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which led me to hyper ventilation. I got medical treatment for that and the last weeks I feel better but

surprisingly the last time I visited my doctor he told me he found it strange that I felt better as according

to him the treatment he gave me would give results in longer period. Do you think those "symptoms" I had are related with the earth changes and the Planet X passing? There was another period in my life when I

noticed and faced similar odd behaviour by people: August 2006. For me it was a period when I felt

depressed and weaker. At that time a war began from nowhere: Israel invaded Lebanon. Nowadays, we

had Bhutto's assassination. Do you think all this people's strange behaviour has to do with the whole

changes which are taking place? If yes, how does that happen?

People react to stress in many ways. Hyperventilating is certainly one such reaction. The nature of the stress is not always understood. Certainly, if someone is holding a gun to your face and threatening to shoot, this might be the

source, but many times the problem is masked. A caring mother can smother a child, creating stress, but who would

say the mother is the villain. Most often stress is not something at a distance but it is something close at hand in the family setting, the job situation, or in the neighborhood. If the person were suddenly removed from their life setting, the stress lifts magically, but can return if the problem is something the person carries with them and builds into their life. One must examine their interpersonal relationships, to see their own hand in the problems that emerge.

Earlier today I noticed that you posted some links to the early days of Zetatalk and afterwards some

posters were positively vitriolic toward you. Will such vicious behavior increase toward you as we get

closer to the shift?

ZetaTalk has what many have described as the ring of truth, as it is cohesive and answers logically so many questions that human science simply avoids due to contradictions in their theories. This is instantly perceived by those open to the truth of what we say, and our track record on predictions thus does not scare these individuals. Those who are

threatened in some way by the truth, either due to the position they hold in human society or because they are

frightened at the thought of their lives being torn apart, attack. Some of those who know we are telling the truth are attacking to make life easier for themselves until they can run to their bunkers, or are hiring people to attack for this reason. Those who are themselves so fearful they cannot contemplate the awful scenarios we paint are by far the

majority of those disparaging Nancy and ourselves. They will only get more shrill as matters get worse. The elite will stop attacking or having their minions attack. As matters get worse as they will be packing up and leaving for their

enclaves or bunkers.

About emanation illness -- is it possible that feelings of time slips or parallel universe slips are aspects of


Illnesses coming from the swirling core of the Earth or from the chemicals in the tail of Planet X dropping into Earth's atmosphere account for dropping immune systems, nausea, dizziness, menstrual problems, and an increase in albinism.

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ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

Any sense that time has changed and the like are due to stress causing a sense of dissociation, a common reaction

among those under stress.

Can the Zetas give us a date for when the Second Sun will reappear ? This does not give any clues as to

the timing of the shift so they shouldn't have a problem with this .

We have often explained that we wish to keep the establishment off kilter, so that the cover-up breaks. Of what

importance is this detail to you? Minor importance, compared to what the establishment would do with this

information. They would have a handy explanation in the media, timed with the emergence of the Second Sun. We

wish for these anticipated events, and others the establishment has not even thought of as yet, to be a surprise!

The Christmas season hag gone. Can we know now what should be happen in that time?

When we indicated that some sort of surprise would happen during the Christmas season, something global, we were

very careful not to indicate what that might be. The Christmas Hammer of course emerged December 19-22, and will return at an unnamed date. This should suffice, but there is more that is coming shortly. The Earth has moved left,

placing Planet X to the right in the view toward the Sun from Earth. This is certainly a factor that would bring back the Second Sun sightings. We hinted that the light towers seen in Iraq, caught on video in Iraq at night, are a taste of

things to come. We have frankly stated that an increasingly violent wobble can be expected, bringing exponentially

increased earthquakes. Look to any and all of these things to be occurring, on just what date we will not say!

What do the Zetas have to say about the racial calamity that will inevitably unfold once systems really

start breaking down in the US - i.e. prolonged periods without electricity due to extreme weather or earth

changes? Seems this is a ticking time bomb as the Mexicans and blacks are filled with hatred for whites

and would love a situation of lawlessness to descend into total anarchy. I don't see the Zetas address

racial issues much and am really interested in what they have to say on this.

When people anticipate a time when the grid will be down, phones down, roads torn up so that travel is virtually

impossible unless on foot, they imagine reactions to this environment as though nothing in the lives of the common man had changed except the disruptions. The police and military will be afflicted with their own internal worries.

Orders will be given and not acted upon. Posts will be deserted. Gut wrenching fear will afflict many, who will react by running, frantically, or becoming despondent. If someone is not reacting with concern for their person, they will be reacting with concern for their families. Do you think a Hispanic family man is going to take the opportunity to go

shoot his boss, or will he save his family? If hatred were that strong to begin with, it would have been acted upon

before that point in time. Each individual, and each family, will be beset by anxiety. If hostilities break out, it will be over blocked roads, or a refusal to help when requested. You will find a car out of gas with the owner just sitting in the driver's seat, catatonic. Steps to be taken might be to share gas or push the car out of the way, or to attack the driver. These circumstances have nothing to do with race, but with panic.

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ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

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ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

written March 22, 2008 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.

McCain Conflates Shiite Iran And Sunni Al Qaeda, Needs To Be Corrected By Lieberman [Mar 18]