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gusset places were bending - a problem similar to the one believed to have critically weakened the

Interstate 35W bridge that collapsed in Minneapolis in August. Inspectors examining the bridge that

carries Highway 23 in St. Cloud found a problem similar to the one on a collapsed bridge. [and from

another] Via Email 3/22: Another large bridge was closed yesterday in Minnesota. This one also crosses

the Mississippi, and is located in St Cloud. This bridge follows that geographical fracture line 'split'

through the state, which is mostly solid granite. I am somewhat directly between the two areas of concern,

located at K-17 on the map. The rotten egg/sulfur smell is back, and I'm picking up a high pitched

frequency in my teeth, akin to a sonic dental tool. This frequency is different than the one I could feel

before the 35W collapse, I could feel that through my whole body, this one I feel in my mouth and sinus


This is clear evidence of continuing adjustments affecting Minnesota. It is the diagonal pull on the N American

continent which is causing this stretch adjustment, which is silent but just as deadly as an earthquake. The

infrastructure is pulling apart! We stated that bridges on the Mississippi would be devastated when the New Madrid

Fault adjusted, and that such adjustments would occur in steps, not just a single large quake. Here's more proof of the accuracy of our predictions!

The gamma rays that are reaching Earth next Wednesday, will bring a problem?

We have stated that the Sun's seeming increased activity is nothing more than ruffles on its surface, due to the presence of Planet X which disturbs particle flows in and out of the Sun. Thus, you can anticipate that any emanation from the Sun will not exceed prior emanations from the Sun. The establishment may on occasion try to use the Sun as an

excuse, claiming it is responsible for some problem the Earth is struggling with, rather than be up front about the

presence of Planet X. This is certainly likely to be the case if satellites start having extreme problems, or

electromagnetic surges or brownouts occur on Earth as they did during late summer of 2003. This is not the Sun

causing this, but the presence of Planet X and its charged tail.

Since Bush 2 is gone, and Bush 3 in place, will we see the cover-up beginning to break quickly or at least

beginning? From the Zetatalk: Market Freefall June 19, 2004, ../index/zeta116.htm

Replacing clone Bush 2 with Bush 3 was done primarily to ensure that a war with Iran would not be pushed. The clone

now in the White House should basically be considered a sleeper cell, to block the worst that the other clone would

have approved of and expedited if given a chance. Bush 3 will act much like the other clones, so as not to incite

suspicion. The market is not under his control, as matters are far worse than publicly presented. We have addressed the steps we anticipate for this to be controlled, such as price controls and reduction in bank services and the like. A

breakup of the Planet X cover-up is also something he may be able to effect, but if he shows too much enthusiasm for

this, he will be countered by his own people! His role is not an easy one, for this reason. He can take action, but once this is done, his cover is blown!

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta442.htm[2/5/2012 2:44:42 PM]

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

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ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

written February 20, 2010 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.

What is America's fascination w/ large families now and putting them on TV (18 kids and counting, Jon

and Kate plus 8, Octomom, etc)? The one mother (18 kids and counting) "I'll have as many kids as the

Lord gives me" and they're actually up to 19 kids now. Coincidently, they're also hyper-religious. It seems

that in the coming times there's not going to be enough food for everybody and deciding to have extremely

large families right now is kinda selfish. What's going on here?

Many industrialized countries are reaching a zero population growth curve, for instance Japan, Russia, and even the

United States. Without immigrants the populations of these countries would shrink. This is an issue for governments

who feel they must plan for the youth to care for the aged, whether physically or via financial support such as the

Social Security system. Quite frankly, these shows featuring massive families who worship having children as though

it were their religion are promoted by those in government who feel the population must be encouraged to have more children. Some countries, such as Japan, have tried to bribe young mothers to start their families, without much

success. This is another approach.

This year, Siberia is awaiting a large flooding and in this connection and write to you, hoping to help my

people living near Siberian rivers. What could you Zetas to advice to local governors (and rescue teams)

of Siberia, to prevent flooding? My friend from local government of Tomsk city hard works on that, right

now, and your message will forwarded to him fully, including this text. Your GLP-chat published answer

would be much helpfull to all Siberians.

We have warned that during the hour of the pole shift there will be tidal waves rolling inland, so that one should plan on being 100 miles inland and 200 feet above today's sea level in order to avoid being overcome by these tides. At the coastline, the tides can be up to 500-600 feet high. Rivers will also backwash during such sloshing of the oceans, such that rivers will go over their banks, not being able to drain. This can cause immense flooding inland, beyond what is in the memory of man, so even inland the populations should anticipate being 200 feet above sea level. All this will

subside within weeks of the pole shift but be replaced by an even larger horror. Within 2 years after the pole shift, the sea level will rise 675 feet above today's level, due to the swelling of the ocean floors from heat due to friction from the sliding crust. This will flood Siberia, almost entirely, so those who survived the high tides of the pole shift must take to boats, perhaps houseboat complexes, to migrate to higher land.

Just as clarification on an answer from last week's session. It involves the quarantine in between the

Anunnaki and Earthlings. It was said that they are quarantined from interacting with each other. Does this

mean visually as well? I can only surmise that the Anunnaki can see the Earth very clearly. Is NASA able

to see their ships and some of their endeavors?

Yes, the Annunaki are aware of man's probes and shuttles. No, man is not allowed to see the Annunaki ships or

settlements as the reason for the quarantine is so that man does not have inordinate fear that their old slave masters will return. Many souls on Earth recall those days, from their past lives.

What are the odd shapes at different angles showing up on SOHO images that look like laser beams,