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Now that Eliot Spitzer has been "contained", will someone else within the legal system continue his

investigations of Wall Street, the sub-prime debacle, etc. leading to arrests in corruption cases? Will the

new governor of NY be as aggressive in crime and corruption fighting?

Spitzer was taking delight in playing cat and mouse with those on Wall Street he pursued, being ruthless even when

the target was basically innocent. Spitzer was tough, yes. Fair, no. As governor, Sptizer was not the prosecutor in any case. Someone else has been in charge of investigating Wall Street for some time.

Cheney seems to be stuck on the old script regarding Iran. Does he honestly think people take him

seriously when he raves about the "Iranian threat" these days? Has he not noticed the change in

demeanor of the Bush3 clone on this matter?

Put yourself in Cheney's shoes. He is dying of heart disease. He could go for a heart transplant but fears not surviving the surgery or being killed while on the table. Both are very real possibilities. He is trying to go out with a bang, achieving as much control and dominance over the world as he possibly can in order to pad his resume going into the

next world, which will surely be one of the prison planets. Thus he continues to beat this drum, which he hopes will

put the US in control of all the oil fields in the Middle East, and keeps trying to incite martial law in the US so he can remain in power. Has he noticed the Bush clone switch? Frankly not, as he and the Bush persona, regardless of which

clone it was, have never been close!

Will we soon observe any regular, patterned disruptions to earth like the periodic sweeping arms of the

sun that used to magnetically jolt the entire earth? The regularity of such events was beginning to cause many to wonder.

As we have explained the Earth is currently in lockdown with Planet X, which is coming at the Earth like a crab with

pincers on either side. The Earth is more crowded in this pinch than formerly, with Venus and the Dark Twin both in

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ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

the pinch, so a ricochet is not occurring because movement is not possible. In the past, it was this ricochet, bouncing around in the pinch, which caused the sweep dynamics. Instead, we have a tightly held Earth being jolted back and

forth in a violent wobble. This has manifested weather wobbles, severe weather changes with tornadoes and hurricane

force winds out of season and occurring in places not expecting them and occurring more frequently. The Earth plates

are under more stress, and earthquakes are on the increase as are stretch disasters.

The Puppet Master appears to be supporting the US financial system directly now with loans to banks that

have negative reserves and improperly valued collateral. I assume that he deems this obviously a better

option than letting our economy emplode as it allows for a more orderly transition to a state of at least

partial preparation for Planet X. Has the House of Rothschild been allowed or even encouraged to rise

and flourish over the centuries for just such an eventuality? The need to confront and control national

tyrants as they rise up and threaten stability or the need to maintain stability in a Planet X caused societal


We have explained that the Earth at present is a schoolhouse for young souls to sort out their spiritual orientation -

Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self. As such, those who are adept at Service-to-Self practices do rise to the top of corporations or countries and acquire wealth. It should be noted that the Bush administration is the one stepping in and rescuing hedge funds such as Bear Stearns, not the Puppet Master. The Bush administration's alliances are with Wall

Street. To the extent that banks would be forced into failure, the Puppet Master cares, but these matters are primarily resolved by having stronger banks acquire the weaker ones. No rescue by the Puppet Master has in fact occurred, as

yet! This is the Bush administration, trying to rescue "their base".

During the shift, will human-kind experience an awakening? Will we shift into another dimension?

Several things are going on simultaneously. The Earth is scheduled for a Transformation, which entails only allowing

those souls who are highly Service-to-Other to reincarnate on Earth while removing those souls who are highly

Service-to-Self to prison planets and taking those souls who are undecided in their spiritual orientation to another

world to continue their deliberations. This new planet is a water planet, and their next incarnation will be into a type of octopus. The Transformation is happening now, and will continue apace for about the next 100 years. Simultaneously

the Earth is experiencing an Awakening to the alien presence. Mass sightings are increasing, more contactees are

reaching out for contact with the aliens, and during the chaos of the pole shift conscious contact with benign aliens will occur to some extent. A switch to the next density, 4th density, will not occur until the inhabitants of Earth are almost 100% Service-to-Other, which requires many humans who will survive the pole shift to live out their lives and

then leave the Earth for either a prison planet or their next home, the water planet.

A lot of people have been talking about HAARP and seem to blame everything on it. The major flooding in

the Midwest, they blame HAARP. The 7.2 earthquake in China, they blame HAARP. I'm sick of everyone

blaming HAARP for these natural disasters caused by Planet X's arrival, can you please put HAARP to

rest? Didn't you already say that HAARP failed years ago?

HAARP is a legitimate program that measured the Earth's magnetic field and is primarily located near the magnetic N

Pole of Earth in Alaska. There is disinformation about a program under the same name that supposedly can control

weather or create earthquakes, manmade disasters. For instance, Hurricane Katrina was supposedly caused by man, not

by nature. These theories are patently untrue. Man does not have this control, as we have stated early in the ZetaTalk saga.

The last week,myself, and many others have felt very different. At times it almost feels like my head is a

pressure cooker, eyes feel weird, agitated and nervous at times for no reason. A lot of us feel like we have

come to the point where we are sick of all the BS in this world and can't wait any longer for things to

change. At times it just feels like all the energy is sucked from you. Many reports of ears ringing, ringing

a lot actually. It is hard to explain but there is a strong feeling that something is happening, can you

please comment on the feelings we are having? It is very hard to describe but I can't help but feel we are

on the verge of some major changes.

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta442.htm[2/5/2012 2:44:42 PM]

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

Physical symptoms due to the presence of Planet X have been reported since this rogue planet arrived in the inner