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specifically these pictures:

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta564.htm[2/5/2012 2:44:43 PM]

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live




These are yet another example of Moon Swirl sightings, as is the String of Pearls phenomena. The L shape, sometimes

with addition lines coming from the central point of juncture, is due to minor swirls stemming from a single large

Moon. These swirls are within a charged dust cloud, and when the charge differs, they attempt to stand away from

each other, as static will make your hair stand on end and separate.

Is this PX proper, one of its moons, or something different, in the movie It can be seen moving around:



The tail of Planet X is composed of dozens of moons the size of the Earth's Moon, much debris, and charged red dust.

Depending upon the angle, sunlight can blaze off a portion of the dust cloud around a Moon Swirl, so it looks like a

spash of light with a drifing tail. Or it can blaze off the individual moons in a swirl, each surrounding by its own dust cloud, so it appears as a String of Pearls. Or under close inspection, the individual moons may be visible.

Can the Zetas offer a current comment regarding the masking of PX now? (Simulating seasons, limited

masking of PX sightings, etc.). This relates to the willingness of TPTB to be more open I understand but

as the elite are driven by fear of people's reaction to the knowledge of PX whereas their real concern

should be the rage that will be forthcoming at the cover up and its perpetrators. Do they not understand

that the continued denial on their part serves to dig their graves deeper? This rigidity of thought will not

serve them well in the end. The zetas continue to be reluctant to disclose certain issues and tend to carry

on the concept of the white lie in many areas apart from the timeline of the shift. This statement is not

meant as a criticism. There is benefit in many of these misdirections as someone who is aware of the

greater chess games afoot can divine the long term greater good that will come about as a result of how

the Zetas play this game, but individuals could benefit if selective messages are tempered by their own

insight or interpretations from their guides. Are many of the statements by the Zetas meant to trigger

individual meaning and revelations that are appropriate for each specific individual?

This is an extremely complicated situation but you are asking for simplistic resolutions. Give us the information, is your plea. We have stated, repeatedly, that the Awakening, to either the alien presence or the truth about Planet X and its pending passage, is paced. We have explained the Element of Doubt necessity re the alien presence, as many worlds which do not have this element present during their Awakening end up savaging those among them who are eager for contact. Your world is not far from the days when supposed witches were burned at the stake, and some

members of the Christian religion are still calling aliens "demons" and suggesting that those who talk to aliens should be "stoned" to death. The issue with Planet X, as we have repeatedly explained, is that those in the establishment, with political power who fear the panic of the populace, would be inclined to mow down innocents in the street if the

absolute knowledge of the pending passage were to be known before they are dislodged from power. What is starting to happen, and which is a trend that will escalate soon, is that those in power are retreating to their bunkers, leaving their jobs, to avoid this day. You are making your demands for the truth to be absolutely known because you want your personal comfort facilitated! Not because you are contemplating what this would do to the general welfare.

Given that the Zeta/human hybrids will replace humans on Earth in 100 years or so, would it be accurate

to say that the human experiment has failed to fulfill the hopes of its master geneticists? Or, did the

human experiment work during an earlier time, but it needs to be modified now to function well on the

Earth of the future?.

Would you say that the early models of the telephone were a failure? They served during their time, as they were

intended to do. 3rd density models are not sufficient for 4th density existence, as we explained in the Hybrids section.

They were not a failure during 3rd density. Did we say that?

Since Zetas are in regular, conscious contact with discarnate beings, they must have an accurate sense of

what life in non-physical form is like. Thus, do Zetas fear death like most humans do, or do Zetas consider

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta564.htm[2/5/2012 2:44:43 PM]

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

death simply a different type of opportunity to learn and grow spiritually?

Death is merely the passage from one incarnation to another, and not a source of fear. We have explained that those

humans who express a fear of death are actually stating that they fear the critique they are about to undergo with their Spirit Guides. If they failed to complete their mission, failed to resolve and learn their lesson so that a repeat will be necessary, then they are reluctant to die. Some Service-to-Self souls also fear death, or express a reluctance, if their current life has offered them a soft spot - wealth, power, good looks, and freedom from pain - and they know that the next incarnation is unlikely to be as advantageous.

A few saturdays ago it was said that close observation was being done to see if Nancy was going to be

allowed more media attention. Can the Zeta's comment on how this is coming along?

There were no adverse reactions. Expect more exposure in the future!

Last chat I asked you about when PX entered our system and when it stopped. Your answer "in early 2003

it entered the solar system at a rapid pace" is obviously says me nothing because "early" is not a concrete date. Look:

1) During GLP session on 8.08.2009 you stated "Planet X was visible in the evening sky in late March,

2003, and then moved within Earth's orbit so it was lost in the glare of the Sun", and so we do not have

CDD images after April 12.

2) But in the article "Planet X Distance Guide" ../teams/rogue/jdistanc.htm PX is calculated to be only near Jupiter in April 12.

3) And in the article "A Twirling Wobble" it is said that only around 15th May "… Planet X was just coming into the inner solar system".

So, here is a contradiction of 3 statements and I would like you at least confirm the accurate date of when

PX entered Pluto's orbit and then the Earth's orbit, because scanning ZT I collided with general phrases