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thought that popped into their head, who is going to listen? There must be some kind of a logical explanation. Thus, in dealing with reverse speech, one should listen with an open heart and mind to the underlying message, which may

have a great deal of truth to it.

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ZetaTalk: Robert Monroe

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ZetaTalk: Robert Monroe

Note: written on Oct 15, 1996

Emotions have been troubling to many, as they impel a human into taking action that he might later regret. This regret manifests as a result of defensive emotions of anger or fear, where the human might find that they have murdered

another or lost something of value due to abandoning it in fright. This regret can also manifest as a result of desires, where one can be overcome with regret the day after the wedding night, or when faced with having to support an

unwanted child carried by a mother who was only to be a sexual dalliance. Thus emotions have often been blamed for

keeping mankind base, where it is imagined he cannot raise to a higher spiritual plane until he masters his emotions.

This notion is patently untrue, and progress toward maturing in either of the spiritual orientations proceeds regardless of whether the entity is incarnated in an intelligent species that is highly emotional or essentially without emotion.

When Robert Monroe discovered that he could go Out-Of-Body he attempted to understand the mechanism, so as to

teach and thus enable others to do the same. Going Out-Of-Body is not a practice that responds to any physical tweaking, as he suspected, as music or mind-sets or positions of the body are irrelevant. Going Out-Of-Body is

something that humans experience quite by accident, and having experienced this some are able to recreate the setting

and go Out-Of-Body almost at will. However, the knowledge of the mechanism is not in the conscious mind, nor is it even in the subconscious mind. It lies in the soul, which is after all the traveler, and the soul is not influenced by sounds or lights or physical positions of the body. Many contactees learn how to go Out-Of-Body during a visitation,

and the force of visitor's souls, which are often massive, is a factor in this. Returned to human society, they may or may not remember how to achieve this state. Most certainly, reducing one's emotional response to the world around

them has nothing to do with the ability to go Out-Of-Body.

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ZetaTalk: Deja Vu

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ZetaTalk: Deja Vu

Note: written on Mar 15, 1996

It is not imagination when humans experience what they term Deja Vu, the feeling of having been before in a place, in

a setting, or under similar circumstances. In most cases the distinct and haunting feeling of Deja Vu is a memory, emerging from a past life. Most of the memories stored from past lives cannot emerge, although the entity is aware of

them and never forgets, as unless the current incarnation affords a circumstance where the memory seems appropriate

there simply is not an opening. Once such an opening occurs, the human may ponder and dwell on the moment,

entranced, and draw out further details. Unless the human is aware of reincarnation, is a believer, they speculate on all manner of causes, such as travel into the future or parallel lives, but Deja Vu is simply a memory from the past.

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ZetaTalk: Chi

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ZetaTalk: Chi

Note: written on Jan 15, 1996

We have spoken of a Mind/Body connection, where the mind directs and affects the body, and how exceptional

concentration can increase this connection; of a Spirit/Body connection, whereby the incarnated spirit influences the physical body to the degree that the body can respond; and of a Mind/Spirit connection, whereby the spirit likewise

influences the mind by affecting the brain chemistry that constitutes thought. In sum, this constitutes the life-force, and there is no force such as chi outside of these parameters. The spirit cannot exhort the mind or body beyond what it is able. All tales to the contrary should take into consideration the suggestibility of the mere mortals who wish it to be otherwise.

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ZetaTalk: Homeopathy

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ZetaTalk: Homeopathy

Note: written on Jun 15, 2002

Homeopathy, the concept that physical reactions to disease and the cure have some relationship both has and does not have a valid basis. It has long been known that cancer is sometimes cured by a high fever, such as Chickenpox

infection. This is the immune system being spiked, along with a desire on the part of the patient to live, such that the immune system is no longer suppressed due to depression and a silent desire to end the life. Here we have cancer

causing weakness and fever, due to secondary infections and lack of appetite, and we have the Chickenpox causing the

same symptoms, thus the homeopathy concept applied. Allergy is at times treated by desensitizing the patient, giving

them small bits of the allergen until the reaction seems to stop. Is this curing the allergy or managing it, or taking advantage of a natural reaction? In fact, allergy patients will often report that if exposed for long times, years, their allergy reactions reduce. Worse at first, later reducing, as the body sorts out the true onslaught to the immune system over time. So is desensitization, creating more of the same symptoms as the disease, a cure, or a manipulation of the body’s natural tendencies? Homeopathy, is primarily a hope, and like voodoo and the placebo effect, where the will or hope effect the cure hoped for, is not factual in the main. Those living in countries where homeopathy is unknown fare as well or as poorly as those in countries where this is a theory respected.

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ZetaTalk: Acupuncture

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ZetaTalk: Acupuncture

Note: written on Oct 15, 1995

The Chinese have a long tradition with acupuncture, which speaks to its effectiveness. Surely patients would not

submit to a treatment involving needles if it were not so! Yet the success of this treatment has nothing to do with the action of the needles, which are in this but a prop. The success of the treatment is a byproduct, caused in fact by the distraction of pain. So many illnesses are caused by nervous tension, and so many more affected, that nervous tension