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solar system in 2003. Some of these symptoms are due to the swirling core of the Earth, which is roiling because of

the interloper. The White Buffalo of legend and the increase in albinism among animals lately is not an accident. It is an emanation from the core that causes this albinism, as we have explained. Cave creatures do not have coloration,

because none is needed. The signal is an emanation from the rock, and this emanation has increased to affect surface

creatures. We have stated that illness in general will increase due to the core roiling, and it has. Another illness is

caused by the tail of Planet X, which wafted the Earth in 2003 when it first arrived in the solar system, and will increasingly be wafting the Earth as we approach the pole shift. There are petrochemicals in this tail, creating the light

towers that emerged and were caught on videotape in Iraq and on film in Germany, and Canada. More than a year ago many were noting, and posting on message boards, a ringing in the ears, a dizziness and nausea, with women reporting

disrupted periods. Then there are those who are earthquake sensitives, and sense when the rock is under stress beneath them. We can only say that all these symptoms are temporary, and most will be relieved when the pole shift happens and the interloper rushes out of the solar system.

I have been watching the sunset and the Moon's location casually the last couple months and have noticed

recently the sun setting way to far toward the northeast. Also it seems the Moon has been out of whack.

I'm no astronomer but took an astronomy class in college, so I have a basic understanding. My question

is, has the Sun recently begun setting much farther North? And has the Moon's orbit been heavily affected


One will notice the Earth's wobble depending upon where one is on the Earth's surface. The Moon has had an extreme

tilt since early 2004, as it has been trying to evade the heavy traffic lane of particle flows around the Earth's equator.

Only at the full and new moon points will the Moon be close to where expected. The wobble will continue to get more

extreme, and violent, as we approach the last weeks.

I saw Dick Cheney in Iraq giving his speech, he looks near death. Very near death. Is he one stroke away

from death?

It is no secret that the Cheney heart is in failure, and another heart attack would kill him. He will in any case die from heart failure unless he gets a transplant, which he will not allow himself to do.

So the pole shift won't happen during this current trimester? Not enough happening so I assume the next

candidate would be the August trimester for a possible pole shift?

We have given enough description on the last weeks - the sequence and timing - to allow mankind to gauge the timing

of the pole shift when the last weeks commence. Nancy has computed the whole sequence to be approximately 7

weeks, and this is accurate enough. That we have previously stated that the Planet X complex would be seen in the

skies, undeniably, 7 weeks before the shift is another clue that this guess is not far off. We have stated that the pole shift would happen at the end of a magnetic trimester, at the end of an April, an August, or a December,

approximately. Thus, for this particular trimester, it would be accurate to say that the pole shift will not happen at the end of this April. Correct.

I've read in the aftertimes that the Pacific NW would be good as there would be fish for food. I was

wondering if the Olympic forest was safe enough to ride things out as there are 6-8000ft peaks and

freshwater and does not seem volcanically connected to the Rainier / St. Helens range. Also will there be

any warnings before a big one hits here?

As we have explained, we are not allowed to warn mankind about the exact timing or location of earthquakes or other

natural disasters. General guidelines are OK. Specifics are not OK. We are obliged to operate in compliance with these rules. Your description of the safety factors - high peaks and fresh water sources and the lack of active volcanoes - is a good start. Consider evidence of recent mountain building, as this would indicate instability in the area. Remember that we have stated that all volcanoes active within the last 10,000 years are likely to become active again during this pole shift. Also, consider the direction of the winds, after the pole shift, and ensure that your fresh water will not be under volcanic dust.

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta442.htm[2/5/2012 2:44:42 PM]

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

There are various books about the highly sensitive people. For what I read their nervous system is more

sensitive then others. Only these books don't speak about aliens and so. And that those people always

existed. That they where the advisors to the kings and so. I also read that this is also common in the

animal kingdom, senstive animals and so . I wonder if the Zetas could say something more about this

issue, and if this has to do with the genetic engineering that was done and so?

A naturally nervous nature, being high strung, does not indicate contactee status. Animal species differ in this regard, depending upon whether being nervous and high strung increased the species' chances of survival. Within a species,

this is likewise true. Such characteristics are bred into or out of a species by natural selection. Being nervous can allow a creature to escape danger and hover over its young, thus enhancing survival. Or it may merely torture the creature so it cannot seek food or a mate, decreasing those genes among survivors.

If the Zetas wish to answer, what kind of weather (climate, geology, astronomy) can we expect this spring

and going into summer?

We have predicted that the weather will get more extreme on all fronts. Temperature swings, extreme enough that it

will seem that the seasons are blending into one another. Drought and deluge swings, which will switch about

unexpectedly. Absolute unpredictability, so the weathermen throw their hands up. You can also expect an increased

wobble, the stars not where expected and the Sun and Moon seemingly out of position. Earthquakes will increase in

severity and frequency, but in particular the stretch zones will be active, silently adjusting and creating chaos in

mankind's infrastructure.

Why do the Zeta's waste their time with political questions or talking about politics? They themselves state

that politics is in the hands of man, and they have no control over it whatsover. I distinctly remember

when Obama was running that the Zetas said that he could not possible win. He wasn't one of the

caditates that the PTB was fronting, so the Zetas said he would not survive. They also stated that Hillary

would have skeletons in the closet that would prohibit her from becoming a viable candidate. Obama and

Hillary are both very viable. It is very obvious that either one of them will most likely be president of this

country. The Zetas should not comment on any politics since this is indeed in the "hands of man". Just