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rule has failed. Where from got this "bloody" ideas founders of "Communism"? Why there is such failure to deliver true and honest STO form of model for human society? Jesus did huge work trying to implement

http://www.zetatalk2.com/ning/31jy2010.htm[2/5/2012 2:44:39 PM]

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 31, 2010

this as well as Buddha and Mohamed but at the end of the day that remains on spiritual level only?

Although one would find more Service-to-Self individuals running large corporations or in the seat of power in

governments than in the general populace, it is not true that innovation and distribution of goods and services is done best by these individuals. In almost all cases, the inventor or inventing team have had their work product stolen from them, and those who make the company profitable are underpaid and work at the whim of a dictatorial boss or CEO. It

is thus not true that society benefits from Service-to-Self activities, but the contrary. The common man would benefit more if those who are Service-to-Self in management merely refused to take such big salaries, and productivity would

increase if the Service-to-Self management with their inconsiderate rules were eliminated. It is likewise true that those who are Service-to-Self prefer not to work and if allowed would be perpetually idle, while demanding more than their fair share. The reason communism did not work, and capitalism does not work, is not due to the overall philosophy but due to the Service-to-Self among you!

I've seen alot of questions

relating to requests for

more specific information

regarding safe locations. I

understand from ZetaTalk

that Ohio fairs relatively

well, especially eastward

toward the Appalachian

Mountains.I am asking

about SW OH and how far

up is the Ohio River

expected to rise, along with

how far in the Mississippi is

likely to flow.

Of the major cities in Ohio -

Columbus, Cincinnati, Toledo,

and Cleveland - only Cleveland

will find its elevation sufficient to

prevent itself from being in the

muck of floodlands in the

Aftertimes. It is not a case of the

waters topping over buildings, but

if basements are hopelessly

flooded and the building rotting

because of this, they are not

habitable. Thus the major

population centers in Ohio will be

looking for high ground, on the

move and moving IN with those

who live on high ground whether

they have been invited or not. The

Ohio River will not push water up

into Ohio during the hour of the

pole shift, thought the Ohio River

will not drain efficiently for

months, but in the Aftertime, the river will merely prove to be an outlet into a long bay into the greatly flooded

Mississippi Valley. Thus, in essence, an ocean bay.

Pakistani plane crash that killed all 152 people on board the Airbus 321, belonging to private airline

AirBlue, crashed on Wednesday into a steep and heavily-wooded hillside in Islamabad shortly before it

http://www.zetatalk2.com/ning/31jy2010.htm[2/5/2012 2:44:39 PM]

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 31, 2010

was due to land after a flight from the southern port city of Karachi. What caused this crash? [and from

another] Pakistani plane crashes, 152 dead [July 28]

http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20100728/wl_sthasia_afp/pakistanairaccident A Pakistani airliner carrying 152 people crashed in a ball of flames Wednesday into densely wooded hills outside Islamabad amid heavy

rain and poor visibility, killing everyone on board. The plane was flying very low. Then a loud noise.

Officials suggested the flight had been diverted due to bad weather, but it was unclear why the jet was

flying so low and close to the Margalla Hills -- off the normal route for aircraft arriving from the southern

city of Karachi. One pilot said that a Pakistan International Airlines flight from Karachi had been diverted

to Lahore only half an hour before the Airblue plane crashed because of bad weather in Islamabad.

On the face, this looks like a case of a diverted plane, flying in unfamiliar territory, with poor visibility and perhaps in a terrain unfamiliar to the pilot. Open and shut case. But the evidence suggests that the pilot was flying too low, and were it not for poor visibility would have been alerted to that by his view from the cockpit. Were the instruments

miscuing him? This has been an issue that pilots have increasingly had to deal with, where some of their instruments malfunction, so they need multple sources of information in order to puzzle out just what their altitude it, just where they are on the face of the Earth, and most certainly which way is north. This is hidden from the public because pilots who want to retain their jobs dare say nothing, and airlines are eager for the public to clamor aboard their unsafe

planes to keep the revenue flowing.

The East Field ?? seems to me enough interesting, I think that it shows us approach of the Planet X - at

East Field, near Alton Barnes. Reported 29 th July.


Despite claims that this crop circle is fake, it is genuine. Thefts from cars and false donation boxes have inspired the cries of a fraud, in an attempt to keep people from a field not closely watched and clearly a trap for the unwary. What does the progression of overlapping orbs represent? It is a growth, in a day, not only of the encircling reach of the top orbs, but of the size of the orbs themselves. This pictorially represents what we have been trying to relay regarding the new Earth wobble, which we will now start called the Earth rattle. The Earth moves in several directions at once, or in quick succession, jerking back and forth to meet often conflicting directives from the frantic magnetic field of Earth which is likewise trying to meet quickly changing directives from the dominant magnetic field of Planet X. The

encircling reach represents a change from where the Earth had been only moments before, so that the past affects the future. The Earth may be in the middle of her usual Figure 8 wobble pattern and suddenly get pushed into opposition,

for instance. The force and frequency of this type of rattling of the Earth will continue to increase.

I have a question for the Zetas concerning the hosing of planet earth. When Planet X hoses the earth, will

that be the cause of the 7 out of 10 event that you saw in your holographic movie in the fall?

Planet X has been hosing the Earth with magnetic particles, which is the primary reason for the Earth wobble, present since early 2004. As the magnetic N Pole of Earth comes over the horizon, it is pushed away, what we have called the

polar lurch. This has gotten increasingly violent, thus the extremes in weather and tides. What will cause the 7 of 10