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Constantly. For the reasons we stated: "Love may have a blooming going into the shift, as it ought, those with great love in their hearts responding to the realization that little else matters".

The Zetas said a long while back that the Transformation was going better than expected. Still the same

view today?

Our view has not changed.

The magnetosphere is acting up often. Even today, and it also occurred a few times that not only the south

pole but also the north pole seems to be gone. The reason for the south pole missing has been explained

already by the Zetas but could the Zetas share a light on why the north pole of the magnetosphere is also

acting up. From 8 February http://api.ning.com/files/../28102.jpg?width=721 Today


We have stated that Planet X dithers during his 270° roll, such that at times he points his N Pole more directly at Earth, at other times swinging away. Magnetic fields merge in different ways. When the S Pole of Earth seems to disappear,

as we have explained, it is because the magnetons are being pulled to the S Pole of Planet X. This lack of returning

magnetons is what is causing the radar circles in Austrlia, as we have explained. And when the Earth's magnetosphere is twisted, it is due to the magnetic field so joining that magnetons from Planet X wrap all the way around the Earth's magnetic field to enter into the Earth's S Pole. Until the Earth begins her severe wobble, there will be no way to

determine timing by examination of the magnetosphere. The last weeks will begin when the Earth can no longer chase

to the left, trying to avoid Planet X, so that Planet X appears in the sky to the right of the Sun with some regularity -

Second Sun sightings. Until then, all is just the result of a dithering relationship between the two planetary


Maxim magazine has written an expose' of the demise of Karl Rove's IT Guru. In it, he has referenced an

anonymous hit man who provides documentation of the black ops. "It ends with the words: 'Connell was

not NST' (national security threat)", as if in apology. Who ordered this hit? Rove would not have the

authority for a Black Ops. If it was Cheney, why hasn't he just been outed as the dangerous criminal if it

was his hand. Why doesn't it raise a lot of eyebrows in agencies if assassinations were/are condoned?


Cheney and Rove went off the books constantly, running black ops out of Cheney's office. Just follow the trail of dead bodies. The problem with black ops is that there is no solid proof by which to prosecute, which is why this route is used by the unscrupulous. But the flip side of this is that those who participated fear being eliminated to avoid an

expose. This can, in fact, include Cheney himself, and Rove! There is no joy in this camp these days.

Recently a man who'd gotten fed up with the IRS crashed his plane into an IRS building in Austin. Was

this man STO Or undecided and just frustrated? Or was he just another STS individual trying to create a

body count for himself? Why did he do what he did?

Those who try to avoid paying taxes most often get caught, and with the fines and compounded interest the bill can be a blow. For those who hoped to avoid taxes altogether, this can enrage. He snapped, and committed suicide, which is

anger turned inward.

I hit a mental road block when preparing for the shift, which leads me to think there must be more of an

awakening to occur in the human conscious, otherwise, all I do is in vain. For instance, in my town, my

neighbors, many of which are good of heart, won't even entertain a hint of what may be in our future. All

these people, with small, children. Something big has to happen for them to get them motivated to do

something to prepare. I am doing what small things I am able to do to prepare, and will share when the

time comes, but if I understand ZT correctly, most places won't be able to return to gardening for years

after the shift, and you can only live on weeds for so long. I just feel that unless something occurs in the

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta564.htm[2/5/2012 2:44:43 PM]

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

mass consciousness, we will all starve in my town before more food can be grown. (same with most other

towns). Seems to defeat the purpose of preparing unless there is a mass awakening of sorts, or something

to get people motivated.

Certainly the last weeks will be an awakening. It is not true that gardening will be fruitless! Our statement was that commercial gardening endeavors would fail, almost consistently, but that carefully tended home gardens would not.

Do the Zetas foresee a major explosion of civil strife when Nibiru starts to show up as a large mass in the

daytime sky, as George Herbert seemingly is afraid of? Will there be such a bloodletting as often is

portrayed in Oahpse during the cyclic "return of the red star"? It would seem to be expected, as the

strange sight of the dragon-like anomaly forces mankind to finally come to grips with what the zetas have

been warning of. Many may feel a tremendous sense of betrayal, and consequently will want an outlet for

their rage. If that occurs, what would be the difference between law enforcement trying to maintain law

and order, and forcing the population to "shelter in place", not leaving their communities?

Though the establishment fears panic in the populace, rioting in the streets and looting, we have predicted otherwise.

The common man lives in the main from paycheck to paycheck and will without other options plod faithfully in their

jobs. Most will be in denial, despite the evidence or any announcements. Most will be in shock and not react. During

the last weeks, when it cannot be denied, those who understood what was coming but had delayed going to safer

locations because they did not want to give up creature comforts will of course attempt to dash to the hills. Any

expectation that martial law will be imposed, effectively, is flawed because those who are to maintain martial law or an embargo will also be running for the hills, leaving their posts. Yes, if those in the establishment who knew what was coming and lied are discovered, unguarded, a lynching could occur. It is likewise true that opportunists might murder someone hated, though this takes place today during disasters, where the cause of death is not investigated closely.

Most will be less enraged than stunned, or frantic to save themselves.

Is it possible that the realignment of funds from the huge banks to small local banks create a domino effect

that could end the era of big banking, or will it have very little effect on them? [and from another]

Americans fed up with the lack of financial reform and the behavior of big Wall Street banks are moving