is half the battle! They are home.

Thus, when one finds status symbols in the form of titles after a stranger's name, particularly nebulous titles, one

should not instantly assume they are dealing with a person who has earned the title, or any title for that matter.

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ZetaTalk: Get Rich Quick

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ZetaTalk: Get Rich Quick

Note: written on Jun 15, 1996

Money may not buy love but it certainly covers a lot of fronts - good nutrition, housing, the ability to travel, hand

servants, sexual gratification, life in a good climate, and a good view from the top of a hill. More significantly, money is a way out - out of having to work, having to do chores that hirelings can do, out of having to be polite to employers and bankers, and the possibility of a way out of any troubles with a quick cash settlement. Money can also allow the

vision to be attained, and make the difference between embarking on a visionary path or languishing. It is not

surprising, then, that get-rich- quick schemes are popular and make a lot of money for their promoters, who are

themselves trying to get rich.

In dealing with these assertions, that the secret is this or that, one should bear in mind that if it were all that easy, then everyone would be rich. Is this a closely held secret when it is for sale? Is anything being revealed that is special

knowledge? These schemes generally include a lot of self confidence builders, which in and of themselves are

calculated to make a difference in the lives of those who buy the packaged scheme. The shy man who stood by while

others took credit for his ideas becomes assertive and now gets credit, and attributes his improved standard of living to the get-rich-quick scheme. The steady saver, who clings to solid and sure bonds and savings accounts, takes more risky

investments and, until they lose big as well as win big, thinks their life transformed.

To the extent that the packaged scheme gives solid advice and encourages the shy and constrained to live life more

fully, these schemes do no harm. Where they take money from those who are poverty stricken on false promises, they

are only making the promoters rich.

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ZetaTalk: Politics

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ZetaTalk: Politics

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Those who go into politics, like those who go into upper management, want to be able to wheel and deal, to be able to

have cards that they can play, and are anxious to come out on the top of the pile. They are not concerned, no matter

what they say, about the average citizen because the average citizen cannot give them backing. This has always been

the case throughout human history, and is a heavy factor in all 3rd Density cultures. Politics is a way of disguising the lust for power over others. When one says politics, they hope this lust will not be noticed, and some other motive,

such as the general welfare or leadership in troubled times, will be assumed. Few are so misled. Nevertheless,

politicians are not deflated when exposed, nor put off by the frank disgust of those they purport to serve. Those who

wish to be on top will use sales techniques, bribery, a loud mouth, wheeling and dealing and making partnerships or

whatever it takes.