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If I say that 80-90% of scientists are mental cases, would that make it so?

Hello to all of the Kursk! Interested in the question: They say that man is by force of will can do

everything, but he can not do something very global (like the Earth to move), and whether there is a limit

to the power of the will and ability of man?

Who is "they" and why should you believe them? If you want to believe what "they" say, make them prove it. It would be easily done. Just have one of "them" sit down and with a force of will and do something that they claim can be done! Don't ask us to comment on nonsense that can be proven or disproven easily!

Recently scientists found out so to say "gene of religiousness" - it means that some people genetically are more inclined to be religious, than others. How can you comment that? The same Q is about recently

found "gene of altruism" - how can one who have such gene well developed, became more STS? Does this

gene change in this case?

Certainly genetics plays a part in the person's ability to be courageous or have a tendency to be fearful, and these

tendencies would incline a person to be insecure, thus cling to religion as a savior or for salvation. If the person were not fearful, they might be inclined to be altruistic, forgiving of others, rather then vengeful. Souls are given the

opportunity to be incarnated in both types of human bodies during their learning experience, so the souls are not

unduly influenced by genetic tendencies, just as they are given the opportunity to be born into poverty or wealth,

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ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

disability or physical beauty and prowess, and mental retardation or high intelligence.

I was watching Bob Dean at exopolitics summit barcelona reveal photos for Apollo mission of UFOs near

the moon and a ET base on mars and a UFO in the rings of Saturn are these true photographs?


Yes, in the main. The Apollo missions recorded many UFO's which swarmed around the shuttles like mosquitoes. That the Annunaki were on Mars is something we have commented about repeatedly and from the start of the ZetaTalk

saga. There is no reason, however, for a UFO to try to hide in the rings of Saturn, as this would be problematic as a 3rd Density port. Space is more convenient.

Could the Zetas please comment on the phenomenon known as "compassion fatigue"? In these months

before the pole shift and in the Aftertime, many individuals might become afflicted by this puzzling

ailment. In fact, I am already suffering from it. I have done social-welfare work for almost 25 years,

having felt called to offer myself in service. For many years, I was motivated, empathetic, energetic, and

optimistic. However, in the past few years, I have at times felt disillusioned, depressed, confused,

exhausted, and even angry. Also, my physical health has suffered. I have honestly considered giving up

and isolating myself from the never-ending problems, creating a life where I am the only one to worry

about. So, the question for the Zetas is: how do those of us suffering from compassion fatigue get back on

track in time to be of service in the upcoming tumultuous era?

We have often stated that to be Service-to-Others means that the entity considers others as often as the self. This

means the self is considered, and not just when the self becomes so exhausted that it is at the point of a physical and emotional breakdown. What do you supposed an emergency room team does when they have been without sleep for

days, literally? What do you supposed those tending public hospitals in New Orleans did when the flood waters were

rising and terminal patients were clearly not going to be rescued by the authorities? Did they allow themselves to

drown with these patients? They saved themselves, considering that they would be of service in the future. If you have allowed yourself to become fatigued, then you engaged too much and did not consider yourself as important. Fix this, and you will find your motivation returning.

In last week's GLP Live Chat, the Zetas asserted that, "If you are concerned about yourself in your Call,

this is a Service-to-Self Call, no matter how you might wrap your desires." This statement was in reply to

a question about praying for healing for oneself. In other words, the Zetas seemed to be saying that when

one prays for wholeness for oneself, the Call is given to Service-to-Self entities even if this is not the

intent. As a personal example, my prayers in recent months have focused on my own spiritual, emotional,

and physical healing rather than on healing the world, though I certainly still do pray that love,

forgiveness, and harmony prevail in the world. Am I giving the Call to Service-to-Self entities?

The exact nature of any given Call is difficult to address on a chat board. One can state that the Call was about the ability to help others, when in truth, in the heart of the person giving the Call, it is all about enhancing the person's status or power base. Likewise, a person can think their Call was about themselves, when their heart was filled with

worry about others dependent upon them. Thus, this question cannot be simply answered in a chat without being

personal counseling, which we do not do.

The Zetas have stated many times they can easily read human souls, auras, thoughts - no secrets for them.

Could they describe in simple human terms what do they actually see, when they see the "soul" or the

"entity". How do they perform a soul-to-soul contact?

This is a mere curiosity question, thus we will in the main decline to answer. Reading the minds of humans is a matter of telepathy, which is a known phenomena and well studied by your governments and often experienced by humans.

The animal kingdom is obviously telepathic, tuning into each other's brain waves as pets do to their owners. We see

auras where most humans do not. This is also a known phenomena as those humans who can see them describe the

colors and appearance. Soul to soul contact is likewise not a mystery to those who have experienced this, meet another whom they feel almost instantly they knew in the past, and adjust this to be a soul contact with the others. This is

something the soul does, and thus is not something the human body or mind can comprehend, nor does it need to.

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta532.htm[2/5/2012 2:44:44 PM]

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

We may be on the cusp of a banking change that will see most of the worlds currencies go to being gold

or silver backed. The US dollar (federal reserve note) is to be exchanged one for one for the new gold

backed dollars (printed by the US treasury as the constitution dictates). Can the Zeta's comment on

whether or not this may come about?

Not before the pole shift, and after the shift it will not matter as money will be worthless, as will precious metals.