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center, and thus like an umbrella pull objects toward that center. When the gravity particles build up in that center, they explode outward like a laser, cutting through all they pass through so rapidly they have little effect on that matter.

When large objects come near each other, these laser beams of gravity particles abut each other, like two fire hoses

pointed directly at each other, and thus they do not approach each other. The Moon attached itself to Earth when the

Earth was ejected from the Asteroid Belt long ago. It is not of the Earth's substance. During a pole shift, which affects the inner planets of the solar system such as Venus and Earth, these planets can have their rotation disrupted. When

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ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

they start to rotate again, it can be in an opposite direction. This can and has happened to Earth, where rotation is not from west to east as it is currently, but in the other direction from east to west.

There are many things which concern me but mostly I am concerned about the subject of chem-trails. We

are hearing of a great decrease in bird species lately. We hear of a greater incidence in asthma cases

especially in children. Can the Zetas comment on the increase in spraying and the effect it is having on

human, animal and plant life?

Obviously it is not healthy for various fogging agents to be sprayed into the air, but this is the lesser evil contributing to any decrease in bird populations or asthma cases in children. Cities are horrifically polluted, but the air seldom shows the poisons it carries. The pollutants are well known to affect the lungs of the residents of cities, and eat away at statues, curtains, and cars. This is no secret. Birds are sensitive to methane gas, which is on the increase due to

fracturing rock. The canary taken into the coal mine is used to detect the presence of methane gas, for this reason.

I wanted to ask, is the increasing and decreasing nature of the reddish glow/hue that permates the cloud

cover at night, as is being reported worldwide, due to the wafting nature of the tail?

Red dust was present in 2003 when the tail of Planet X wafted past the Sun toward Earth, and has returned. What was

present in 2003 and present today is but a light dusting, on occasion, here and there. If the red dust becomes too

obvious, the establishment will have documentaries on how volcanic activity can bring red sunsets.

Will the recent voter fraud in New Hampshire mean that Hillary is going to have her dirty laundry

exposed to the public to counter this deceitful act?

Of course those responsible for the integrity of the election process will do everything possible to cover up what has happened in New Hampshire. It is not Hillary that is worried here! They are seeking explanations for the difference in the counts to the polls beforehand and the exit polls which are historically accurate. New Hampshire has a law that

allows out of state visitors to vote if they claim on the registration form that they have an intention to move to the state. No follow-up is done to ensure that this is the case. Since it was observed before the election that Hillary's rallies were attended mainly by those from Massachusetts and New York state, many cars in the parking lots with those

license plates, this is one possible excuse for the discrepancy. They will claim that her sudden rush were these voters.

Be aware of who will be observing the counts and compiling the totals. It will be the election officials in the state whose reputation would be smeared. Unless there are outside observers, no change in the current count will occur!

When the final weeks arrive and Nibiru will be clearly visible in the sky, large as our Sun, will the cover-

up fall down and the true nature of the event be exposed to the people through the media? Do you see

riots in the cities, panic, chaos or a little more justice throughout the world?

We have predicted that the last weeks will not entail riots, though this is what the establishment fears. Those who are strong enough that they do not need to deny what they can see will either make preparations for their families, move

them to safety and the like, or if trapped will say loving goodbyes. Those in denial, who are often in the majority, will try to continue their jobs and tasks as though nothing were wrong. Shrill arguments may ensue between these groups,

until those trying to prepare and take steps for safety simply leave those in denial to their self-chosen state. Of course there will be those who will loot what has been left behind or in stores, but they will be ignored by the police who will themselves be trying to think of their families or wandering around in shock. We have stated that we estimate 43% of

humanity will be going insane to some degree. This too is a factor. Insane people do not riot. They sit and stare or

plunge into frantic activity or argue with imaginary beings. They also can get despondent and commit suicide, taking

their loved ones with them. These times will be a challenge for all!

Are the animals at the San Fran zoo reacting to an impending earthquake? There are stories of animals

sensing earthquakes and lord knows San Fran is due for one.

Nancy can tell you that animals are sensitive to earthquakes, as she keeps a Peking duck she calls Mildred who is an

excellent sensitive. Mildred has been quaking in the dead of night lately, at 2-3:00 a.m. when the Christmas Hammer

stresses the N American plate. The Chinese use their Peking ducks as earthquake predictors for this reason. When an

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ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

animal senses the rock about them is stressed they get an uncontrollable urge to flee. Clearly this is a factor in San Francisco, which sits on the San Andreas Fault line.

The history of humans shows alien interaction, and yet aliens state that they can not interfere with humans

on this planet. From technology to knowledge of languages, writing, mathematics, agriculture, and

religions, they've certainly interfered. If aliens want to help us, why don't they just reveal themselves to the

public? Why the deception and secrecy?

Does your teacher interfere with your high school exams by telling you the answers? You are in school to learn, and part of this learning process is to live with your mistakes, to learn the outcome of your mistakes. Earth is a spiritual schoolhouse, where you are to learn by your actions and migrate, spiritually, to either the Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self spiritual orientation. We have stated, endlessly, that we are not your parents! We are allowed to counsel you but not to interfere. We are not here to rescue you, but must allow you to make your own mistakes and take action as you see fit.

Since last October I ve noticed a lot of weird behaviour from people. They get aggressive, hostile,

arrogant, even persons who usually behave normally act in an abnormal way. Also criminality in Holland

where I live has risen lately as I learned. Personally I experienced the same period "energy symptoms"