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MJ12 Service occurs; whether there are MJ12 Perks for groups like the Aviary; and whether MJ12 maintains a Red

Book cataloging alien information.

The Zetas talk about what the Apollo Logo signifies and why Apollo 13 aborted; how NASA cooperates and why there are Silenced Astronauts and NASA Wars; and whether the Moon Landing was faked. The Zetas talk about how MJ12

gets International Cooperation and whether there is a Global Conspiracy; whether the Bilderberg Group or Trilateral

Commission exist; what role the Council of Foreign Relations has; the real purpose of the Illuminati; and what role the

Masons play. The Zetas talk about the real purpose of the Star Wars and Russian Star Wars projects; whether the US

has Moon Installations; whether there is anything sinister about Disappearing Satellites or danger from flyby Near

Earth Objects; and why ships seem to hang around Nuclear Sites. The Zetas talk about whether the lust for alien technology drove the Secret Government into the Philadelphia Experiment, the Montauk Project, and Alternative 3;

whether something suspicious is occurring during Immunization so that Innoculations or Medical Implants should be avoided; the true aims of Project Prometheus; whether Tesla was onto something; whether there are Underground

Installations or aliens digging a network of Underground Tunnels and how the HAARP project relates; and whether

Admiral Byrd visited Antartica.

The Zetas talk about what role MJ12 had in the assassination of President Kennedy, his son John, Jr., Marilyn Monroe,

and Admiral Forestall, and Harrington; what Silencing Methods MJ12 employs and how they get Cooperation; whether MJ12 is Snooping on Contactees or has conducted School Surveillance; how MJ12 acts as Customs for

extraterrestrial traffic; whether the government conducted Mind Control or Remote Viewing experiments; why Gelatin

Rain fell on some small towns; and what Black Helicopters are trying to accomplish. The Zetas talk about whether the Roswell Autopsy Tapes are for real; how the goverment uses Pseudo-Fiction such as the X-Files to gradually awaken the populace; how former disinformation agents have become Information Agents and why there seem to be Overt

Agents; why The Falcon went incognito; whether the sources talking to Bill Cooper and John Lear are telling the truth; why Phil Schneider was assassinated; why Bob Lazar went public; why there are often Mixed Messages from

government sources; why Half Truths are so damaging; how SETI relates to denial and why the EQ Pegasi Signal was

http://www.zetatalk2.com/govmt/g00.htm[2/5/2012 11:41:10 AM]

ZetaTalk: Government

a hoax; the real reason for all the Bad Press aliens get; and whether the recent discovery of Lifebearing Planets

elsewhere is truly news.

All rights reserved: ZetaTalk@ZetaTalk.com

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Weekly Chats on the Pole Shift ning

Weekly Chats on the Pole Shift ning Archives

The weekly chats, Q&A sessions, have switched to the Earth Changes and Pole Shift ning. Answers to the questions posed during the week will

be posted by noon Satruday, EST. Questions posed will be selected based on relevance and whether the answers already exist within the body of

ZetaTalk. Rules apply . Nancy was live on GodLikeProduction every Saturday night, from Nov 12, 2005 through May 15, 2010. The GLP

indexed archives and content from those chats is available. The Zetas and Nancy are very grateful for the support Trinity and his crew of mods

at GLP gave during these years. The archives from IRC live chats between Nov 2001 and May 2003 are also available.




Feb 11, 2012

Ning Address

(Answers posted by noon on February 11)

Feb 4, 2012

Ning Address

Nuclear call, Obama bridge plan, Earth sounds significance, Contactee counts,

Nuclear Call

Patagonia tall people, Bolivia floods, Russian plans, Wobble weather, Korean

Answer Archive ship explosion, USGS roles, New Zealand interest, Spielberg's dilemma

Jan 28, 2012

Ning Address

Extinction Protocol website, Chile hot earth, Beijing floating hominoid, Aftertime

Answer Archive food production, Extinct Protocol comments scheme, Kerry's black eye, Lincoln

during State of the Union, Solar Flare excuse, Magnetosphere twisting incidence,

Scale changes, Buoy data suppressed, Iran boycott

Jan 21, 2012

Ning Address

Costa Concordia cruise, Planet X viewing, Survival Site cautions, Earth moans,

Answer Archive Plate movement proof, Nibiru on Russian TV, Chile in Antartica, Wobble winds,

Element of Doubt, Moon shape, SOPA, Hong Kong whirlpool, India sinking,

Nepal glyphs, DNA databases, Cartagena hot earth

Jan 14, 2012

Ning Address

James Forrestal, Bell Witch legend, Rotation Stop gravity change, Costa Rica

Answer Archive drums, Thailand river blockage

Jan 7, 2012

Ning Address

Norway stretch, Codex Alimentarius, Food hoarding

Answer Archive

Dec 31, 2011

Ning Address

Last Weeks counting, Telepathy distress, Magnetosphere torque, UFOs and

Answer Archive debris, Wobble clouds, Warm winter, Mariana Trench collapse

Dec 24, 2011

Ning Address

Philippine tsunami, Transmigration of soul, Wave cloud shape, Sloshing buffer,

Answer Archive CNN hints, Smog increase, Two Moons campaign

Dec 17, 2011

Ning Address

NASA misquotes Nancy, Michigan natural gas, Newt Gingrich, Australia floods,

Answer Archive Ohio fracking quakes, Netherlands flooding, Africa re-colonization, Ancient alien

warnings, 2012 agenda

Dec 10, 2011

Ning Address

Senate Bill 1867, Gun control, Tbilisi UFO, Venus writhing, FEMA camps,

Answer Archive Mercury UFO

Dec 3, 2011

Ning Address

Prince Charles in Romania, El-Baradei in Egypt, Olsen photo captures, Winged

Answer Archive Globe on SOHO

Nov 26, 2011

Ning Address

Australian prison camps, Mars missions, Christmas Hammer, Annunaki bones,

Answer Archive European missile sites, 2012

Nov 19, 2011

Ning Address

Drug Resistant germs, Iodine 131 in Europe, Trans Pacific Partnership, Neutrino

Answer Archive assassination, Rift/Zapper machines, Apec Travel Facilitation, Iran missile sites,