the preliminary stages of understanding the human genome. But even if you were to grasp the concepts, your culture
has great resistance to being engineered, in great part because of the strong Service-to-Self elements in your culture
who would distort the purpose of such a program. Due to the wide variety of Zeta types, there are no characteristics
that could be called out to distinguish the unaltered Zeta. There are several such Zeta types, all more dissimilar from
each other than they are from altered Zetas types.
Some entities have indicated a desire to remain in their home galaxy, in existing Service-to-Other communities, and
this desire has been granted. They will continue as is. Other Zetas have migrated to other planets and galaxies, for one
reason or another, and will continue to reproduce themselves there, as need be for continuance. The full-blood Zetas
on Earth expect to migrate into hybrids, along with humans. We have a vested interest in having the hybrids be as
delightful an experience as possible. The Zeta have not, in their past genetic engineering, merged with another
hominoid race. This is one reason our learning curve has been so steep, this past half century, while developing a
Zeta/human hybrid. As these hybrids carry many distinctly human traits, they are never confused with the other Zeta
One should also not assume that full-blood humans will die out entirely either. This almost never occurs during species
transitions, especially when a certain level of intellect is attained. There may be Service- to-Other groups on Earth
composed entirely of humans that continue, isolated, and content with their level of intellect, for instance. There will
be Service-to-Self entities, taken before their human form is terminated, who will be human on other planets. This
occurs frequently in the Service-to-Self orientation, as surviving infants are hard to come by in this orientation.
Nurturing is rare. Thus, those choosing this orientation often are required to keep their current incarnation.
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ZetaTalk: Endangered Species
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ZetaTalk: Endangered Species
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Given the population explosion, why wouldn't the human race be back in business in a hurry after the cataclysms?
Three reasons:
A high mortality rate, where babies won't survive, and the birth rate will be less than zero. So far less, that the
replacement will be almost nil. Combine this with the dropping fertility of the potential parents, and this will be
devastating. Even though you may have many potential parents among the survivors, after 25 years of a nuclear
winter, worldwide, most of these parents will be past the point of fertility, or at least the mothers will be. Robust
fertility, and infant viability, will come too late. This is the situation after every pole shift.
A movement of the Service-to-Others toward living with or near the high tech centers of the hybrids, where
intermarriage will occur. With high tech food production and medical treatment, babies do survive. Lest one
assume that these Service-to-Other humans are being sexually enslaved in order to live, or some other such
nonsense, bear in mind that the Service-to-Others orientation is not coercive. Intermarriage is something that
occurs naturally when young people live near each other. In addition, if the parents of humans give The Call for
their youngsters to be born with greater intelligence, genetic material will be available at the point of conception,
just as it is today in some cases. As we have mentioned, there are humans being born today with Zetan genetic
material, who are part Zetan, and they appear and act quite human. Just so, in the future, the genetic makeup of
the human race will migrate in this direction. This has happened in the past, and this is why you are not, as they
say, swinging from the trees!
A tendency of the Service-to-Self to eradicate themselves, and each other, especially as the controls which keep
those so inclined in check will be missing. How long would the violent and unscrupulous population inside a
prison live, if left entirely to their own inclinations? With increasing polarization of the orientations, the Service-
to-Self will go off on their own, rummaging through the wreckage and living off what others have lost. This
kind of existence works when there is a perpetual source of goods to plunder, but as these types do not plan or
put themselves out, they will find themselves suddenly without. Suddenly without clean water, any food at all, or
the wherewithal to warm themselves until morning. They die.
But what about the mixed groups, who will be given the knowledge of how to feed and cloth themselves from the
Service-to-Other groups or the hybrid communities. Will they not pull through? Some will raise children, and these
children will marry or in any case produce children, but life will be rough. The point we are making here, is they will
not thrive. The Service-to-Other communities, and our hybrid communities, will be thriving. As incarnations are to be
given to those entities operating in the Service- to-Other orientation, new children will migrate to the thriving
communities. This would happen anyway, as the young go where they see opportunity.
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ZetaTalk: Hostile Humans
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ZetaTalk: Hostile Humans
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
The hybrids do not need the hostility they would receive here on Earth at this time. Most on Earth, or at least many, are
possessive. They are emphatic that Earth belongs to Homo Sapiens, and usurpers should leave. It matters not that they
were at one time the usurpers. The hybrids are possessed of Service-to- Others souls, who are sensitive to the needs of
others. Such raw demands would upset and confuse them. They remain away, where they can be in the company of
others of their kind, and treated fairly. Trial enough, that they are living in physical containers that are not finely tuned
at present. There are glitches in the container. Some bio-engineering problems exist. Some of our infants die young,
and others live with deformities. These issues are dealt with by intense love of one another, a joint goal of developing
the physical container to become a joyous experience, and a feeling of camaraderie and team work. Big problems,
much joy and accomplishment. Very lively times!
Note: below added during the August 17, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
The decision to phase out humans, as hard as it may be for those affected to comprehend, are not without input from
those affected. Neanderthal man was in agreement with having his version of mankind die out, afflicted as they were
with tummy problems not pleasant to live with. A Vote was taken, and they were in agreement. Votes that are a true
vote are not akin to the voting that occurs on Earth, publicly announced. In these votes, there is hardly a choice, the choices placed before the voters not what they would put there, but what the elite have allowed to be placed there. In