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release of pressure. In other words the pelvic inflammation or engorgement is lessened and at the same time the

cramping stopped. I don't think too much about that. Somehow it doesn't seem to be a big deal, certainly not as bad as

throwing up because you're sick to your stomach. It's not anything even in that ball park. It just seems to be a very

small thing. I don't think anything about it. I walk back. This time I come out the gate of the chicken coop and come

back in the same back door, like I'm worried about getting yelled at, having been out for a walk. I'm not supposed to

do that. It's all very dark, everybody's asleep. I just go back to bed.

In those days, if I was having my periods, it was with tampons. If I didn't have a normal period I wouldn't have

thought much of it. It seemed my mother just left me to myself, as far as having periods and things like that. I can

remember times when I though I was supposed to have a period and I didn't, just that kind of cramping that happens

naturally anyway. I wouldn't have said anything to my mother, because I wouldn't have thought anything was wrong.

I do remember, when I was [19 and working at a resort for the summer], that my stomach was slightly more than flat.

When I went back [home] I went to see a doctor because my periods had stopped. By that time I had already had a

period, one started after I made the appointment. He said it was normal for women to stop if they travel or work hard

and the like, so I though nothing of it. I was a virgin, and the thought of pregnancy never crossed my mind.

End Nancy's Hypnotic Recall

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ZetaTalk: Custody Rights

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ZetaTalk: Custody Rights

Note: written May 15, 1997

To those contemplating the hybrid program while not actually participating in it, the fact that the humans with parental

interests are kept virtually apart from their offspring seems cruel. They hear emotional stories of mothers holding

babies they instinctively recognize as theirs, where it seems the babes are torn from their mother’s arms to be returned

to emotionless alien nurses standing at the side. Those who actually participate in these dramas understand the

underlying framework, and where they may be expressing emotion, they do not express rage or even resentment,

though perhaps some sadness.

Those who participate in the hybrid program are doing so because they agreed prior to their birth, prior even to their

next incarnation being selected, to participate. They understand the situation, that their hybrid children cannot live on

the Earth in human society at this time. They understand the rich and loving environment their hybrid children are

being raised within. Being solidly in the Service-to-Other orientation, they do not wish to remove their offspring from

this environment to be placed in a human setting where they in all likelihood would be maimed and killed and taunted.

Custody rights over the hybrid children is not an issue of the true parents, but becomes an issue with those who are

inserting themselves into the drama, outsiders as it were. In that they scarcely understand the many factors at play, and

most certainly don’t understand the resolve and commitment made by the human participants, they are not even armed

with the facts.

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ZetaTalk: Donor Fathers

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ZetaTalk: Donor Fathers

Note: written Dec 15, 1996

In keeping with their tendency to share personal experiences and seek emotional support from others, most reports

from contactees who are donors to the hybrid program have been from women. These reports describe how the women

who were donors were checked frequently to determine when they were about to ovulate or had vaginal procedures to

extract ova or implant the zygote or remove the fetus after the few weeks that it remains in the donor mother’s womb.

Donor mothers are also the partner who report meeting their offspring, highly emotional encounters where longing and

regret at the necessary separation between mother and child are openly expressed.

Where is the father in all of this, the male donor? In fact, the donor fathers have equally compelling experiences with

their offspring, and physical procedures to relate. The reason fewer reports emerge from the donor father is due to a

conflict between the father donor role and what human society perceives as the male role. In human societies the male

is the one in charge, the one who does to others, including the woman, not the one done to. This perception goes beyond the sex act, it permeates human society and the roles assumed by males and females. Males lead, they give

orders, they make the decisions, so the role they experience as donor fathers is utterly out of keeping with what they

have been told since boyhood is their proper place.

Father donors are examined as to their health regularly, and undergo sperm extraction at a time when the donor

mother’s ova is ready. Unlike the usual male sperm donation in human society, where the male is presumed to have

selected his bed mate and the time and place of a sexual encounter as well, donor fathers in the hybrid program chose

neither the mate or the time or place. To add to this insult, they are in the passive position when giving the donation. A

cup is placed over their genitals and the sexual response generated through mental influences solely. There is no

physical stimulation, and thus little pleasure. Where donor fathers are as willing to participate as the donor mothers,

when back in human society this is not the kind of experience that gets loud discussion in the locker room. Thus, not

much is heard about the donor father’s experiences.

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ZetaTalk: Extended Families

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ZetaTalk: Extended Families

Note: written Jun 15, 1997

Contactees participating in the hybrid program by contributing genetic material are introduced to their offspring on

occasion for a number of reasons. Primarily this is because they both wish to meet each other, a simultaneous desire.

As humans cannot be contacted by aliens unless the human gives The Call, and as The Call dictates the nature of the

visit, a desire on the part of the contactee to meet his or her offspring must be present for any introduction between the parent and child to occur. Likewise, we do not force a hybrid to meet the eager parents if they decline the invitation for

whatever reason. Most do decline, and thus the rarity of introductions.