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ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 31, 2010

divorced from a spouse who does not want the children drawn into a controversy. But if full disclosure occurs, to the degree that those who would punish a contactee no longer have their rationale or reason to fear association with the

contactee, then little punishment potential remains. The church may still try to ban a member, or a spouse may still

want a less contentious partner, but being fired or passed over for promotion will likely stop, and trying to protect the children is likely to be a thing of the past. In fact, those who have had real contact and have inferred this in the past may become very popular for awhile!

I was wondering if the Zeta's could give a summary on the proceedings around the world at the moment,

the wonderful people here on the ning have been providing details on specific events in their areas as they

occur but it would also be good to have a voice bring these events together and explain them as there is

probably a lot happening that we are only guessing about or have overlooked certain details on or don't

know what questions to ask.

A summary of proceedings around the world could include the Earth changes, where we have inferred a 7 of 10 would

arrive by the end of 2010. Rising from a 2-3 at the start of 2008 and arriving at a 5 by the end of 2008, this scale is clearly not linear. We are currently at a 6 and our statement is that a 7 of 10 would "shock the world" and be unmistakable. Such a move on the scale would involve either a roll of the S American Plate to press islands in the

Caribbean down, or do likewise with the Indonesia tongue to press Sumatra and Java and the Malaysia peninsula

down, or rip the New Madrid fault line. We have declined to say which of these events would occur first, or when, but can only say that at least one of them will occur before the end of 2010.

Meanwhile, the Earth is in a daily wobble which involves pushing the magnetic N pole of Eath away daily when it

comes up over the horizon. This wobble has been complicated lately by an occasional and temporary lean to the left or lean into opposition. So the N Pole of Earth has also been pointing away from Planet X to the left or toward Planet X

on occasion. All of this makes where the Sun rises and sets very erratic, so extremes are noted. This trend is not going to change or go away, though other variations on the wobble may emerge. About this we can say no more as we prefer

to keep the establishment discombobulated. All this dither has on occasion placed Planet X into an optimal position to be viewed as the Second Sun.

Meanwhile, back at the cover-up, panic is rising. The favored excuses to explain the Earth changes the public is

increasingly becoming aware of have failed. Global Warming was discredited when it was revealed that the data was

cherry picked, by none other than the UN spokesperson. Al Gore is in hiding. The fond hope that the Sun would

progress to a solar maximum so that solar activity could be touted as the cause of electromagnetic disturbances has

died as the Sun refuses to wake up. The hope of blaming increasing earthquakes and shifting ground on solar activity is hopelessly dashed. As an object next to the Sun, evident to everyone, becomes a real possibility, they can only plan a quick dash to their bunkers or hope for early retirement to be granted. They have no plans for how to explain the matter, as they know the public will be enraged.

Meanwhile, UFO activity increases, and telepathic warnings are sent to those below who see these displays. Flood

dreams, a sense that one needs to move to higher ground or migrate to a different region are common reactions to such telepathic messages. The common man increasingly senses something is terribly wrong, especially if they see the

Moon out of position or the Sun rising an hour early, with no mention of this in the media. They seek their prophets, as every culture has them, and research history and folklore, and quietly resign themselves to the possibility that

cataclysmic changes might be in their near future. Beyond that, they plod through their life, as most can do no other if they expect to feed themselves and their loved ones. Those with the resources or opportunity to make changes in their lifestyle so that they might survive what they sense is coming often do so. But just as many, if not more, simply deny any unpleasant thoughts.

New crop circle reported 26th July. It reminds me "8" figure but with some additions. Any comments from Zetas as always will be nice to see!

http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2010/Eastfield/eastfield2010a.html At Chalk Pit, near Westbury:

http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2010/chalkpit/chalkpit2010.html I think that this CC shows us collision of magnetic fields of the Planet X and the Earth. It already not the first CC which shows us

collision of fields at this time. Possibly there is something new in this? [and from another] So what was

http://www.zetatalk2.com/ning/31jy2010.htm[2/5/2012 2:44:39 PM]

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 31, 2010

that "something" that happened around the 20th of July? The change in a character of the Earth wobble

or what else? Because we have the 29th already. Please, give at least a brief answer.

As with Woolaston, this crop circle, which is almost identical, is depicting the current state of particle crowding and bumping action around the Earth of late. Earth has been wobbling since 2004, tilting her magnetic N Pole away from

Planet X and then, when it is protected by the horizon, allowing it to bounce back. The larger circles represent that wobble, which has allowed the Earth to deal with the magnetic approach of Planet X since its arrival into the inner

solar system. The larger circles represent these two postures of the Earth, forward and back, the daily wobble. What

appears to be lettering on each half of Eastfield represents the various changes in this wobble, which at first was a S

Pole tug, then a N Pole push, and has varied in strength and shape as the wobble years have passed.

To either side are smaller circles, which as we mentioned during Woolaston represent the temporary lean to the left or into opposition. These are superimposed on the regular daily wobble, and persevere for days. These are larger in Eastfield than they were in Woolaston, because the frequency and severity of these temporary leans is increasing. Of

course, the Moon hardly knows where to position itself, and the Moon's orbit will be increasingly erratic because of

this. This is represented in the center of the Eastfield diagram. What does Chalkpit represent? By moving the side

circles, which represent the temporary leans either to the left or into opposition, it shows an intrusion into the daily wobbly. Instead of being pushed this way or that, in turn, it will be the daily wobble being rattled. If you pick up a box and move it from place to place, perhaps gently and then even with more force and shoving, you would likely not

break the contents. But if during picking it up and moving it you rattle it, you are going to break those contents. We have predicted plate movement starting, major plate movement. What would cause this? Certainly not the gentle

wobble that has been in place since early 2004. Something different has to occur!

A question concerning UFO sightings. Do they hang around the sun, just to the point of not being able to

see them because of the brightness. A few of my most recent pictures has me wondering if I caught one. Is