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leaning somewhat to the left, avoiding the approaching N Pole of Planet X. The time when the Earth is almost upside

down is very brief, not even the span of a day, with the remainder of the 6 days of darkness occurring when the Earth is righting itself from the position it was in during the 3 days of darkness. Thus, the N Pole of Earth is pointing north more than south during these 6 days. These gyrations of Earth occur as the Earth is rolling with Planet X during its

270° roll, in which it moves from having its N Pole nosed into the S Pole of the Sun to pointing its N Pole outward

toward Earth (a total 180° turn) and then standing upright with its N Pole up (the remaining 90°). Planet X has been

doing the first part of the 270° roll for some years now, ever since it passed the S Pole of the Sun in 2004 and began moving outbound.

The last weeks begin because Planet X moves to station itself almost directly between the Earth and Sun. Before that

point the Earth merely has a wobble, allowing its N Pole to be pushed away daily. But as Planet X moves between the

Earth and Sun, the Earth comes into the grip of Planet X completely. During the last weeks, the Earth changes from

being in an end-to-end alignment with Planet X to being in a side-by-side alignment. It is during the end-to-end alignment, when Planet X is pointing its N Pole directly at the Earth, that the lean to the left and 3 days of darkness occur. But as Planet X continues in its retrograde orbit, its N Pole is no longer coming from the right, but is located to the left of the Earth, and the Earth adjusts by slinging its N Pole to the right. Thus, during the 6 days of sunrise west, the Earth still has its N Pole tipped away from the Sun and the approaching Planet X, but rather than a lean to the left, it has a lean to the right. It is at this point that the Earth switches from being in an end-to-end alignment to being in a side-by-side alignment with Planet X. When Planet X is just at the Ecliptic, it stands upright in alignment with the Sun, the dominant magnet in the solar system. As it switches from pointing its N Pole at Earth, as it had during the many

years of the wobble, to completing its 270° roll and pointing its N Pole upward, the Earth follows suit. It is then that the Earth is drawn closer to Planet X, so that only 14 million miles separates them. It is then that the Earth slows in her rotation to a stop, for the week of rotation stoppage.

In the Revelation you can read about a holy city, New Jerusalem, which is placed on a big mountain and

which will appear after or during the apocalypses period. Where is this mountain and when we will be

able to see the golden city?

We stopped doing Bible interpretations long ago, as it is a waste of time to keep telling people that God did not write this book, nor did Jesus. It is speculation or lies to keep control of the faithful, whom the religious elite feed upon.

You have mentioned after the pole shift lots of volcanoes will erupt. I've found a very good global map of

volcanoes on the Smithsonian Institute Global Volcano Program website.

http://www.volcano.si.edu/world/find_regions.cfm You can find there every volcano in the world. I've checked my country there and discovered few old inactive volcanoes. And my question is, will even the

very old and inactive volcanoes erupt?

Our statement has been that as a general guide, one can assume that if a volcano has been active in the last 10,000

years, it is a candidate for eruption during the coming pole shift.

Can the zetas comment on the water main breaks in Los Angeles and the cracked bridge in SF?

There was a spate of water main breaks in LA and the San Diego area recently. There were multiple breaks in both

locations, almost simultaneously. There has also been a rotten cabbage smell in San Francisco as well as a new crack

on the bridge to Oakland that had a collapsed section during the quake in 1989, and which was thoroughly inspected

afterwards. Nancy is in fact featuring all this in her newsletter tomorrow, so check the archives later re this. We have repeatedly mentioned the bow stress that the N American continent is under, where the Aleutians and the tip of Mexico are force toward each other while the continent is held rigid by its flat top. The stress is showing.

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta532.htm[2/5/2012 2:44:44 PM]

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

Fox news seems to be pushing gloom and doom (financial, earth changes, etc...) a bit more these days. Is

this due to a desire on their part to give the Obama admin a hard time?

Yes. Enough time has passed since the Bush administration left, so they feel their comments will not be associated

with the administration that CAUSED the mess in the first place. But the public does not forget that easily.

Still no punishment on the horizon for the 911 murderers after 8 years? Truth agendas seem to be heating

up ...

The JFK conspiracy has been alive and well since JFK was assassinated by the CIA, and there will be no revelations

on this matter either. The excuse given for these types of cover-ups is that the public cannot handle the truth, would panic or be so disenchanted that they would fail to support the government, fail to pay taxes and the like. Thus, the guilty escape punishment.

What exactly does channeled info mean - that they're talking to the inner plains?

Nancy is in a telepathic conversation with us, and this is not a channeled conversation. Channeling is understood to be where the human body is vacated by the soul incarnating it, and allowed to be possessed temporarily with another soul or group of souls. These temporary incarnations allow the soul or group of souls to utilize the human body's memory

and facilities such as vocabulary and language skills or on occasion musical or mechanical skills. This is a simplistic explanation, as most often the incarnating soul does not leave at all but steps aside, so to speak, allowing another to influence the body. The incarnating soul is a participant, thus - part of the team.

I had two remarkable contacts lately through the internet, one with an elf and one with a mermaid. Why do

these creatures exist in this world in such a secrecy although they live among us?

They don't. You're a fool.

Our scientists counted repeatedly that about 80 - 90 % of those, who claim they ran across UFO or aliens'

observations, have mental violations or great imagination or just want to attract attention. Is it right, that

only less than 10 % of "UFO observers are mentally normal? Another percents our scientists counted,

when tried to track true UFO observations. Modern ufologists and also UFO-sceptics state that 90 - 98 %

of all cases can be explained as "usual phenomenon", and all the rest are still remain unexplained. Are these calculations right?