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would horrify and surprise humans.

The hybrids that we are creating will have many dormant genes in them. A clear example is the violent nature of

humans, which evolved to allow humans to live on a planet where large predators exist. Were it not for your violent

nature, you would not have survived past a couple of generations. We suppress that violent nature in our hybrids, yet

those genes exist. Just as you would be horrified to develop tentacles, or a gaping mouth in the center of your stomach,

with smacking lips ready to take in whatever might float by, in the future the new hybrids would be horrified to find

their dormant violent nature expressing from hidden genes.

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ZetaTalk: Basic Similarities

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ZetaTalk: Basic Similarities

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Humans and Zetas are alike in that we are both humanoid, having arms, legs, digits, hearts, lungs, brains, eyes, ears,

mouths. We breath, we feel pain, we have remorse, we feel joy, we enjoy kinship, we enjoy accomplishment, we feel

frustration. In the past the Zeta had offspring in the same sex-to- birth manner of humans, but now we either clone our

offspring or create a blend of genes in the test tube. Our genetics are no longer as rich as Homo Sapiens genetics.

However, the upgrading of the human race will provide a hominoid with our intelligence and telepathic abilities as

well as the genetic adaptation that humans have to the Planet Earth.

In the past we consumed food in much the same manner as humans. However, our diet was vegetarian. During the time

period when we lost our genetic richness, we also pared away our ability to eat. Some rudimentary organs for sex and

eating remain. We refresh ourselves by submerging into a nutrient rich bath of clear gel. The nutrients are created, as

you might say, in the laboratory. They are simply chemicals, developed from chemicals found anywhere in the


Our life span is much longer than humans. However, the life span of the hybrid race we are genetically engineering

will be as long as the Zetas currently enjoy. In your Earth years, this is 400 years. We experience debility for only the

last 50 years of this span. In our culture we also do not rule against suicide. Therefore, if any Zeta finds his life

circumstances unbearable, he can end his life in a painless manner without strife.

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ZetaTalk: Physiology Differences

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ZetaTalk: Physiology Differences

Note: written Oct 15, 1995

The Zeta physiology differs from the human physiology in several respects, and this has created challenges and


It has been noted that where we have nostrils, and our breath, acrid by human standards, can be felt when in close

quarters, we don't appear to be breathing. The expansion of human lungs is visible, yet our trunks seem firm and

immobile. Do we have lungs? We do indeed, but they work asynchronously, rather than in unison, one expanding

while the other exhales, so the motion is all internal. How did this come about, that springing from the same base we

developed different breathing patterns? The answer lies in our long lean frame, which in the trunk has a fused rib

system with cartilage between the ribs for extra strength. During our genetic engineering periods those Zetas who

adapted to a longer more rigid frame by an adjusted breathing cycle survived to pass along their genetics. In fact, our

current frame only became possible because asynchronous breathing became possible. The genetic engineers went with

the flow, so to speak. Our hybrids, however, have unison breathing, but in a pinch could switch over to asynchronous

breathing - a latent capacity.

Where our current digestive system is rudimentary, having been eliminated in preference to a cleaner, quicker form of

nourishment intake via our nutrient baths, the genetics controlling digestion are a factor to be considered when

merging genetics in the hybrids. What did our digestive systems used to be, and how did these differ? The human diet

is voluminous and fibrous, reflecting the diet of the base apes that formed the human race, and in truth reflecting the

reality of vegetation on your planet and the adaptation that animals evolving on your planet were forced to deal with. If

an animal is vegetarian, and most are, they eat continuously, defecate frequently, and deal with digestive gasses. Few

animals become successful predators, an obvious fact as if all were predators there would soon be nothing to prey

upon. So humans have as their base an animal that eats masses of fibrous vegetation, daily.

We Zetas, on our world, had a different diet. Our world was not sunny and bright, and the vegetation thus not as

evolved. Mosses, bugs, algae, crustaceans, and when we ate almost nothing went to waste. If forced to eat your diet we

would digest the fiber, but would also be unable to consume enough to retrieve the necessary nutrition. In our hybrids

we have attempted to take the best of both worlds. Humans, we feel sure, would not object to less farting and burping.

We have retained the more complete digestive capabilities of the Zetas, while adjusting this to allow for the types of

foods your world offers. In the highly civilized world of the future, cultivation will focus on those foods that return the

highest nutrition. Less eating, less elimination, virtually no digestive gasses, and surprisingly constipation will not be a

concern as the shape of the bowel, being a single straight shoot, lends itself to guaranteed elimination.

The physiological work assigned to organs such as the kidney and liver is essentially the same in both Zetas and

humans, but how this work is accomplished varies. In humans the kidney works constantly, filtering waste, but in the

Zeta click in only when certain blood chemicals raise to a level requiring attention. Like the heart, which rests between

beats, the Zeta kidney rests between Zeta meals. The reason for this pacing is the more complete absorption of

nutrients in the Zeta digestive tract, placing a burden on the kidneys which then require a rest period in which to

recoup. Likewise, the Zeta liver is a workhorse that goes the distance after meals and requires a recuperative period.

Zetas who overeat get more than overweight, they get sick. Our thinness is not due solely to genetic tendencies, we

simply do not overeat. Do the Zetas store fat as humans do? Yes and no. We have this capacity but our physiology

does not make use of it ordinarily. Since we do not digest excess food without getting sick, our bodies keep all

nutrition at the ready, as a store to be used up before the next meal. No packing it away in fat cells, no saving it for a

later day. Our hybrids have the best of both worlds. They are slender because their physiology uses, rather than stores