and such contradictions.
Your point 2) was written by a human, not by us. You are splitting hairs to say just when the glare of the Sun affected visibility - after April 12, around May 15, and this is petty. This will be the last such petty question from you that we will address. What on Earth are you doing with your time?
How many moons does PX have?
Dozens of large moons, and countless smaller moons. We do not take an inventory, as it is irrelevant.
The Zetas mentioned that getting a message in a person's subconscious is more effective than actually
spelling it out to them. How exactly does that play out? For example, if a person knows the message in
their conscious, then they will also know it in their subconscious. Basically, how does a person's
subconscious lead the way? For example, I was thinking of a person who I haven't seen in almost a year,
then a few days later, during a snow storm, I forget my wallet, forces me to a building where a friend
works, stayed in the building because of the weather, stand in an awkward part, wait, and I see the person.
Intuitively I feel like my subconscious made me forget my wallet on that particular day, because I guess an
outside force knew it would play out that way, as appose if it didn't happen on a snowy day. Is that
basically how the subconscious works? I've had the Zeta Talk Shamanism page open in my browser for 2
weeks, so it's a topic I'm very curious about.
The subconscious knows and remembers all. The conscious is very selective about what it wants to remember, and will
diminish or remove a memory that is distressing. It is also possible for the conscious to segment, so it has no links between memory segments, which are after all only chemical roadways. This allows a distressed human to have
multiple personalities or sides, a well known psychological phenomena of humans. We disconnect the conscious
during visitations so the visit is recorded only in the subconscious. This is why contactees must build a bridge between their subconsious and conscious during recall. If someone has an intention, or a memory, that is in the subconscious, and the conscious is balking, then such actions are you describe can occur. Consciously, you told yourself that you did not desire to meet this friend again, but subconsciously, you very much desired this.[2/5/2012 2:44:43 PM]
ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live
What's the Zetas take on the Dali Lama and his visit to the White House? His answers at the press
conference were very fun to watch. He seemed wise and funny.
The Dali Lama is an old wise soul who knows what to expect from the political arena. He did not get more from his
visit than he expected, but then this is seldom the result. He was also not disappointed and very much likes Obama.
They have an understanding, but just what this is cannot be explained without revealing Obama's thinking, and as we
have stated numerous times, he has asked us not to do this during these chats and we are honoring his request.
Would the Zetas care to comment on whether there is an awakening of contactees currently in progress?
Continually. Many contactees are what we have described as sleeper cells, deliberately not being consciously aware of their status as contactees until the time is such that they need to take action on their subconscious knowledge. This can be because conscious knowledge would threaten their job and the job is needed to support the family, or because they
have small children and conscious knowledge would cause a rift in the marriage resulting in divorce. There are few
contactees who can have full recall of their status and what they have learned during visitations that will not show this somehow during their daily life, if only by being more dreamy, less conscientious about earning a dollar, or less
attentive to a spouse or boss. But as the Earth changes continue to bring clear evidence of the pending pasage into the conscious, contactees are making the switch.
What is the difference between soul to soul communication and telepathy, and when is one preferred over
the other?
Clearly, telepathy is a brain wave based communication between physical minds, the brain, and soul-to-soul
communication does not require a physical brain. The reasons for one method over another, or for face-to-face visits
over mere telepathic conversations at a distance, is so varied that no general guide can be given.
Zeta's have said no exact dates for PX's passage but can they share when PX will be visible to the public's
naked eyes?
Since we have stated that Planet X will be visible to all some 7.3 weeks before passage, the answer to your question is clearly no, a date will not be given. Please stop trying to game us into an answer as we resent this.
Why are things so quiet? Seems not much going on with the earth changes or in people's personal lives.
Over past few weeks things seem to be at a lull for Zeta's response on the chat. Is this some kind of calm
before the storm? I put out the Call last Fall and everything seem to be rocking and rolling. Meeting
people of like mind, connections coming through, etc. But now since the xmas holiday and the shift to
2010, seems like it's all gone dead. The energy and movement being blocked at every turn. Is there a
reason for this the Zetas can share? Have I personally been deemed somehow unworthy and need to
accept the fact I will die without being of assistance?
Is this your reason for living? Excitement, and an active social interchange? This may be the complaint of a man now
married who used to have a different babe to date every week. What happened to the energy and movement? The
question you should be asking is what you have done with what you have been given? Obviously, you don't think in
terms of your responsibility to take action or make things happen. Just being the center of attention. Grow up!
Many CEO's and government people around the world are quitting their jobs in the last month or two.
Will there be other tell tale signs that something is happening?
If resignations are a clue that those who have heard the rumors and taken them seriously are preparing for a dash to their safe locations, then the actions of those in government or those who are wealthy should be watched for further
clues. What is the reaction when disasters such as earthquakes or floods occur? Is the response limited, as though more such disasters are expected at any minute, or is it the traditional response with promises to rebuild everything? Are wealthy people found increasingly in mountain retreats, inland, where formerly at the beach?[2/5/2012 2:44:43 PM]
ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live
Despite the gloomy future, it seems that love is beginning to bloom, like the Zetas said it would. Would
they agree this is, indeed, happening?