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greatest need". As it is known to ZT readers, after PS, STO will be separated from Undecided / Young

Souls. The Q. is: even if one is qualified for 4th Density STO life, can one refuse it in order to stay with

their loved ones, and follow them anywhere.

Service-to-Other humans are not going to be separated from other humans during the pole shift, or after the pole shift, except if they walk away from these other humans, deliberately. There is no scenario as described in the book series

"Left Behind" where some leave and the others are bereft, left behind. Since the Earth of the future is to be a Service-to-Other world, those who qualify, being fully Service-to-Other, are given the offer of a lift. What this means is that they can be prevented from dying during the hour of the pole shift, so as to be there for their families and neighbors afterwards. Most decline this offer because the hour of the shift will be the time of greatest terror.

We have described, and our emissary Nancy has witnessed, some extremely rare instances where in today's world highly Service-to-Other humans would otherwise be killed or would go missing and their bodies not be found. The

example Nancy witnessed, and participated in to understand the process, was a group of political prisoners being

walked off a cliff. It was assumed by the executioner that they would die and since the crevasse was deep and dark, no one checked. Those political prisoners in that group who were Service-to-Other were snagged and taken to our dome

cities, where they are hard at work as teammates with the hybrids and ourselves. Nancy also participated in the rescue of young children sold into sexual slavery, as here too the Element of Doubt was maintained because the slavers

assumed the children either escaped or were stolen by a rival gang.

Many people have illusions about the Lift, confusing this with the Biblical ascension whereby the faithful will be

saved from harm and taken to Heaven early, or confusing this because they have a personal desire to be rescued or to

be special. This is not the purpose of the Lift, which is extremely temporary during the hour of the pole shift only.

Those humans who will be living with us after the pole shift are those who are already working with us as teammates.

As we stated earlier, outside of our emissary Nancy, who has risked her life hundreds of times to produce our

ZetaTalk, we decline to name them. We have often stated that if someone claims to be Service-to-Other, they likely

are not, and it is likewise true that if someone is claiming to be a teammate of ours qualifying for such an offer, they also likely are not.

The Zetas said that the soul should have at least 1000-1200 (or more) terms of embodiments for definition

of the orientation. Also, the Zetas said that just STO souls will be embodied on the Earth after the pole

shift. If the soul is inclined to the STO and has been embodied less than, for example, 1200 terms of lives,

such soul also will be moved to the 3d water world (together with not confident souls) for termination of

definition of orientation, i.e. till it will not be the STO definitively? Or not, inclined souls to the STO will

remain on the Earth also?

You are asking where the line is drawn, as in human graduation where a student may go to summer school to catch up

on their math in order to graduate with their class. If one misses the graduation, during a Transformation, because they were not quite ready, this does not doom them to an eternally long time on another 3rd density world. There are periodic harvests of souls on 3rd density worlds where those ready to graduate are taken. However, many prefer to

linger with other souls they have become acquainted with, soul mates, in order to travel together. Those humans who

do not qualify for Service-to-Other graduation when their current incarnation ends will not find life on a water world a step down. You would be surprised to find how pleasant and enticing such a world can be!

I am hoping for some detailed information about the area of Northern CA during the moment of the shift.

It is said that most valley's will be inundated and that the mountains to the north may have some safe

locations but if understand correctly no where under 750' will not be inundated. Will some areas higher

than that still be inundated? What about the triple junction plate near Petrolia and the lost coast? In

another vein, will there be any return to normalcy after the shift? Reestablishment of production/supply

lines or use of fossil fuels? What about international travel? Also I read that the next time PX goes by the

Annunaki will only see what appears to be a dead planet. Does that mean that Mother Earth will in fact

perish? Will density change within an incarnation or will we just evolve between this and our next

incarnation? I used to be so scared of what was to come, this did not help me. Now I in some ways feel

lucky to be a witness. My biggest fear now is that my young son may somehow suffer and I wouldn't like

http://www.zetatalk2.com/ning/31jy2010.htm[2/5/2012 2:44:39 PM]

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 31, 2010

that for him or any child. I only hope to have the resources materially and spiritually to make this shift.

The majority of California will end up above the flood in the Aftertime, though the rubble of what was formerly densely populated cities along the coastlines and in the lowlands of the central valley will not be habitable due to

flooding as well as earthquake damage. The key to survival in the Aftertime in California is not merely escaping the

high tides, which will wash over and around the coastal mountains because of the force of water from the compressing

Pacific, but life afterwards. California is basically a desert region, turned green because of irrigation and piped water.

This will stop. Be near a water source such as a stream, and be prepared to garden and farm. As with the rest of the

planet, distribution of foods and supplies will stop. The electric grid will be down. The phones dead. Fossil fuels will cease to be pumped or refined or distributed and will in all likelihood be burned up during the shift, ruptured and

burned. International travel will fall back to the days of Columbus. Those alive in human form when the Earth is ready for her leap to 4th density will move with the Earth, and scarcely notice the change.

Current winning model of economy and life is STS type - it works well and "market" rewards best STS

individuals who are pioneers and leaders in their field. They keep constant focus and control on their STS

activities. But at the end they deliver best service to the society and get paid for that. So its kind of mixture of STS -STO models. There were attempts in history to establish STO governments but that never worked

well. For example in early days of USSR (1917-1942) successful STS individuals have been killed and that

was done according Soviet party policy to liquidate all rich individuals who are against "Bolshevism" -

STO ideas. Then only STO type of individuals should be remaining according the plan, but that type of